
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 00:10:03


1 . There is no royal road to learning。求知无坦途。

2 . 春深花浅笑,秋浓叶忧伤,夜月一帘梦,春风十里情。

3 . 一项对名成年人开展的调查显示,情侣们在一起到了七个月时,便开始觉得可以不再注意定期刮毛和修指甲这样的细节问题,而且还会渐渐暴露出自己的坏习惯。

4 . The idea of sea-floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics In its original version, in the early ’s, it described the creation and destruction of the ocean floor, but it did not specify rigid lithospheric plates The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery that periodic reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field are recorded in the oceanic crust As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge, ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field When the magma cools and solidifies, the direction and the polarity of the field are preserved in the magnetized volcanic rock Reversals of the field give rise to a series of magnetic stripes running parallel to the axis of the rift The oceanic crust thus serves as a magnetic tape recording of the history of the geomagnetic field that can be dated independently; the width of the stripes indicates the rate of the sea-floor spreading

5 . "Don t worry about it IF, when you are ready another job will come through I have been thinkingabout looking for another job also, but I will wait and when the weather gets nicer I will look then"WHEN then went on to tell IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up a bit

6 . 相忘谁先忘,倾国是故国。泠泠不肯弹,蹁跹影惊鸿。

7 . Alone, there is no one in your heart Lonely, you are not in the heart of the people are not around

8 . How many Confidante sad, how many Acacia broken, leaving only the bloody Angel cry mess

9 . To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;

10 . Do you love life?Then do not squander time;for that&#;s the stuff life is made of。你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。


1 . Love is devoting himself to the whole body into, and then withdraw back a hundred thousand turn out

2 . He that promises too much means nothing。轻诺者寡信。

3 . To know the pain of too much tenderness

4 . 他仰望星空,痛苦地大喊:“啊,青春,回来吧!啊,父亲,再一次带我到人生的岔路口吧,我会选一条更好的道路。”但是,他的父亲和他的青春岁月都已一去不复返了。

5 . 也许你会战胜一切,但是你最终还是败在了时间的脚下。

6 . To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;

7 . 有时候,我想消失一下,然后看看是否会有人想念我。

8 . 我曾给你最温暖的怀抱,你却给我最痛心的玩笑。

9 . April, always rainy season Newcomers unfamiliar to us can only wander aimlessly hanging around in the streets, most of the time to be bored to walk, no fame, no snacks, and even the so-called downtowwn street far "beyond" my expectations, really tired then find a place to eat some random point to sit down and rest, we even went to Internet cafes, you play the game, I go to bed Unusually dull, there is fatigue, they will complain, but our mutual interlocking fingers, I am also deeply satisfied Accompany and help you pick the color of clothes, shoes and styles for your reference, to discuss the location of accommodation, hazy rain you as I hold the umbrella, when I put a chill swept coat, placid warm my heart to heal the remnants of the city disappointed

10 . 你又不是我的美瞳,干嘛要把你放在眼里去。


1 . 在十九世纪五十年代,萨缪尔·M·科尔,宾西法尼亚西部的一位制造商,开始从当地的溢出物中收集石油,并将它炼成煤油。与冶炼矿石一样,石油提炼是一个从未加工的原料中除去杂质的过程。煤油被用来点灯。

2 . I decided not to shed tears, as you decide to leave me in general firm

3 . Doubt is the key to knowledge。怀疑是知识的钥匙。

4 . And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden

5 . 认识你第天的时候,我抛却所有理智的想法,带上了一封一字一句道尽我真诚的信,挑选了一份包裹我浓浓柔情的礼物,踏上了去往益阳的火车,在爱情里第一次义无反顾选择了做个身披铠甲的勇者。你大抵从来不会知道,爱情观里我偏执矜持和骄傲,可是遇见你,所有都瓦解,好像出现了另一个全新的自己。你带给我的那束光芒,那么巧,刚好照进我内心最冰凉的角落。此后,一片炽热。

6 . 我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。

7 . Fortunately, as far back as the early ’s marine biologists realized that if new measures were not taken, oysters would become extinct or at best a luxury food So they set up well-equipped hatcheries and went to work But they did not have the proper equipment or the skill to handle the eggs They did not know when, what, and how to feed the larvae And they knew little about the predators that attack and eat baby oysters by the millions They failed, but they doggedly kept at it Finally, in the ’s a significant breakthrough was made

8 . 岩石圈被划分为几十个大小不同形状各异的板块,一般而言这些板块都处于相对运动之中。一道中海脊是板块之间的边界,在那里新的岩石圈的物质从下部注入。

9 . I gave you the most warm embrace, but you gave me the most painful joke

10 . Love is a spiritual and emotional depths of the edge of real experience, and this feeling of human Forever is a very sweet, very touching Walking in the human world, in the face from the side with the vision of the vast flow of people walked in, people can really love, but for the love and infatuated and also how much? So falling in love with a person is a happy thing, and get other peoples love is also a lucky thing


