
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 09:43:05


1 . Perhaps, a turn, it is always stainless parting graduates

2 . One never lose anything by politeness

3 . Life is a palette, you put colors on it Let your past make you better, not bitter

4 . 涐拥有的并不多,但留在身边的涐会珍惜。

5 . The most beautiful is not the rainy day, but when it rains, can cover the wind for you

6 . Give time, let the past pass

7 . 你知道么,我爱你爱到了一种什么样的境界。

8 . The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too

9 . 即使摔得满身是伤,笑容依旧可以灿烂如花。

10 . 最是人间留不住, 朱颜辞镜花辞树。


1 . 这个夏天放假后,我们就没有开学了。

2 . Waiting has nothing to do with time It is a habit It&#;s free to grow, and he&#;s powerless to resist

3 . 即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

4 . 这个世界在变唯一不变的是一直在变。

5 . 有些路,无论繁华与落寞注定都要一个人走。

6 . 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。

7 . Better late than never 迟做总比不做的好。

8 . 陌生到熟悉,再从熟悉变陌生,不止是回到原点。

9 . 我很好,不吵不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道。

10 . 太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。


1 . 如果我们 相信 真爱永不会终止,那么我们一定将会再次相爱。

2 . 没有目标,你就会感到空虚和无聊。要谋求成功和幸福,我们的人生就不能没有一个目标。目标对于成功,犹如空气对于生命,没有目标的人不可能成功。

3 . 现在很想对天空大喊一声,我想你了,很想,很想。

4 . 一个一心向着自己目标前进的人,整个世界都会给他让路。现代社会,常说人生目标在于寻找和实现自我价值,那么什么是自我价值,它又如何体现呢?有人说,自我价值体现在一种成就感,是一种自我需要得到满足后的幸福感。简单的说,就是自我感觉良好,很幸福。那么我们就要问自己,什么时候我们会产生成就感呢?

5 . So love age, how to distinguish the true or false?

6 . 听说,鱼的的记忆只有秒钟,看见,转身,遗忘。

7 . Again and again the fate of the fate of the ruthless outcome of the occurrence of time and again

8 . A person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong

9 . What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?

10 . The shortest answer is doing


1 . Behind every successful man there&#;s a lot u unsuccessful years。每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月。

2 . 成长是一种蜕变,失去了旧的,必然因为又来了新的,这就是公平。

3 . (未雨绸缪。

4 . I don&#;t believe in the palm of the grain, but I believe in the power of palm and finger

5 . Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced

6 . 最后的最后,就算我放了手,你也要把我拉回来。

7 . Missing is like a closed door, there is happiness in the dust of the air

8 . A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world

9 . 最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。

10 . 庆祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功过后,要把标准再拉高一点。 —米娅·哈姆


1 . Time one day will break up you and me, but even so, until that moment, let us together!

2 . 成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

3 . —— 该发生的总会发生,不管你是否为此焦虑。

4 . 一剪闲云一溪月,一程山水一年华。一世浮生一刹那,一树菩提一烟霞。

5 . 一直以来,成就大事的人都是大梦想家。 —奥里森&#;马登

6 . All things are difficult before they are easy

7 . 彩虹的另一端是我们期待的爱情,永久的爱情。

8 . The greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well

9 . Don&#;t ever look back, some people may instantly more than you

10 . All belong to yesterdays gone with the wind, all through the wind and rain left is for the future


1 . In the trance, the time is stagnant, the time is good Just like ten years ago

2 . 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?

3 . Miss, not wrong, but too

4 . 喜悦是平静的。和一次长长的呼吸同样,无声的柔软。

5 . Do not forget, once owned more difficult to get to treasure, not to give up their own, have lost things in memory

6 . Victory is not defeat the enemy, but to improve yourself As long as we progress every day one percent, that is success

7 . You can dream, ideal, is a bumpy road as if it were raining flowers, we step by step out of step

8 . Who should be who who who who who&#;s who&#;s who

9 . 不要总想人家,就算你付出在多,人家也不会落泪。

10 . He who commences many things finishes but a few。样样都搞,完成者少。




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