
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 09:55:08


1 . wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !

2 . 你是我生命的全部。请说你愿意。情人节快乐,我亲爱的。

3 . On this day we honor you, dear mother

4 . And then find a favorite person, so at eight in the evening to six points is happy, this is life

5 . 恭喜发财:Wish you prosperity

6 . 步步高升:Promoting to a higher position

7 . 在某个有阳光的早晨,在晨曦中,我 们发现了白发,长在了我们的父亲和母亲的头上,那么刺眼,感觉到了某个部位,被狠狠扎了一下。

8 . 付出辛劳,挥洒汗水,成功的果实即将收获。

9 . 这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。

10 . 无论任何时候,我的祝福都是你最好的殊效药,它无色素更不需防腐剂,不会过时,服用后会时时刻刻地泛起好运!祝父亲节快乐。


1 . Congratulate you on Father&#;s Day!

2 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations

3 . 祝你幸福,愿你快乐,庆祝今天你来到这个世上。在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴!

4 . The colorful world,friendship is precious,in this long holidays,I wish you happiness!

5 . 妈妈,我们很乐意为您准备早餐,不过我们想,如果带您上馆子,会比较保险一点。

6 . Where would we be without you, mom?

7 . 五一还在上班吧,劳动节就应该劳动,不要有怨言哟!祝你节日快乐!

8 . Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you

9 . 虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

10 . just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! !!


1 . 祝天下的劳苦大众五一快乐!

2 . without the country, how can there be home; no home, how can there be you and me national day approaching, let us wish of the family yuan yuan, everything!没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴!

3 . 世界就像一本书,不去旅行的人只读到了其中的一页。

4 . 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

5 . 劳动节愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。

6 . 祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!

7 . 愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forever

8 . The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds Father, worked hard!

9 . To the world’s number one mom!

10 . national day morning when you boot, you can see me on the blessings, one of the hearts of roses, you bring a lifetime of good luck 国庆早上当你开机时,能见到我对你的祝福,一朵心中的玫瑰,为你带来一辈子的好运。


1 . 早起的鸟有虫吃。

2 . 弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。

3 . 虽然你我不能相聚,但我的思念和祝福伴随你走每一段路。亲爱的,保重!

4 . 让生活变得轻松的三样东西:父母的拥抱,恋人的亲吻,以及朋友的支持。

5 . 回首以往,我们渐渐认识到,是这些众多的生日使我们宽厚仁爱,更增智慧,年龄的增长使心境愈趋宁静。祝生日快乐!

6 . li-yan wang jiangshan, huan chung-chun motherland years bless you, happy national day! 欣望江山千里秀,欢颂祖国万年春。祝福你,国庆节快乐!

7 . 劳动节不劳动!所以我仅仅劳累手指一动,给你发条短信祝你劳动节快乐!

8 . labor created history,labor to create the future happy may day

9 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

10 . when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day! 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!


1 . You dare not in the morning, to TA a commitment: I will love you for life

2 . friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it, "to see so many concubine jiangshan, zheyaoshan countless heroes do" 朋友,在全国人民欢庆祖国生日之际,你想到哪里去度过这难得假期呢?跟我一起出去走走吧,“看江山如此多娇,令无数英雄尽折腰。”

3 . 希望我是第一个向你道“生日快乐”的朋友,愿这一年中快乐成功!


5 . 吉祥如意:Everything goes well

6 . 人生旅途上,您就是那明亮灯火,永远闪烁在心中。时时带着挂念,刻刻给我温暖,把寒冷驱散,把温馨装满。父亲节,愿您快乐安康!

7 . appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!

8 . girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

9 . I want to tell you on this special day that I&#;m very glad, time hasn&#;t changed our friendship any Hoping your birthday is great

10 . 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success


1 . 未做好的工作必须重新做。

2 . 在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。

3 . 我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

4 . Although today is labor day,but also should pay attention to rest,keep healthy Wishing you happiness during the holidays,the business is thriving!

5 . 您辛勤的劳动为我们传递着温情,衷心的问候一声您辛苦了!劳动节快乐!

6 . Like in the spring morning, enjoy the jiaoyanyudi a touch of green, like in the sunny afternoon, feel the gorgeous shower with warm

7 . We will try to make this your best Mother&#;s Day ever

8 . 祝你的努力和汗水尽快变成明天成功的果实。劳动节快乐!

9 . We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do

10 . 风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest


1 . 在这一天,我们将会抽空休息一下,想想妈妈们帮我们做了多少事。

2 . Mother’s Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepare e breakfast

3 . 如果累了就好好休息,错了别埋怨自己,苦了是幸福的阶梯,伤了才懂得珍惜,醉了就是折磨自己,笑了便忘记曾经哭泣,闷了给您发个信息,祝祝天下父亲:父亲节快乐!

4 . Thank you for everything over the years, mom

5 . 谢谢您不断地扶持我。祝您母亲节快乐。

6 . 能在这个世界上获得成功的人是早晨起床后寻找他们想 要的机遇,如果他们找不到的话,就自己创造。

7 . Warmest wishes that your birthday holds nothing but the best The finest things in life today and every day!

8 . national day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million: million to be happy, healthy million, million should be safe, happy to million, million mo forget me! 国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!

9 . 招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

10 . May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday




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