
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-03 08:21:07


1 . There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power -- Balzac没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 -- 巴尔扎克

2 . Love must need ourpatience。

3 . Parents are always comparing their children with others do

4 . You are my oath not pain, I am your not essential memory

5 . 听我的心跳

6 . A clear conscience is a sure card光明磊落,胜券在握。

7 . 天黑之后就是日出

8 . Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

9 . A burnt child dreads the fire一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

10 . Do you love life ? Then do not squander time ; for that’s the stuff life is made of (Benjamin Franklin , American president


1 . 我不是为了取悦你而活 复制 -

2 . 到任何值得去的地方都没有捷径。

3 . Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

4 . Shallow men believe in luckSelf-trust is the first secret of success

5 . Keep trying no matter how hard it seems it will get easier

6 . 一个人为另一个人一辈子傻一次就够了

7 . 肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。

8 . 天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。(俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫

9 . cuz I&#;m so real so I&#;m sorry(but I can&#;t change

10 . you know nothing at all about power


1 . 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

2 . 你是我年少时最冒险的梦。

3 . A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm

4 . The secret of success is constancy to purpose成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。

5 . Sweat is the lubricant of success

6 . Always say that like me or call me to let it go at the end

7 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

8 . 成功的秘密在于始终如一地忠于目标。

9 . True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime

10 . One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning


1 . You are my only one

2 . Behind every successful man there’s a lot u unsuccessful years (Bob Brown

3 . Almost forget, in addition to me you have someone else

4 . Better a frank denial than unilling compliance

5 . Waiting for you,my love

6 . let`s face it

7 . 充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

8 . I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance。 I wouldn‘t care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal。 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。

9 . Think great thoughts and you will be great!

10 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success -- Charles Chaplin人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 -- 卓别林


1 . A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate(Thomas Addison

2 . Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be

3 . The gone has gone

4 . Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory

5 . There are no shortcuts to any place worth going

6 . In fact, he is very good is not like you

7 . (勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝

8 . 我长得不美,但是我一直做我自己。

9 . Bad girl and good boy, after all, is not the kind of person

10 . A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it?s the boundary of the world坐井观天。


1 . A bird may be known by its song什麽鸟唱什麽歌。

2 . 女人如果不性感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。

3 . I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西

4 . Cease to struggle and you cease to live(Thomas Carlyle

5 . 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W

6 . 现在开始,我相信我一个人可以很好!

7 . 总说喜欢我到最后还是叫我放手

8 . 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱 P B

9 . 成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。

10 . I feel strongly that I can make it我坚信我一定能成功。


1 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能的"。

2 . Gods determine what you’re going to be(Julius Erving

3 . 心怀伟大的理想,你将会变得伟大。

4 . 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。(欧文

5 . 你别笑了眼泪都掉了

6 . Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

7 . I want you stay with the love。

8 . 不要放弃,不要言败!

9 . 机不可失,时不再来。

10 . It never will rain rosesWhen we want to have more roses we must plant trees


1 . 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。(巴尔扎克

2 . Each man is the architect of his own fate

3 . For man is man and master of his fate人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

4 . Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties

5 . 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西。(静·科尔

6 . It‘s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities。You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle。Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired。我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感奋不已。

7 . A cock is valiant on his own dunghill夜郎自大。

8 . A bad thing never dies坏事传千年。

9 . A bad workman quarrels with his tools拙匠常怨工具差。

10 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。


1 . Everyone has got a life that no one else knows about

2 . What makes life dreary is the want of motive(George Eliot

3 . The proper of man is to live, but not to exist人应该生活,而非单纯生存。

4 . I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure(Jean Kerr

5 . A book that remains shut is but a block有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。

6 . 健康是人生第一财富。(美国思想家 爱默生 R W

7 . MaybeyouarenotthebestbutitisIwantthemost

8 . Health is happiness。 健康就是幸福。

9 . 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举的完成困难的事。

10 . People are used to born in the stars They just temporarily live in the star which is called the earth Therefore, everyone has a star-like heart The life is limited, but they still shine with their smiles and love




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