
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 14:15:46


1 . 你能说得慢一点吗?

2 . self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心

3 . 再见 see you later

4 . companion/partner 同伴

5 . vexation 烦恼

6 . Not until was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid

7 . 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。

8 . I am really fond of reading books, and that’s why my favourite sybject is literature

9 . Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence

10 . 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动。它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊。


1 . 作家 writer

2 . 第十二 twelfth

3 . 这边 this way

4 . affection 友情/感情

5 . burden 负担

6 . The policeman followed the person whose_________ ( 行为

7 . 你能载我到飞机场吗?

8 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

9 . Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities

10 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map


1 . 因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品。

2 . 座位 seat

3 . equality 平等

4 . 袜子 socks

5 . 别担心。

6 . I have a good friend, who is very thin, yet he wants to be a great _____________(运动员)

7 . Easier said than done

8 . troblemaker 捣乱者

9 . assault 攻击

10 . barrier 妨碍


1 . 南 south

2 . 别糊弄我,告诉我实情。

3 . Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid

4 . 三明治 sandwich

5 . celebrity 名人

6 . Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone

7 . personality 性格

8 . life expectancy/life span 寿命

9 . Lay it on the line: 实话实说

10 . 船 ship


1 . uniformity 一致

2 . The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse

3 . 星期六 Saturday

4 . Stone does decay, and so tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the man who made them have disappeared without trace

5 . budget 预算

6 . digestion 消化吸收

7 . Absolutely

8 . Please take the g ________ or rubbish with you when leaving the theatre

9 . That’s all I know I can’t tell you any more

10 . 年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?


1 . grace 雅致

2 . 你经常锻炼身体吗?

3 . 绝对不可能的!

4 . 父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。

5 . 给;对 to

6 . 采摘下的迷叠香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷叠香树与怀念联系在一起。

7 . 因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写

8 . 吃 eat

9 . economy 耐用

10 . 擦窗户 wash ths windows




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