
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-18 01:14:44


1 . data 数据

2 . adder 加法器

3 . 感情不是够努力够付出就一定留得住幸福。

4 . What is this thing everyone is keen on ?Is it a computer or is it a PC? What is a PC? What is a clone? What is a compatible These and other seemingly silly terms are all possible replacement words for computer So What is a computer? A computer is that thing on your desk that looks like a TV set illegally parked by a typewriter

5 . file 文件

6 . The word computer is a general term applied to the entire "family" of computing devicesBasically,a computer is like a super calculator with a really big

7 . floppy disk 软磁盘

8 . ·GB:等于 MB

9 . Addiction to learning in a technology-supported environment while losing a certain degree of imaginative capacity must not be regarded as healthy signs Healthy or not, now that the Internet is here to stay, there is no turning back It is therefore advisable for students not to allow the Internet to get an upper hand

10 . 一句我等你,不知道需要多大的勇气。


1 . 邦捷上门,效率如神。

2 . 个性化维修,高品质服务。

3 . ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive

4 . 网购也很方便,你想要的东西,只需在淘宝网上一搜,就出来了,价钱也便宜。而且货到付款。

5 . 生活想要过得快乐,而不是靠嘴说,而是靠自己的双手去打造

6 . 二叉查找树 binary search tree

7 . area 区域

8 . been used to refer to anyone&#;s personal computer ---whether it&#;s the original IBM

9 . 对称矩阵 symmetric matrix

10 . 邦捷上门,优快好省。


1 . 你是信息时代的氧气,高速需要的呼吸!你是信息时代的底气,飞速需要的地基!程序员日,这是急速送出的好运气,愿你天天开心,美丽清新!

2 . 每天对着冰冷的电脑,每天都在忘我的思考,每一个程序都充满了智慧,每一个编码都反复推敲。为了编织更炫的色彩,不怕一个人枯燥。程序员节到了,祝我们可爱的程序员节日快乐!

3 . 树型索引 tree index

4 . to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除

5 . Modem:调制解调器,家用电脑上Internet(国际互联网)网的必备工具,在一般英汉字典中是查不到Modem这个词的,它是调制器(MOdulator)与解调器(DEModulator)的缩写形式。Modem是实现计算机通信的一种必不可少的外部设备。因为计算机的数据是数字信号,欲将其通过传输线路(例如电话线)传送到远距离处的另一台计算机或其它终端(如电传打字机等),必须将数字信号转换成适合于传输的模拟信号(调制信号)。在接收端又要将接收到的模拟信号恢复成原来的数字信号,这就需要利用调制解调器。

6 . 哈夫曼树 Huffman tree

7 . 莪又不是玩具,岂由你呼之即来挥之即去。

8 . 几个简单的字符,你就能创造出欢乐,几个简单的号码,你便能写出奇迹,一个键盘,你就能畅游世界,一根网线,你便能知晓天下,程序员日,程序员你辛苦了,愿你节日快乐!

9 . 链 link

10 . 你们的工作枯燥,却将最绚丽的美景创造;你们默默无闻,却让世界变的美好;你们手里的鼠标,把多少先进的程序制造;你们面前的电脑,让科技的力量在世界上狂飙。程序员节,感谢你们让我们的生活美好,祝你们身体健康心想事成青春常在容颜不老!


1 . ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达Gega赫兹/每秒

2 . 线索二叉树 threaded binary tree

3 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer

4 . 望远镜放大镜显微镜延伸了视野,计算机互联网程序员拓展了大脑,顺手淘汰了算盘,兼并了计算器,吸收了cd机,很快会取代手机,与人类共命运同呼吸,这方方面面都离不开你,只有你才可以日新月异呼风唤雨。程序员节,祝你健康快乐!

5 . 空串(零串)null string

6 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving

7 . 点击开快乐的界面,编写下幸福的程序,好运就在你运算的脑海里,成功就在你敲击的双手中。程序员节,我把祝福编辑,愿你把吉祥安康永远保存!

8 . 我心疼每一个不快乐却仍还在笑的孩子。

9 . Computers range in variety and size,from the simple game-playing computers to

10 . 向前一步或许你会得到向后一步你会永远的失去


1 . ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕

2 . 拓扑排序 topological sort

3 . RAM:Random Access Memory,随机存储器,即人们常说的“内存”。

4 . 具/C系统设计经验。

5 . 领航时代先锋腾达天宇

6 . 线性链表 linear linked list

7 . 置换选择排序 replacement selection sort

8 . 身揣各类神器,精通各种编程,电脑桌前坐,键盘鼠标握,好男人就是你,你就是程序员!数据是你的调色板,代码是你的指挥棒。程序员节,你的节日,为你编写快乐的代码,运行!

9 . 另一方面,电脑有许多吸引人的东西,有些人会对它上瘾。有些人可能会专注于在电脑中寻找乐趣,而忽略了真正任务,例如,学习和工作。结果,电脑就会对人们的未来有着不良影响。

10 . 有操作pC机(Lotus和Wordperfect的经验。




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