
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-02 07:42:26


1 . 人生就是线段,交集后分离。

2 . matricide n弑母

3 . Life is just an ordinary flash of light in the dark

4 . 客岁腊容随日换,新年春色逐风来

5 . 真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道路的。

6 . 生活只是聪明人的喜庆日。

7 . 有些枷锁,是自己套的;有些不幸,是命中注定的。在心里,我们是否为温暖而留了一片土地。我们在生命中行走,看不同的风景,遭遇不同的陌生人。有些人只是遇见,匆匆的行程里眼光的一次对视。有些人会在心上驻留一些时间,带给彼此温暖。那是最美的一种际遇,留待余生去不断重复地去想起;;

8 . An idle youth, a needy age

9 . 人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。

10 . 我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里。


1 . Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted Some students get short-sightedness when they are little There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class Being short-sighted is common among students, even in primary school That is too serious Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long They are bad for our eyes And, we should do eyes exercises regularly A good rest is also important to our eyes In all, eyes are the windows of our mind We should keep it healthy

2 . What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, "What can I do right now?" Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now

3 . 只是又回到一个人的时候,没有什么大不了。

4 . Business is disturbing, but idleness is the greater

5 . ": PASSING fleeting, laugh, marshes, experienced, human well-being, to put too, deep edge of the shallow edge, the pain too Life is a journey back and forth, all the way to the octyl, constantly beyond, mature way forward, with thanksgiving Life is a zero-compatible pass, then let our lives all the way song"

6 . 对我们最爱的人,我们能说的话最少。

7 . Ask yourself what you are afraid of What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at things more positively When you confront your fears, you will often realize that the worst case scenario is not as bad as you think In fact, the benefits of change are worth the risk Your inner talk begins to change at this point

8 . 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。

9 . 给朋友剥个无花果,给坏蛋抛只大坏桃。

10 . 喜欢文字的人,喜欢把一份情怀寄托在那一段段的文字里,有点清高有点孤傲有点狂妄有点忧郁,喜欢文字的人,很感性。联想丰富,洞察力强,热爱生活;喜欢文字的人,有时又很理性。表面上很难接近很矜持,可一旦你走的进他们的世界,打开了他们的心扉,你会看到一个真实而纯真善良而孤独的心。


1 . 每朵花都是一个美丽的精灵,每朵花都有一个美丽的心愿。我的心,就在一朵朵花里浅醉。一朵朵一簇簇一树树的春花争相绽放,浓了春的色彩,染了春的画卷,醉了春的心情。

2 . 生命只是惨淡的星光里的平凡的一闪。

3 . To do things, but not to do the slave

4 . Fear is often what holds you back from your success You are scared of taking chances because you fear losing the security that you enjoy now You try to convince yourself that you are happy in your current state when in fact, you are not Your self talk may sound positive in your attempt to lie to yourself But somehow, there is an inner knowing that you are short changing yourself

5 . ": river torrents, talk to their own surging waves; Aoxue towering trees, upright is his boundless green; towering mountains and downs, shows you strong physique; prairie aspect miles, bare their own broad mind; human Lanjiang dam, the show is his own heroic spirit"

6 . ": poetic Jiangnan has white walls and black tiles, breeze drizzle You do not need to wade line, just pacing in smoke long lane, you can encounter a pure and beautiful Just before the seek to find, please fold Solidago Willow, ed in the old porcelain bottle Because I believe that a small vase can load the entire spring, the sober woman can never promised to give us some green memories"

7 . Peel a fig for a friend and toss a bad peach to a bad guy

8 . Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were "stupid", you might believe it to be truly the case You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of "I am so slow" and "it is so hard to learn" If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down

9 . One love to drive out another love

10 . 烟水如画的河畔,芊扬的柳枝,风景如梦!那灵魂的归处,心灵扬帆的地方。将所有的心事,所有的记忆,埋藏在这无声的角落,静待另一季的`春暖花开!一座城里所有的浮沉往事,一段记忆里的悲伤离合从此都随风尘而远。烟波夜雨,透湿的衣襟,都会被这尘世风干!眼中流出的泪花,不是懦弱的代表,而是更加坚韧的信念!


1 . From being uninspired and de-motivated, you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well

2 . 虽然寒假已经过去了,但下面是我对我的寒假计划的介绍,希望大家看看哦。

3 . Life is a line segment, after the intersection of separation

4 . 流年,岁月,时光。请别带走那些有我出现的记忆,被记住也是一种美丽。生命如此辽阔,我看不见了起点,也不能望见终点。也许我就只有慢慢的追逐,慢慢的失去,慢慢的得到,然后记忆里酸甜苦辣一一明显,看清谁上演了最华美的篇章,书写出最动人的篇章,勾勒出了那年我们一起看过的幽幽月光。

5 . 生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。

6 . From life to death, life is a short journey

7 . ": flashy life, forget the season Empty memories lingering upset Smile gone, lonely emotion Chord Onewave years Those years, suddenly a dream Same applies, water, gone Parting not weep, do not appeal the final War"

8 . 没有音乐,生命就如荒漠之旅。

9 . 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。

10 . Life is a gift we receive every day




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