
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-20 16:15:26


1 . 读书是最好的学习。追随伟大人物的思想,是最富有趣味的一门科学。——普希金

2 . 好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。

3 . The climber, get past the footprints are unfortunately, lost to forward direction is very dangerous

4 . Cultivating the ability to do things must continue to do, and at any time to improve the learning methods, improve learning efficiency, will be successful -- Ye Shengtao

5 . 有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强太久了,需要一个肩膀。

6 . 要成为德智体兼优的劳动者,锻炼身体极为重要。身体健康是和将来工作之本。运动能治百病,能使人身体健康,头脑敏捷,对学习有促进作用。——吴耕民

7 . 我把你放进我的心里,你却把她放进你的心里

8 . Often keep on learning, you know everything The more you know, the more power you have - Golgi

9 . Chinese overseas students academic achievement often than American students learn together much better, but ten years later, scientific research is less than other people more, the reason is that American students thinking active, hands-on ability and creative spirit strong -- Chen Ning Yang

10 . 谁若用真心待我,我便拿命去珍惜。


1 . 你可以成为莎士比亚,米开朗琪罗,或者是贝多芬。你有成就一切的能力。是的,你是一个奇迹。而当你长大之后,你会忍心去伤害另一个如你一般的奇迹么?

2 . Learn to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking -- Einstein

3 . If you want to be effective, you must concentrate on your work Study itself is a hard thing, only to pay hard work, will have the appropriate harvest -- Gu Chaohao

4 . 拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。

5 . As long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn -- Lenin

6 . Since ancient times, all the successful people, seriously treat his life When he was alive for one day, to try more labor, work more, learn more, refused to wasted years, not have wasted time wasted -- Deng Tuo

7 . If the school can not give students more successful experience in the classroom, they will be both in the school and also in the school are completely refused to learn and end -- Lindgren

8 . 努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。-----王光美

9 . If I can survive, of course I still need to learn -- Lu Xun

10 . i dont have time 我没有时间。


1 . 青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。——高尔基

2 . im bored 我很无聊。

3 . are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?

4 . Often and violates, what the people

5 . its your turn 轮到你了。

6 . Genius can not make people do not have to work, can not replace labor To develop talent, we must work for a long time to learn and work in high tension The more talented people, the more complex the task he faces, the more important it is -- A Smirnov

7 . ill try it 我试试看。

8 . Germany can be divided into two kinds: one is the wisdom of Germany, the other is the behavior of Germany, the former is from the study, the latter is from the practice of the -- Aristotle

9 . 勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。

10 . 我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。


1 . 加紧学习,抓住中心,宁精勿杂,宁专勿多。——周恩来

2 . 一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。

3 . ill miss you 我会想念你的。

4 . Learn to have three hearts, a confidence, two determination, three perseverance -Chen Jingrun

5 . she is my best friend 她是我最好的朋友。

6 . 离去,让事情变得简单,人们变得善良,像个孩子一样,我们重新开始。

7 . 善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。-----(战国)荀况

8 . 记忆想是倒在掌心的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。

9 . If you want to climb the peak, not the rainbow as a ladder

10 . 成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。下面介绍六个自我激励步骤:


1 . A good beginning is half of success, but if you do not have a good start, we try a bad start, because of a bad start to start a lot better than never好的开始是成功 的一半,但是如果没有好的开始,我们不妨试试一个坏 的开始,因为一个坏的开始要比永远没有开始好多了。

2 . 懂得让我流泪的人,给的感动一定是最深。

3 . 只要路是对的,就不怕路远。

4 . 德可以分为两种:一种是智慧的德,另一种是行为的德,前者是从学习中得来的,后者是从实践中得来的。——亚里士多德

5 . 学习中经常取得成功可能会导致更大的学习兴趣,并改善学生作为学习的自我概念。——布鲁姆

6 . Creation only, is really an enjoyment, only hard work, is full of life

7 . Study hard and make progress every day -- Mao Zedong

8 . 奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的`彼岸。

9 . Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest

10 . 目标既定,在学习和实践过程中无论遇到什么困难曲折都不灰心丧气,不轻易改变自己决定的目标,而努力不懈地去学习和奋斗,如此才会有所成就,而达到自己的目的。——吴玉章


1 . 竞争颇似打网球,与球艺胜过你的对手比赛,可以提高你的水平。(即戏从对手来)

2 . 你可以选择这样的“三心二意”:信心恒心决心;创意乐意。

3 . Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航 行。

4 . can you speak slowly? 请你所得慢些好吗?

5 . Study is like climbing a ladder, to step by step to climb, one foot across the four or five step attempts, ground to ascend to heaven, it must be wrestling -- Hua Luogeng

6 . that happens 这样的事情经常发生。

7 . 有没有人和我一样,为了一个没有的`结果执着而坚持着。

8 . Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem

9 . its all right 没关系。

10 . The situation is constantly changing, to make their own ideas to adapt to the new situation, you have to learn -- Mao Zedong


1 . We must keep in mind that we have a limited time to study Time is limited, not only because life is short, even as numerous personnel -- Spencer

2 . im having fun 我玩得很开心。

3 . is it far? 很远吗?

4 . it dosent matter 没关系。

5 . 只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习,这是教育过程的逻辑。——苏霍姆林斯基

6 . 人的天才只是火花,要想使它成熊熊火焰,哪就只有学习!学习。——高尔基

7 . 学习英语的名言:学习外语并不难,学习外语就像交朋友一样,朋友是越交越熟的,天天见面,朋友之间就亲密无间了。——高士其

8 . Young people first to ambition, ambition; secondly, to measure the force, determined to a useful talent of the country and the people; therefore it is necessary to choose a struggling target to study and practice -- Wu Yuzhang

9 . Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one

10 . Politeness is a kind of language Its rules and practice, mainly from the observation, from the educated people to learn to behave -- Rock




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