
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-01-25 19:29:30


1 . 生活里不必要渴求别人的理解和认同,就像你没有理解和认同别人的义务。静静的过自己的生活,心若不动,风又奈何。你若不伤,岁月无恙。

2 . The gentleman smiled and said ,"You only need listen to yourselves It reminds me of an oldproverb:

3 . 三十七我是一朵不开花的花尚未学会绽放,就已习于凋零。

4 . 缘起缘灭,缘浓缘淡,不是我们能够控制的。我们能做到的,是在因缘际会的时侯好好的珍惜那短暂的时光。

5 . 深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。

6 . 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

7 . 那些吵不散,骂不走的人,才是最在乎你的人。

8 . 一场凄美的转身,抑扬顿挫的隐匿在风影之处,如夜色中霜露的唇边轻轻呵下跌落的呓语,金黄的哀怨,洗去一枚枚的红颜尘色,触处皆是,又如飘在空中的青春气息,蛰伏的魂灵,用记忆的残红殇叶为秋挥洒最后的笑颜,起伏在灯火阑珊的守望,在回忆里找寻永不褪色的印记。别离的叶还有多少依恋和不舍,也许只有蝶魂懂得。

9 . 宅男:有人打死不出门,宅在家里;有人视财如命,宅在钱里。有人风花雪月,宅在梦里;我虽每日风雨度过,四处奔走,却一直宅在你的心里。

10 . 幸福是回到家后敲门,而不是伸手去摸那冰冷的钥匙。


1 . The idea of sea-floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics In its original version, in the early ’s, it described the creation and destruction of the ocean floor, but it did not specify rigid lithospheric plates The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery that periodic reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field are recorded in the oceanic crust As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge, ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field When the magma cools and solidifies, the direction and the polarity of the field are preserved in the magnetized volcanic rock Reversals of the field give rise to a series of magnetic stripes running parallel to the axis of the rift The oceanic crust thus serves as a magnetic tape recording of the history of the geomagnetic field that can be dated independently; the width of the stripes indicates the rate of the sea-floor spreading

2 . An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil war Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it In the ’s Samuel M Kier, a manufacturer in western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material

3 . 三十七什么是女孩子真正的强大?不是美貌,不是才华,也不是装男人。而是在失落悲伤打击和孤独后能够迅速宁静下来的心,和备受伤害后依旧留存的那一点点温暖。真正需要强大的,不是你的外貌,而是你的心。

4 . 八十六人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常。

5 . 爱,从来就没有错!爱是一种情感的真切与灵魂的那份悸动!

6 . 有时候,我想消失一下,然后看看是否会有人想念我。

7 . 有些事是我的错,其实仔细想想你为我做的很多。

8 . 一时间是回不了头的,时间只会把我们带到将来,时间只会把我们带到很遥远很遥远,以至比遥远更遥远的地方。如果现在我们还不懂得珍惜,那么也许有一天时间就会把我们带到很悲惨很悲惨,以至比悲惨还更悲惨的时光中去。

9 . 最怕拼了命的珍惜,到最后,却还是什么都留不住。

10 . "Don t worry about it IF, when you are ready another job will come through I have been thinkingabout looking for another job also, but I will wait and when the weather gets nicer I will look then"WHEN then went on to tell IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up a bit


1 . 爱是一种生活的锦上添花,爱是一份真情升华后的沉淀。因为爱永远是恒美的情感,也就注定爱不是一种伤害,也不是一种残缺。能否因爱而拥有其爱,那是另一回事。

2 . 三十三只要有最爱的人在身边,一切除了那人的东西,都不被放在眼里。

3 . 六十五在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。

4 . 十二在爱情的电脑里,有的人是放在桌面上的,随时都能找到;有的人则放在了隐形文件夹里,时间长了也就淡忘了。既然已经隐藏起来了,就不要再恢复了,恢复,就是痛点。

5 . 二十六记住这句话:你的心最好不是招摇的枝桠,而是静默的根系,深藏在地下,不为尘世的一切所蛊惑,只追求自身的简单和丰富。

6 . Kerosene was used to light lamps It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get Soon there was a large demand for kerosene People began to search for new supplies of petroleum

7 . 你有没有经历过听着自己喜欢的人说他喜欢的人。

8 . 人生残酷的地方就在于年轻只能一次,有些事现在不做,以后真的就没机会做。

9 . 二十九不是我不够情深,只因你从未痴情于我。

10 . Love is a kind of consciousness and emotion, perhaps the first love, did not go too much about whether you win some and lose It is undeniable that, regardless of the outcome of Department爱之深what, who can deny this love that feeling of it really?


1 . 她说她没醉却一直摇摇晃晃的掉眼泪

2 . 从我的房间的窗子向外望去,可以看到一株高大的芙蓉树。春日里,芙蓉树在薄雾中若隐若现,红花点点,样子实在迷人。它总是赋予我灵感,让我思如泉涌。时间久了,我竟把这菱蓉视为知已了。

3 . When the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left, until the landscape was again ablaze with the red plum blossom to remind people of life’s alternation and continuance Can’t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss and gain

4 . 七十五后来砸碎了酒瓶也没换来清醒,弄脏了自己也没换来爱情。

5 . 已婚男女要警惕“七年之痒”说法由来已久。但一项调查发现,情侣之间出现问题的时间要远远早于七年,这就是“七月之痒”。

6 . 看我不顺眼的人,你可以装瞎,也可以自杀

7 . 是啊,当芙蓉的最后一片花瓣凋落之时,人们以往对它的赞许都已成为过眼去烟。可如今,李子树却成长起来了,那火红的花儿正向人们昭示着生命的更迭与繁衍。谁能否认生命原本就是一场得失共存的交响音呢?

8 . 我多想带你去看看以前还没爱上你的我,这样你就会知道,你的出现,是怎样的改变了一个人。

9 . 我们要做到的应该是越是在乎就应该越是相信。

10 . 快乐,说简单它很简单,说难却又很难。说它是一种能力一点也不为过。它像春雨后的一声春雷,唤醒了多少人的心,让他们忘却疼痛,帮他们驱赶悲伤,使人们的生活中充满着正能量。




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