
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-17 05:56:39


1 . May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!

2 . Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise Growing older only means the spirit grows serene Happy birthday!

3 . 多歇歇别太累,到时吃按点睡。看上就买甭嫌贵,决不和环境来作对。得空与友聚聚会,既有清醒也有醉。能挣钱会消费,生活才算有滋味。

4 . Labour Day to our Labour us all spring returns,I wish you a happy family happiness

5 . The early bird catches the worm

6 . 在父亲节来临之际,祝愿敬爱的父亲身体健康,节日快乐,万事如意!

7 . Warmest wishes that your birthday holds nothing but the best The finest things in life today and every day!

8 . 人生旅程中,是您带着我勇敢地面对生活,是您不尽的关怀,无限的关爱,伴我成长。父亲节来临之际,内心澎湃,只想大声对您说:我爱您!

9 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations

10 . 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。



2 . This card comes from the whole family Happy Mother’s Day

3 . 爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么为您感到自豪啊,祝您父亲节快乐,永远快乐!

4 . physical labor is to prevent the virus society great disinfectant

5 . Work at ordinary times busy,crazy shopping before May Not empty hands full,treat yourself never miss!

6 . 劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。

7 . The lucky star shines bright!

8 . 如果在家,记得对老爸说一声节日快乐,感谢他的付出;如果不在家,记得打个电话,电波一样可把问候传达。一年一度父亲节,顺祝家庭幸福阖家欢乐。

9 . adj 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的

10 . 五一是次大扫除,扫除烦恼不保留!


1 . the may day i want to have a long sleep,but can you inform me when having a meal!

2 . Happy International WorkersDay!

3 . labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power happy may day

4 . 虽然你已大步迈入奔四行列了,可在我心里你永远是岁!生日快乐!

5 . 体力劳动是防止一切社会病毒的伟大的消毒剂。

6 . 每当想起你我就无比的自豪。在这个特殊的节日里我祝福你!父亲我爱你!祝父亲快乐!

7 . I want to tell you on this special day that I&#;m very glad, time hasn&#;t changed our friendship any Hoping your birthday is great

8 . It&#;s time to celebrate your birthday Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl

9 . 亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬

10 . 这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。


1 . 父亲节快乐,亲爱的爸爸!谢谢您为我所做的一切!

2 . 五一我要睡个长觉,但是吃饭时你可以通知我!

3 . 尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。

4 . i wish you a happy may day,lucky countenance,may happy!

5 . 全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。

6 . 五一是次旅游节,心情保养每一天!

7 . Here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years

8 . 我托孔雀给你送去艳丽的衣装,我托白云给你送去自由的思想,我托大海给你送去牵挂的情肠,我托夜晚给你送去美梦连连。祝你生日快乐,天天幸福!

9 . Seems to wake up in the morning after a dazzling and hazy warm light, the eyes of everything in the same place to play back, slow and sad

10 . Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you Happy Mother’s Day


1 . 热烈祝贺你的生日,愿生日中最美好的一切属于你!

2 . 店主留他住一夜。They pitched up for the night

3 . 在早晨,我们离开家,带上我们的爱希望还有信任。当我们 在路途中遭遇了难以避免的挫折,这些就是我们的财富。

4 . 别太苦自己,别给自己压力过大,趁着五一放松自己保重自己,这样才会拥有其他的一切!

5 . A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year

6 . 您辛勤的劳动为我们传递着温情,衷心的问候一声您辛苦了!劳动节快乐!

7 . i wish you a happy,a happy holiday,attention body,take care a lot!

8 . 好几天没有你的消息了,你现在还好吗?可以回个短信吗?祝你快乐。

9 . i wish all the toiling masses may happy!

10 . Dont be too bitter yourself,dont give yourself too much pressure,take care during the May to relax myself,such ability can have everything else!


1 . 你是世界上最幸福的男人!有一个爱你的老婆守着对你一生一世的承诺,每一年的今天陪你一起走过!亲爱的,生日快乐!!

2 . 早晨一起醒来,你给我最温暖的吻,我给你做早餐,下午你接我下班, 我们一起回家。

3 . 若将人生一分为二,前半段叫做 “不犹豫”,后半段叫做 “不后悔”。

4 . We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!

5 . 愿您在这只属于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下轻松,弥补您这一年的辛劳。

6 . 活在此刻,而不是回忆。活在当下和未来,而不是过去。

7 . 我们将努力使今天成为您过得最愉快的母亲节。

8 . 我急切地祝贺你生日的到来,愿你时时刻刻都充满欣喜,照亮前程。

9 . your hard work for us to convey warmth,heartfelt greet a cry,you were laborious!happy labor day!

10 . 你必坚固,无所惧怕。你必忘记你的苦楚,就是想起也如流过去的水一样。你在世的日子,要比正午更明,虽有黑暗,仍像早晨。




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