
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-08 03:21:18


1 . 逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先,in addition, what&#;s more, moreover(都是另外的意思,in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的`阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。

2 . It is common knowledge that… ……是常识

3 . Yesterday was Father's Day I had planned to give my father a present But I didn't remember it until in the morningIt was too late

4 . Thiselephantislikeasnake,as/whichanybodycansee

5 . the box which is full of books should be empty as soon as possible

6 . Ilikethesamebookasyoudo

7 . ①先行词为不定冠词all,few,little,much,everything,nothing等

8 . 把握第一次需要勇气,没有勇气,富兰克林只能呆望雨中的闪电;诺贝尔只能对炮竹感到惊讶。把握第一次需要决心,没有决心,爱迪生只能对着别人的发明终其一生。布鲁诺只能成为“地心说”的信徒。

9 . 从第一次把握机遇,到后来大获全胜的人数不胜数,上到尧禹亚历山大,下至毛主席,比尔盖次。这一个个响当当的人物就是因为敢于乐于把握住每一个第一次,才得流芳百世。

10 . ⑥先行词既有人又有物时


1 . ThisisthesamebookthatIwanttoread(同一本书

2 . 八母爱是一座高高的山。无论你有多大困难,她总是依靠的屏障,为我们撑起头顶上的绿荫,那高耸的身躯,为你遮风挡雨,令你心安神怡。

3 . ③先行词被all,any,every,few,little,no,some等不定代词修饰时

4 . 我昨天去了上海,那是我出生的地方。

5 . finally we chose a blue one there is a blue bird in it it made in guangzhou it is ten yuan it&#;s too expensive but it is so beautiful and i like it very much so we bought it my mother said that it is good for my teeth then we went home i can brush my teeth now how happy i am 初三!

6 . 天下最伟大的爱,是发自母爱的爱。母亲心是纯洁的,至高无上的每一个母亲,都有一果肉最虔诚的爱心。隐藏着一种真挚的爱。

7 . 二想起了母亲,志向消沉就会化为意气风发;想起了母亲,虚度年华就会化为豪情万丈;想起了母亲,羁旅漂泊的游子就会萌发起回家的心愿;想起了母亲,彷徨无依的心灵就找到了栖息的家园。

8 . Hisspeech,whichboredeveryone,wentonandon

9 . when指时间,作状语

10 . 用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:


1 . 自从来到这个世界以后,有一件行李便被安置在我们的背包中,无论经历多少长途跋涉,都不可能缺少它。这件行李被我们称为——责任。

2 . 母爱就像阳光,感觉到的想到的都是热热的!母爱是一首田园诗,悠遥清净;母爱是一幅山水画,自然清新;母爱是一首歌,婉转深情。

3 . 十二一直以来,你为咱父子俩操碎了心,而有时我们还不怎么领情。如今想想,真是:老婆伟大,咱们该死。老婆大人,孩子他妈万岁。

4 . (Istillrememberthedayswhich/thatwespenttogether

5 . theboxwhichisfullofbooksshouldbeemptyassoonaspossible

6 . Theboywho//whomwesawyesterdayisJohn’sbrother

7 . 问题有趣的正在一群一个争论小鸟

8 . 五妈妈,我想对你说我爱你。感谢您给了我生命以及让生命有价值。你的皱纹是我成长的经历。

9 . 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定!

10 . 母亲,多么让天下儿女敬仰的字眼;母爱,多么像哺育我们成长的宁静港湾。母爱是纯洁的;母爱是无私的;母爱是伟大的;母爱是只知道给予而不企求回报的。母爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心;母爱像绵绵细雨,轻轻拍打着你的脸面,滋润着你的心田;母爱像冬天的火炉,给你在严冬中营造暖人心意的阳光。


1 . 母爱是什么呢?我给不出确切的定义,我只知道出生避世之前她就急切的等待着我,在我成长中呵护着我,环绕纠缠着我,这种爱甚至是渗渗入渗出入我每一个毛孔,直至耗尽她自己,而我却很晚才懂得。

2 . 在定语从句中,关系代词或关系副词都代替先行词在从句中充当一定的成分,如果该从句中缺少主语表语宾语或定语,就要用关系代词来连接从句;如果从句中缺少状语,就得用关系副词来连接从句。例如:

