
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 19:21:16


1 . 我注定成功。

2 . A man can succeed at almost anything he has unlimited enthusiasm。

3 . If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere

4 . 整个一生,我们都有赖于从一些人群中获得友爱赏识尊重道义支持和帮助。

5 . Love is not a maybe thing You know when you love someone

6 . Do what you say,say what you do做你说过的,说你能做的。

7 . 生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。

8 . 坚强,就是勇敢的向困难挑战,把成功的微笑留给自己。

9 . 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣( 美国发明家 爱迪生T

10 . If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem


1 . Believe that god is fair相信上帝是公平的。

2 . Adversity does teach who your real friends are

3 . 当今之世,舍我其谁!

4 . When all else is lost the future still remains就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

5 . Laugh often, long and loud Laugh until you gasp for breath

6 . Good coffee with friends to taste, a good opportunity to share with friends。

7 . We must accept finite disappointment,but we must never lose infinite hope-- Mattin Luther King

8 . 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

9 . Don&#;t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend

10 . 苍天不负有心人。


1 . 四个简短的词概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!

2 . Did not wait for the brilliant; only come out of the beautiful。

3 . 当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

4 . 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。

5 . 明白事理的人使自己适应世界;不明事理的人想使世界适应自己。(萧伯钠

6 . Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well

7 . 过而能改,善莫大焉(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也

8 . Climbing the mountain is of extremely admire the snow Mowei cold。

9 . The best hearts are always the bravest心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。

10 . 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。


1 . I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own

2 . 没有什么不可能!

3 . You stumble,come to a wound,just as for the youth,and draw the makeup。

4 . Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides

5 . 十年寒窗磨一剑,是非成败在今朝。

6 . Keep learning Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever Never let the brain idle “An idle mind is the devil&#;s workshop And the devil&#;s name is Alzheimer&#;s”

7 . Don&#;t take guilt trips Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is

8 . 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。——梭罗

9 . everyday and in every way i’m getting better每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

10 . money doesn’t grow on trees钱不是从天上掉下来的。


1 . 做你说过的,说你能做的

2 . As long as it is a comedy, I&#;d rather cry during the process

3 . 别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

4 . Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart

5 . Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

6 . You have no wrong, I am not wrong just a gust of wind, blew the comm

7 . where there is a will, there is a way 有志者,事竟成。

8 . 不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。

9 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success(Charles Chaplin ,American actor

10 . Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones


1 . 积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。

2 . Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow。

3 . 要得到真正的快乐,我们只需拥有三样东西:有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。

4 . it is good to learn at another man’s cost 前车之鉴。

5 . 成功是别人失败之时还在坚持。

6 . 冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。

7 . 恐惧自己受苦的人,已经因为自己的恐惧在受苦。

8 . The first step is as good as half over第一步是最关键的一步。

9 . Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination

10 . It&#;s never too late to mend




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