1 . IF looked at WHEN and replied,

2 . The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today。实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

3 . 山高不识东南北,左也是西,右也是西;回首长安泪双滴。

4 . "如果"回答道"如果不是上周我的电脑坏了,我会申请的。但是它坏了,我无法打印简历,所以只能放弃了。"

5 . What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, "What can I do right now?" Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now

6 . 男人笑着答道"你们说的话让我想起一句古老的谚语:只想不做,就会没有收获。"

7 . 浙江嘉兴平湖市乍浦小学四年级:陶雯霞

8 . 行走于红尘,岁月带给我们的不仅仅是皱纹的滋生,还有对生命的真悟。当岁月风吹过,吹落了懵懂无知,吹走了抱怨凄凉,却吹开了成熟智慧的花朵!沉淀,升华,收藏,岁月之痕被一个人自然地划出,生命也在这个痕迹上沿正轨前行。渐行渐远,渐远渐美,最终,走向辉煌的顶峰。

9 . 亲爱的我不会允许你背叛我,我也不允许自己背叛你。

10 . (三)


1 . Sweat is the lubricant of success。汗水是成功的润滑剂。

2 . A common negative talk involves telling yourself "I can’t" When you say to yourself "I can’t" or "it is too difficult", you are creating a resistance Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at

3 . 桃花凋谢了,枝头残留着几片花瓣,仍像点点跳动的火苗。

4 . 该发现表明地球磁场周期性的逆转被记录在海洋地壳中。当岩浆从中海脊下涌起的时候,岩浆中的磁铁矿物质按地磁场的方向被磁化。岩浆冷却并凝固下来后,地磁场的方向和磁极被保留在磁化了的火山岩中。磁场的逆转形成一系列与断层轴线平行的条形磁区。

5 . Better the devil you know than the devil you don&#;t know。 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

6 . "到那时"非常理解"如果"的感受。他答道是啊,我也看到一项课程,等到钱充足的时候,我就去报名。对了,你打算申请的新工作怎么样了?上星期见你说得那么情绪激昂,申请了吗? "

7 . I just miss once, but forget that we have not been their own

8 . WHEN knew exactly how IF felt "Yeah," replied WHEN,"I too saw a course and I am going toregister when I get enough money together" WHEN then said,"well what about that new job youwere going to apply for You were so excited about it last week, did you apply?"

9 . 人生的船承载着梦想的帆,迎着和谐的风领航在我们的心海,偶尔的风浪总会使他有些微小的颠簸,要谨慎驾驭人生的大舵,我们需要的更多的是一种心态平和,淡然,坚韧,舍得。人生迫于生存的压力,需要不懈的努力和奋斗,才能有让人留恋的风景线,人生在世,只有正确的理解生活的种种,一切的一切才能如无风之湖,天然肃静,悠然自若。

10 . Thinking of the memory of the past, with the current sadness, read with future bumpy


1 . A watched pot never boils。心急喝不了热粥。

2 . 我是做好了和你过一辈子的打算,也准备好了你随时说要走。

3 . 人生的道路谁也不可能一帆风顺,每个人都可能遇到一些挫折和失败,也会遇到不尽人意的事情,问题是要看你怎么去面对。要想做个快乐的人也并不难。首先要保持一个乐观向上的心态,其次就是要有个平常的心,对于名利,金钱和爱情不要看得太重,也不要刻意的去追求,应该抱着得之淡然,失之泰然的态度。

4 . Only the sky no one take, as long as I can pick up the day, it has been with me!

5 . 谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。

6 . 用微笑装作不在意你的嘲笑,不关心你的离去。

7 . 爱的召唤

8 . The gentleman smiled and said ,"You only need listen to yourselves It reminds me of an oldproverb:

9 . That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest。能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

10 . 邻桌的一个男人无意中听到他们的谈话。他昕见两个人一直在说着"等什么什么时候如果这样那样"的话,他再也无法忍受了。于是,男人说道"打扰一下,先生们。""如果"和"到那时"吃惊地看着他,不知道他要做什么。男人继续道很抱歉,我无意中听到你们的交谈。我想我知道如何解决你们的问题。"


1 . All lay load on the willing horse。人善被人欺,马善被人骑。

2 . 是不是只要勾搭上了孟婆,就可以忘了所有悲伤。

3 . Nevertheless, when I opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before Struck by the plight, I was seized with a sadness at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall” I could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another Isn’t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?

4 . 假期稍纵即逝,终究迎来分别,没有丝毫的伤感,我们都各自恬静地笑着,道句再见,我异常坚强地头也不回,豁然走进检票口,待猛然转身,你的脸庞早已被阻隔在我的视线之外。想念顷刻泛滥决堤!

