
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 12:49:25


1 . 线索二叉树 threaded binary tree

2 . 计算机-数据结构基本英语(

3 . adder 加法器

4 . ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card

5 . ·PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect

6 . 排序 sort

7 . 拓扑有序 topological order

8 . PC stands for personal computerThe IBM PC is the model for some million similar

9 . Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备

10 . 指针域 pointer field


1 . 银色的雪光照着一望无际的大草原。

2 . drum 磁鼓

3 . cybernetics 控制论

4 . 结点 node

5 . 这个句子只使用了个字母,却将英文个字母完全包括了,所以是练习打字最好的材料之一。另外还有一个句子,也只用了个字母,只是普遍性远不如第一句。这个句子是: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs

6 . 而且我承诺,我只把你放在我的心底。

7 . 祖先 ancestor

8 . 我会永远呵护你,永远不让你哭。

9 . Since about ,the time that the first IBM PC was introduced,the term PC has

10 . ·ATA:指硬盘传输速率AT


1 . 呻吟声叫喊声断断续续的口令声充满了茂密的树林。

2 . 二叉排序树 binary sort tree

3 . He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong

4 . 循环链表 circular linked list

5 . (将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。

6 . 多步归并排序 ployphase merging sort

7 . channel 通道,信道

8 . 二叉查找树 binary search tree

9 . bit 比特,二进制的一位

10 . 年出土的“马踏飞燕”是不可多得的艺术珍品。


1 . 在我的生命里,期待你的全部。

2 . 有序数 ordered tree

3 . ·IEEE:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical And Electronic Engineers

4 . calculator 计算器

5 . equipment,a Macintosh, or some inexpensive toy you bought at KmartBecause you&#;re a

6 . CMOS:是Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的缩写,含义为互补金属氧化物半导体(指互补金属氧化物半导体存储器)。CMOS是目前绝大多数电脑中都使用的一种用电池供电的存储器(RAM)。它是确定系统的硬件配置,优化微机整体性能,进行系统维护的重要工具。它保存一些有关系统硬件设置等方面的信息,在关机以后,这些信息也继续存在(这一点与RAM完全不同)。开机时,电脑需要用这些信息来启动系统。如果不慎或发生意外而弄乱 了CMOS中保留的信息,电脑系统将不能正常启动。

7 . M--Motivation(激励)不断激励自己实现自我超越。

8 . CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器,又叫中央处理器或微处理器,即电脑的心脏。

9 . 吴国的都督周瑜十分妒忌很有才干的诸葛亮。

10 . 【R】Run with you


1 . to feed 馈送,供给

2 . ·Byte:字节,等于 bit(八个位的组合,共有种电路状态,计算机一个文字以 bit来表示

3 . 【N】Never make you cry

4 . 索引文件 indexed file

5 . ·Capture:影音采集卡

6 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort

7 . L--Love(爱心)奉献你的爱心及爱的精神。

8 . card punch 卡片穿孔机

9 . ·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸

10 . Because the term PC is strongly associated with IBM types of equipment,Macintosh owners like to disassociated themselves from itThey call their computers Macs even though Macintosh computers are just another type of Pc


1 . 用我的保护,来停止你的害怕。

2 . 【E】Expect the whole of you

3 . 判定树 decision tree

4 . The first IBM PC was like the first car ever made,and all computers produced since its introduction look and behave similarly(but without the crank to start them up

5 . GFN – Gone for now 现在不在

6 . 在结婚那天,为你唱一首属于你的歌。

7 . GRL – Girl 女孩

8 . 增广路径图 augmenting path graph

9 . 链表 linked list

10 . 直接定址法 immediately allocating method


1 . one of its kind

2 . I--Imagination(想象力)伸出你想象的翅膀去追求你的梦想。

3 . displayIn addition to adding and subtracting numbers,the calculator also displays and manipulates textThis is what makes the computer useful to us non-math types

4 . ·AGP:显示总线Accelerated Graphics

5 . Maxtor:“水晶”,美国Maxtor硬盘公司。

6 . index 索引

7 . ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit

8 . 看来,这些我们通常认为重要的东西却并没起到最重要的作用。

9 . units sold since its introductionThe IBM PC is like the Model-T Ford;it&#;s the first

10 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer




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