
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 01:19:14


1 . :the shortest answer is doing最简单的回答就是干。

2 . 在翻译的过程中,应该把复杂的句子成分准确翻译出来,同时注意正面表达和反面表达的转化。

3 . Sorry一词比较口语,多用于非正式化的道歉,例如:

4 . 去年因为那场大雨,这里发了洪水。

5 . When the mood is low, will feel that life is a long wait for death

6 . :passionate love is aquenchless thirst 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望优美的英语句子带翻译 句优美的英语句子带翻译 句。

7 . You are not me, you don&#;t know my loneliness, itas after

8 . 道歉是否真心:sorry,apologize,excuse me地道用法

9 . 牛排通体为熟肉褐色,牛肉整体已经烹熟,口感厚重。

10 . Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation


1 . One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart

2 . How to convert freedom and loneliness, I walk alone in the street looking at the sky, can not find the answer

3 . The first thing you do when meeting someone is to greet the person and make a self i_____________

4 . They are the best team in the country They certainly deserve to win the match

5 . 由于天气不好,校运会不得不推迟。

6 . 你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就当作经过。

7 . 虽然那位司机在事故中受伤严重,但他仍然能打电话。(although; be badly hurt

8 . 如果说让所有人按李阳的方法去练习口语,我估计那是不可能了。毕竟很多女性更含蓄一些。我觉得,包括男性在内,不敢说的恐惧心理有这么几点:

9 . FF: 哦,Ballin也是“很牛”的意思。Donny, 那天的跳舞比赛上还真有不少高手。在这种情况下,我可以跟他们说,“You&#;re awesome!”或者“You&#;re ballin!”对么?

10 . 例句-:I thought the Red Sox had a real chance to win the World Series this year after so long without a championship But they turned out to be no great shakes, just like last year


1 . :she who has never loved, has never lived 人活着总要爱一回。

2 . 在翻译具有特殊结构和短语的句子时,应该从逻辑推理的角度去分析,并且确保把原句的意思准确清晰地表达出来。

3 . 第二,说人或事很牛,还可以用动词rule或者rock;

4 . I&#;m really so very sorry indeed

5 . With apologies, you admit to doing something to upset another person 如果你做出道歉,那就表示你承认自己做了某些打搅到别人的事。

6 . 十三 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

7 . 也看过很多专家的文章,到了怎么开口说这里,总是说一些什么不要怕说错不要羞涩,要克服自己的恐惧心理之类的不疼不痒的话,Don’tbeshy,Justtry可问题是我们都知道这个道理,可是我们怎么才能突破这道心理障碍关,让自己真的不惧怕了?

8 . They are working hard preparing themselves for the coming final examination

9 . 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

10 . 平时,还要多听英语新闻,听的时候不要去想刚才说的那个单词是什么意思?这句话是什么意思?你的听力要和新闻播放是同步的,因为英语新闻的语速很快,只有你熟悉了这样的语速,你再听日常交流的语速,你才会发现每一句你都听得很实在,这样就从容不迫了。而且,听英语新闻非常锻炼反应能力,不要想着每句你都能听懂,有朋友在国外待了年,回来后考雅思简直就跟玩儿似的,可是看CCTV的英语新闻照样很多听不懂,但是并不影响交流。


1 . Obviously the rise is oxygen, but would rather lonely to suffocation

2 . _______________(令人惊讶地, MrsHall did not know her guest’s name

3 . .明天我要花半小时的时间给我的笔友发封电子邮件。

4 . Apology(名词)以及apologize(动词)常用于正式化的道歉,例如:

5 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

6 . Donny: I got it In English, we use the word a-w-e-s-o-m-e, awesome。

7 . .你从哪儿得到的这本女款杂志?我向jim借的。

8 . Miss become habit, forgotten become habit, lonely become habit

9 . I do apologise

10 . No one even lives lost nor will i lose


1 . 多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。

2 . Mona Lisa’s m_____________ smile attracts so many people in the world

3 . :we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

4 . 别浪费你的时间试着劝他学习了,他从来不听的。(waste time doing

5 . .怀特先生去过那家书店一次。

6 . .这个想法听起来很有意思。

7 . There were at least three_______________(代 ---grandparents, parents and children at the wedding

8 . Oh no! I do apologise Let me help you pick it up 噢不!非常抱歉,我帮你捡起来吧。

9 . Donny: That&#;s right You can also say "you rule" or "you rock!"

10 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years


1 . Black先生很高兴,因为他的工厂生产的服装从未这么受欢迎。(过去分词作定语

2 . He wastes so much of his valuable time__________(聊天)on line

3 . 有时候我也在想是不是李阳俞敏洪还有那些学院派的英语专家门第一次和外国人讲话时候也紧张呢?可能那时候他们也说得驴唇不对马嘴吧,后来是练就了够深的“不要脸”的功夫,可能才真正突破了“开口说”这个难关。

4 . 他问我今天是否有空。

5 . I&#;m really very sorry

6 . :love makes man grow up or sink down爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

7 . 想念变习惯,遗忘变习惯,孤单变习惯。

8 . :i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

9 . 这就是你向老师解释的你听讲座迟到的理由吗?(定语从句)

10 . Smoking has been found to have a bad effect on the health of the smoker and the people nearby


1 . 你真是愚蠢,竟然相信那个陌生人的话。(it is/was+adj+of sb to do sth

2 . 说了点废话。还是说咱们实际的情况吧。

3 . 找出每个句型中的主要成分,并理解主要成分和次要成分(例如定语,状语,补语等之间的关系。

4 . :老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!

5 . You say as a thousand meters below the sea as cold

6 . I have a good friend, who is very thin, yet he wants to be a great _____________(运动员)

7 . We will go to raise money for poor children tomorrow instead of going to school

8 . 也可以用感叹句:

9 . :love means never having to say you are sorry爱,意味着永不说后悔。

10 . I can’t remember the people and things that they argued about at that monent


1 . Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing

2 . This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 for both children and a_________

3 . We&#;re ______ to have ______ at the party this evening

4 . 又如,当你没有听清或理解别人的话时,英国人用"Pardon?"或者"Sorry?";美国人则用"Pardon?"或者"Excuse me?"。

5 . Donny: No! You can use c-o-c-k-y, cocky, to describe these kind of people。

6 . :god finds himself by creating 神从创造中找到他自己优美的英语句子带翻译 句好词好句。

7 . We all live in the past We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone

8 . Hanson is going to study lin a university because he wants to be a writer in the future

9 . 保护环境和发展经济同样重要。

10 . Excuse me, do you have the time? 对不起,能占用你一点时间吗?




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