3 . Hehadmanyfriends,manyofwhomhadbeenintheuniversities

4 . It&#;s a pity that you should have to leave 你非走不可真是件憾事。

5 . ThisisthefactorywhereIworked

6 . GalileolivedinthecityofPisa,wherethereisaleaningtoweraboutfeethigh

7 . It is a fact that… 事实是……

8 . )That-从句作主语通常用it作先行词,而将that-从句置于句末,例如:

9 . 举起田老师透明的塑料袋一个

10 . 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语必须与先行词保持人称和数的一致。例如:


1 . Wetalkedaboutthepersonsandthingsthatwecouldremember

2 . It is known to all that… 从所周知……

3 . 诸葛亮是幸运的,他等到了刘备,使他的才华得以施展,没有被埋没于草芦之中。

4 . ----ThisisthesamebookasIwanttoread

5 . She left the bag on the bus but it may not be there any longer 她把包忘在了公共汽车上,可是现在也许不在那儿了。

6 . Thisistheverydictionarythatisofgreathelp

7 . Heisafarmer,as/whichisclearfromhismanner

8 . Thebuildingwhich//thatstandsneartheriverisourschool

9 . Don’t forget the tickets and an unbrella 别忘了带戏票和雨伞。

10 . 要点:实际上中考英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为中考英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。


1 . Thefactorywherehisfatherworksisinthewestofthecity

2 . as用作关系代词和关系副词引导限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语定语表语或状语,常与thesame…as;such…as,so…as,as…as连用

3 . Thebabieswhomthenursesarelookingforareveryhealthy

4 . TomisoneoftheboyswhoarefromtheUSA

5 . 母爱无私无声,无边无价。母爱如泉,含蓄静默而不张扬,点点滴滴都是对儿女的细心呵护;母爱如海,犹如澎湃汹涌的大海,滚滚波涛充溢的都是对儿女的深情厚爱!

6 . 修饰表示人的先行词例如:

7 . 现在的我,每每听到噪音,就会有种冲动去聆听它,会不由自主地随着它的节拍与它一同前进,那种幸福喜悦的心情时时刻刻包围着我。今天,我喜爱聆听这声音,因为它将伴随着向前迈进的节奏,去迎接美好的未来。

8 . 十一没有太阳,花儿就不能开放;没有爱情,就没有幸福;没有女性,就没有爱情;没有母亲,就没有诗人和英雄,就没有整个世界。祝妈妈节日快乐!

9 . 妈妈为人善良,她从小就教导我做人要诚实,待人要宽厚,从小就来培养我好的品德。

10 . It&#;s almost the end of April Summer has come to us in my city In south, summer always comes earlier than north It has been hot for about half a month The highest temperature reached degree Now, there are much less people in the street People are not likely to go out during the summer It&#;s so hot outside Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city The pools are always full filled with people Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night Personally, I do not like summer, because it&#;s too hot and the sunshine is strong I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable Therefore,初中地理, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come


1 . Ourschoolisnottheonethatitusedtobe

2 . 母爱,是天上的云,总让烈日,先从她的身驱穿过,给大地呼风换雨降祥和母爱,是雨后的霞,总让清洗过的大地,不弃的躺在怀里,把七彩人生梦谱写在高高的天际母爱是醉人的春风,是润物的细雨,是相伴你一生的盈盈笑语,是你飘泊海角天涯的缕缕思念。

3 . I’llneverforgetthetimewhenweworkedonthefarm

4 . HeliedtohismotherItmadeherveryangry

5 . It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure 很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。

6 . ① 有些表示由两部分构成的东西和部分学科的名词总以复数的形式出现。如:glasses(眼镜,shorts(短裤,mathematics(数学,physics(物理学,politics(政治学等。

7 . Ihavereadallthebooks(thatyougaveme

8 . Thereasonwhyhewaslatewasthathewasill

9 . Thisisthebabywhomyouwilllookafter

10 . oh! my god my toothbrush was broken last sunday i couldn&#;t brush my teeth so i went shopping with my mother there were so many tooth brushes


1 . asyouknowasisexpected

2 . theteacherwhoteachesusmathsisayoungman

3 . 限定性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义这种从句和主句的关系十分密切,写时不用逗号分开

4 . Myfatherandhisteachertalkedalotaboutthethingsandthepersonsthattheycouldremember

5 . thisisthebookwhichilikethemost

6 . [Irememberthedayswhich//thatwespenttogether]

7 . 注意:

8 . Toshutyoureyestofacts,asmanyofyoudo,isfoolish

9 . Thisisthebook(which/thatyouwant

10 . 初一英语作文:我的新牙刷




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