
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-19 05:06:58


1 . 鸡蛋 egg

2 . graduate 毕业生

3 . 当初一不小心,把你下载到我心里,而如今,它却告诉我"此文件已无法删除"。

4 . forefather/ancestors 祖先

5 . 但生活终究要前行,我们也必须一步一步的走下去,不管多么美好的时光,在每一个明天来临之时,便已经悄悄落幕成为过往,不管多么悲伤的时光,就让它留在下一个黎明来临之前,你要远方,必须遗忘。早安,月。

6 . 我们总是喜欢不停的揣测对方的心情,不停的猜忌对方的想法,然后开始惶恐不安,开始患得患失,开始责怪自己哪里不够好,经历告诉你太过在乎就是失去的开始。

7 . 老虎 tiger

8 . lack 缺乏

9 . gallery 美术馆

10 . popularization 普及


1 . 火车 train

2 . teenager 青少年

3 . 父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。

4 . 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。

5 . 太阳镜 sunglasses

6 . 节目 show

7 . regulator 监控者

8 . 说 say

9 . 早晨,阳光照在草上。我们站着,扶着自己的门窗,门很低,但太阳是明 亮的。

10 . 能看穿你三方面的人值得信任:你笑容背后的悲伤,你怒火里掩藏的`爱意,你沉默之下的原因。


1 . precaution 防范

2 . 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

3 . (常复)糖果 sweets

4 . 开始 start

5 . Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating

6 . The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined

7 . T恤衫 T-shirt

9 . 也 too

10 . 电话 telephone


1 . 天空 sky

2 . 总有那么一个人,曾经让你发了疯的想,现在却拼了命的想忘掉。

3 . 西 west

4 . 销售员 salesperson

5 . burden 负担

6 . developing countries 发展中国家

7 . 一个国家的主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好。

8 . 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。

9 . 写信 write a letter

10 . Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world


1 . 心中有爱的人,会散发正能量,爱的超声波,就是你的召集令,有人正向着你寻声而来。

2 . 傍晚;晚上 evening

3 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

4 . Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them

5 . 告诉;说 tell

6 . admiration 崇拜

7 . incise vt切割,雕刻

8 . Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports

9 . 在竹子的近七百个品种中,有的全长成还不到一英尺,有的却能在二十四小时内长出三英尺。

10 . It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around


1 . candidate 候选人

2 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology

3 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母W开头)

4 . deterioration 恶化

5 . adventurer/explorer 探险者

6 . With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors

7 . 更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率——即再次拘押的比例——为百分之六十强。

8 . 说 talk

9 . 摆饭桌;摆餐具 set the table

10 . indictment 控告


1 . decision n决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定

2 . import 进口

3 . 这就是你向老师解释的你听讲座迟到的理由吗?(定语从句)

4 . vitality/vigor/energy/vim 活力;精力

5 . 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天会很美好,但绝大多数人都死在明天晚上,却见不到后天的太阳。

6 . It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning

7 . horizon 地平线

8 . They are the best team in the country They certainly deserve to win the match

9 . The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter

10 . remote education 远程教育


1 . 生命从一开始,就在倒计时,有的人走的近,或许是因为琐事的牵绊和懒惰,有的人走得远,却只因为每天多走了一点。

2 . 虽然美洲山河桃树最集中于美国的东南部但是在北至俄亥俄州及伊利诺伊州也能看见它们。

3 . collectivism 集体主义

4 . There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is

5 . Mona Lisa’s m_____________ smile attracts so many people in the world

6 . interpretation 解释

7 . Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye

8 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

9 . 太多了 too many

10 . stress 压力




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