
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-24 12:38:38


1 . 他们渴望得到自由。 Aspire to inspire before you expire

2 . 征服者强迫当地居民接受他们的法律。 force是什么意思:

3 . 叮嘱再三More than once; not just once

4 . 下落不明满四年的`The investigation and inuquiry into the whereabouts of the art treasures took years of work

5 . 他告诉了我他的下落。The leaves of various shades of brownness are falling down

6 . 各种深浅不同的棕色树叶正纷纷下落。whereabouts是什么意思:

7 . n 住所;座位;场所;地方;名次;社会地位;位;职位

8 . 看到她们长得如花似玉,满了好奇和急于向他扑过来的热望。The plan we were all sop enthusiastic about seems less attractive when viewed in the cold light of day

9 . 物物齐备,井井有条。The soupspoon is placed on the right - hand side of the place setting

10 . 我设法将自己的价值观强加给他们。Don&#;t try to impose your will upon me


1 . 别想把你的意志强加于我。 impose是什么意思:

2 . 一星期英镑的工资A weekly wage of

3 . 不止一次;再三To bow complaisantly and give way again and again

4 . connect with;Associate with

5 . 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。Nowadays the interpretation most commonly played is that of Zhang Kongshan of the Sichuan school

6 . 不要把责任强加给他。Don&#;t inflict your ideas on me

7 . 邻居无论多好,围篱不可推倒Whatever method of heating was used, artificial respiration was essential for reanimation

8 . adj 靠近…的地方,靠近…的一带

9 . 残暴的倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的Don&#;t fasten the responsibility on him

10 . 这买卖净赚英镑。A hundred pence makes one pound


1 . 我一生中失败了一次又一次。"Over shoes, over Boots"

2 . 到她的博客冲浪饮食睡眠来看看她现在身在何处。Its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows

3 . 降落伞载着我徐徐下落。Information respecting the child&#;s whereabouts

4 . 谋划要再三,行动要果断。To repeat an order again and again

5 . Wages of a week/a weekly wage of

6 . 它的名义首脑是个动向去处谁都不知道的人。

7 . 无论用任何暖和方法,人工呼吸仍是救生所必需的`。But beneath any attempts to generalise, there are further subtle differences and conventions

8 . A thirst for knowledge

9 . by (main force

10 . 玛丽在这个新协会的秘书工作干得不错。He said the overvaluation of sterling was throttling industry


1 . v 渴望;追求;立志

2 . 他们威胁说要对该国实行封锁。The government imposed censorship on the press

3 . 怎样,如何

4 . v 涉及,参与,关系到;使关心,使担忧

5 . 他是个争当总统的人。Reunification of the motherland is the aspiration of the whole nation

6 . There is no cause for concern

7 . 关於那孩子的下落的消息It is with increasing speed that bodies fall

8 . 庞德先生是欣然同意的。 The government props up the pound

9 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

10 . 不要把你的想法强加于我。I tried to inflict my values on them


1 . The Sichuan woodblock prints are mostly black and white

2 . To direct or impose with authority and emphasis

3 . 断气之前,随时追求新的`生命力。He is an aspirant to the presidency

4 . 沉积物|沉淀物 what是什么意思:

5 . 你不断地跳槽,换了东家换西家,却发现你所面对的老板都一个样。

6 . v 越过

7 . 别把你的想法强加于我。Don&#;t intrude your views on me

8 . 翻译推荐:

9 . What are the odds?

10 . 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间。Read about her latest whereabouts on her blog Surf Eat Sleep


1 . 把…列入或似把…列入黑名单 A place for everything, and everything in its place

2 . 他试图把他自己的意见强加给我们。 He showed great reluctance to accept the responsibility thrust upon him

3 . pron 什么;多少;样的事(或人)

4 . n 英镑;磅;违章停车车辆扣留场;宠物收留所

5 . 他们考虑再三之后,决定分开。over是什么意思:

6 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

7 . 但无论人们怎样试图去概括,都存在更多微妙的差别和习俗。But whatever its quality, the story-teller is the passer-on, the interpreter, the transmitter

8 . 一不做,二不休The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again

9 . 汤匙放在餐位餐具的右手边。sichuan是什么意思:

10 . 不必担心。 of or concerned with choreography


1 . You can&#;t convince her of your sincerity for love or money

2 . 用蛮力, 全靠气力; 以最大的力气 The force is spectacular!

3 . 今常用谱传自川派琴家张孔山。

4 . (询问健康状况)

5 . 我们原先都对这计划抱有热望,但回过头来冷静地切合实际地想一想,似乎计划的吸引力还不够。aspire是什么意思:

6 . 他们把枕头系在头上以防下落的岩石。Everything was done to discover some trace of him, but in vain

7 . 有关;相较Associated personnel

8 . n

9 . 如四川以黑白版画见长I &#;d suggest the chef &#;s delight: sour soup Sichuan style

10 . 真令人毛骨悚然!How gelivable it is!


1 . 英镑押金才能搬进房里去。Fined for reckless driving

2 . 别把你的意见强加于我。He tried to press his opinion on us

3 . adj 什么样的;多么的

4 . be of importance;matter

5 . 周薪英镑The sale netted £

6 . 那幅画标价英镑。I had to pay a deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house

7 . 与癫痫有关的,相关的Of or relating to differentiation

8 . n 关心的事;关心,顾虑;关系,有关;公司,企业

9 . 你知道她的下落吗?A nearly vertical descent at an accelerated speed through the air

10 . 随便怎样




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