5 . The first step is as good as half over。第一步是最关键的一步。

6 . 不要做让自己后悔的事,要做,就做让别人后悔的事。

7 . 一个人的好或坏,也必定彰显出他人的坏或好。从哲学上来看,生命即是相互依存又是对立统一的,有坏人就会有好人,有魔就会有神,这些无形的东西让他们紧密联系在一起,让活在这世上的万物不会只看见潮起潮落,他们的生命出现了更有意义的事情,这事儿可不能用人类的道德观世界观去说明好与坏,因为,这是他们活着的意义。

8 . 我在遗忘我所经历的过往,那些人事物最后只有我自己。

9 . You are not my beautiful pupil, why should you put in your eyes

10 . Beggars cannot be choosers。行乞者不得有选择。


1 . 秋天像一颗无私的心,经历了无尽风雨,却碎了满地金黄;秋天像老当益壮的将军,经历了漫长的岁月,却留下了数不尽丰功伟绩;秋天像归隐山林的侠士,挥别了饱经风霜的过去,却保存了造福世间的种子

2 . 一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。

3 . Hear a name, think of some things, the city quiet let the heart tremble

4 . I also left mountains of southeast North, West, West Changan is right back; double drops of tears

5 . Forget who should forget our motherland is Lingling refused to bomb a pianxian

6 . Initially you may be skepticism toward the statement of your positive affirmation However, if you follow this simple set of instructions your skepticism will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith

7 . Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter

8 . IF responded,"If my computer didnt break down last week, I would have applied But, mycomputer is not working, so I could not type my resume"

9 . 如果现在召集原班人马让你再读一遍初中,你愿意么?

10 . If you have great talents, industry will improve them;if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency。如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。


1 . 有谁能像他一样,嘘寒问暖,一日三餐的关心俄。

2 . 它是鲸油的一种便宜的替代品,而鲸油正变得越来越难以获得。不久就产生了对煤油的大量需求。人们开始寻找新的石油供应。第一口油井为E·L·瑞克,一个退休的火车检票员所钻得。年他开始在宾西法尼亚的泰特斯维尔钻井。整个的这项冒险事业看起来是如此不现实和愚蠢以致旁观者称之为"鸭子的蠢行"。(译者注:DrakesFolly,drake在这里意含双关,即指瑞克的名字,又指该词的本义即鸭子。)但当瑞克往下钻至英尺(米)的时候,他发现了石油。他的油井从此每天生产桶原油。瑞克成功的消息将石油勘探者们吸引到现场。截止到世纪年代早期,这些冒险者为寻找"黑色的金子"钻探遍了整个宾西法尼亚西部。这项繁荣的事业在刺激性和粗犷的西部气氛上可与年的加州淘金热相媲美,而且它为勘探者带来了远超过淘金潮的财富。原油能被提炼成许多产品。多年以来煤油一直是主要的一种产品。

3 . The first step is one of awareness It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than minutes Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with

4 . 距离去益阳已经一个月了,哪怕还是找不到自己满意的情愫来记录那四天你我相伴的时光,言语也许粗糙,因为有你,在我心中却是最华丽的故事。我说过未来的篇章尽数为你。

5 . 失败是成功之母。它让我们触及蓝天,它教会我们如何生存,它给予我们一条特殊的路。成功给予我们金钱名誉骄傲和自尊。这里,保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要。唯一能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微谦虚礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。

6 . Han Xiao vast, hold the bustling sad, curved eyebrows, become the past decreed by fate

7 . 生活总以一种高压的姿态肆意考验着我们脆弱的神经,让我们叹息或者窒息这个世界真的很拥挤,我们难以寻找一方精神的栖息地。与其在风雨中逃避,不如在雷电中舞蹈,即便淋得透湿也是领略生命的快意。不要抱怨与哀叹不必嫉俗与愤世,只有当心灵坚强了心头那些洪水才会慢慢退去。

8 . I waited a few minutes and then the supervisor was back on the line "I have a party who will speak with you " I asked the woman on the other end of the line if she knew anyone by the name of Hannah She gasped " Oh! We bought this house from a family who had a daughter named Hannah But that was thirty years ago!" "Would you know where that family could be located now?" I asked "I remember that Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home some years ago, "the woman said "Maybe if you got in touch with them, they might be able to track down the daughter "She gave me the name of the nursing home, and I called the number The woman on the phone told me the old lady had passed away some years ago, but the nursing home did have a phone number for where the daughter might be living I thanked the person at the nursing home and phoned the number she gave me The woman who answered explained that Hannah herself was now living in a nursing home This whole thing is stupid, I thought to myself Why am I making such a big deal over finding the owner of a wallet that has only three dollars and a letter that is almost sixty years old?

9 . It was New Years night An aged man was standing at awindow He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky,where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of aclear calm lake When he cast them on the earth where fewmore hopeless people than himself now moved towards theircertain goal-the tomb He had already passed sixty of the stagesleading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse Now his healthwas poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts

10 . 他看到灯光在黑暗中流逝,就像他挥霍掉的往昔;他看到一颗流星自天边坠落,消失不见,就像是他的化身。无尽的悔恨,像一支利箭,深刺心间。他又记起和自己一同迈入人生之途的儿时玩伴,j但他们已功成名就,在这个新年之夜,倍受尊崇,幸福快乐。




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