
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 01:44:38


1 . This Spring Festival, do not blind string, friendship is not a meal Dont run around this Spring Festival You cant catch pneumonia

2 . 奋斗改变命运,拼搏成就辉煌。

3 . 不放弃就有成功的机会。

4 . 奋力拼搏,誓考重点;争分夺秒,再创辉煌。

5 . At the appropriate time, give chance to others, it is a wise investment

6 . 许多人不是不愿接受新观念,而是不愿抛弃旧观念。

7 . Self-confidence is the mother of success, the inferiority is the father of failure

8 . 以前长的不漂亮,不是自己的过错。以后不漂亮,就是自己的错!

9 . 有理想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。

10 . 世界太大,生命太短,要过得尽量像自己想要的样子才对。


1 . Let disadvantages become the advantages of the predecessor, don&#;t let the benefits become a source of weakness

2 . The day is short but the work is much。

3 . 我们应该种更多的树,为了生活得更好,更健康的未来。

4 . It beats me (不知道。

5 . 故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。

6 . 十年寒窗,决战今朝,勤学苦练,我必成功。

7 . 虽然你只是第三次回眸,但我怎能想到这便是离别,总忆起你温柔清丽的面容,希望我们明天就能相逢。

8 . 一句祝福,一世牵挂;一声叮咛,一生感动。毕业的号角已吹响,带着你们的祝福,我们上路,不管前方有多少的风雨,心不会再孤独。

9 . 我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光。

10 . If the heart can’t find its shelter,anywhere would be vagabondage。


1 . Seeing the white snow, I feel a sense of hope I hope that snow can purify the virus in the air, that the sick people will recover soon, that the people who are fighting in the front line will end the battle as soon as possible and go home for reunion I hope everything can start again after the snow melts

2 . 宁吃百日苦;不留终生憾。

3 . Snow scenery is beautiful, but in order to fight the epidemic in an all-round way, we still need to go out less and not gather together! When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, lets have a look at the beautiful world!

4 . 站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。

5 . I’m proud of my heart。It’s been played,burned,and broken,but it still works。

6 . 生命不是勇于冒险,就是荒废生命。

7 . We hope that the virus can be eliminated as soon as possible and people can live a normal life

8 . 毕业离别的时候的伤感。互相登上离开车。充满伤感的车站。飞驰而过的站牌。

9 . 天道酬勤厚积薄发初三九班非比寻常。

10 . I have no idea


1 . Salute all the medical workers in the front line! May this hateful virus spread as soon as possible, and all patients will recover as soon as possible! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

2 . When spring flowers bloom and the epidemic is over, we will go to see you!

3 . 我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。

4 . We should always remember the most beautiful moment and pay tribute to the angel in white who fought in the front line I hope you can overcome the virus as soon as possible and come back safely! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!

5 . 人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分离。相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,惟愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

6 . 雨下的很大,我们是否该要选择躲在避风港里。

7 . Have ideal is a kind of intelligence, realize the ideal is a kind of ability!

8 . It“s our duty to protect our environment

9 . 空空如也的麻袋永远不会自己立起来。

10 . 生时何必久睡,死后自会长眠。


1 . 它”是我们的责任来保护我们的环境。

2 . Do not go to the crowd, avoid contact and keep safe

3 . The ideal is within ourselves, and at the same time, the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our ideals are within ourselves

4 . Try not to argue with people, unless you think the results are important to you, and be sure to persuade the other party

5 . 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。

6 . I understand that the busyness of daily work, study and life is to deceive myself I have nothing What can really enrich my body and mind What makes me happy is never a foreign object, but a person who can chat with you for a long night, enjoy the vicissitudes of the world, appreciate the warmth and coldness of the world, and know that you understand you

7 . 奋斗改变命运,拼搏成就辉煌!

8 . 梦想只要能能持久,就能成为现实。

9 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, gorgeous fall, always better than unnecessary wandering

10 . Never give up,Never lose the opportunity to succeed。


1 . 有趣的是一个人深深地伤了你的心,你仍然可以用支离破碎的心全心全意的爱着。

2 . Protection of the environment is everyone&#;s responsibility

3 . 多少浅浅淡淡的转身,是旁人看不懂的情深。

4 . Now people pay more attention to how to pretend our environment With the development of science and technology,it becomes more important to pretend our environmentIn china,prentending environment is very nomal in our life for the Olympic&#;s coming or the people&#;s sense of environmental pretection

5 . You can vanity,because it is a woman’s nature,but do not let yourself become a tool for others to increase vanity。

6 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life

7 . I give in没法子。

8 . The heart that once truly loves never forgets。

9 . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

10 . I’m just a sunflower,waiting for my only sunshine。


1 . 生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解,愿你有所发现,有所创造。

2 . 既然有时间做梦,为何没时间追梦。

3 . 出身高贵的人,常是不太勤劳的,但他们对劳动的人却又往往心怀嫉妒。

4 . Well, its better than nothing (可总比没有强吧。这就是命运呀!

5 . A man of noble birth, are often not too hard-working, but their labor people tend to be jealous

6 . Not good at listening to different voices, is one of the largest ignore managers

7 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan

8 . Having health is not equal to having everything Without health, there is no everything Health is a hollow glass ball that breaks when it falls And our job is a ball that can bounce when it falls Health is a one-way street, everyone should take it seriously!

9 . 爱拼才会赢,相信自己。

10 . 笑容在汗水之后绽放,也许我平凡,但我接受挑战。




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