
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 14:59:03


1 . 幸福的事不这样有很多人爱你,而这样你爱的人也爱你。

2 . 也许爱不这样怀念,不这样热烈,而这样岁月,年深月久成了生活中的一部分。

3 . Traveling more

4 . Work is the ship, the result is a sail, weekend is bay; Wash away fatigue, zhankai smiling faces, weekend happy; Wake up is smiling, sleep is sweet, text messages sent to wish。 Good luck to the weekend, happy forever!

5 . A car filled with happiness to safe way, abandon all the troubles, let happiness be with you hug, store all the warm, release the life truth, let happiness always smile on you。 I wish you a happy weekend!

6 . The weekend arrives, send a concern, dispel fatigue; Send a happy, happy mood; Send a passion and have fun at the weekend Have a good weekend!

7 . 清爽的青苹果,爽口,咬下去好像带着一点点刺一样,麻麻的,带着稍微刺激的酸酸的味道,就好象我们无知的单纯的意识,活力而自信。

8 . 轮船需要靠岸,渔夫需要收网,大海偶尔落潮,朋友凡事别过度了,对身体不好,周末了放纵一下自己,可以潇洒潇洒!

9 . , weekend, I give you a command, you want unconditional obedience: intense work in the cold storage immediately, immediately kill pressure and annoyance, crazy pursuit of happiness in the heart, comfortable enjoy the pleasant weekend Have a good weekend and enjoy yourself!

10 . The year of the ox you will luck popular! Boss relied on you, take care of you, with friends and family money to favor you, opposite sex may admire you, let you temper, beautiful "thinking of you!


1 . 我们梦想过去埃及看金字塔,在夏威夷海边冲浪,在巴黎的咖啡馆共进晚餐,在罗马品尝香浓的咖啡,徒步穿越热带雨林等等诸如此类的计划。可悲的是,大部分人都没有付诸行动,只是看着机会白白溜走。

2 . 当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。

3 . 我们过得不快乐,一部分原因是我们不够诚恳。敢爱敢恨不容易,跨过人潮拥抱你和不顾一切撕破脸皮都需要勇气。

4 . 愿你所有的努力都不白费,所想的都能如愿,所做的都能实现,愿你往后路途,深情不再枉付。

5 . 这一天一天过的跟复制似的。

6 . it doesn&#;t take gutto quit anyone can quit and most people do―on their dreamand on themselves 放弃并不需要勇气。每个人都可以放弃。而且大部分也在这么做-放弃梦想和放弃自我。

7 . 早投资

8 . live more consciousleach day stop sleepwalking through life your life isomething to be experienced, not coasted through每天都有意识的生活。不要梦游式的过生活。你的人生是用来体验的,不是悠哉悠哉的过一天是一天。

9 . 爱过就这样爱过,哪怕长不过一天,我不后悔。而我愿你好,年年岁岁,岁岁年年。

10 . 沙枣熟了,一串串深褐色的小枣,有点像江南的桑葚,咬开来,真是一嘴沙,然而这沙是湿润的,有点涩,也有点儿甜。


1 . 烦恼不过就这样十二个字:放不下。想不开。看不透。忘不了。

2 . , autumn, is the crisp autumn air, leaves dancing; The autumn is elegant, is clear breeze bright moon, sea broad sky; The autumn color, is the story of the forest, golden yellow; Autumn&#;s rhyme, is the autumn moon melt, autumn water ying ying The autumn day send greetings, I wish you happy forever!

3 . 一a week QiXi, Pepsi, everything fenda! Wish lovers love you parents love you, brother protect a you, sickness away from you, free house fly to you wish millions lottery ticket in you, dreams go to you Anyway, all the rest!

4 . 也许是因为随着年龄的增长,当我们再次回顾那段时光,会发现那是一段充满自由和独立的时光。随着我们步入中年,我们经常希望:要是我们能再有更多选择的机会多好啊!以下就列举了一些如果我们在来岁没有做就会让我们后悔的事情:

5 . 一到周末,二更时分,三更半夜,四下无人,无法入眠,溜出被窝,骑上电驴,八拐七绕,就为见你,十分激动。

6 . I am a spider, use health net in you; Is the tree, cover your happiness; Is immortal, use peace to protect you。 But I have only heart is not, wish you happy!

7 . 情绪这种东西,非得严加控制不可,一味地自卑自怜便会越来越消沉。——亦舒

8 . We dreamed of visiting the pyramids of Egypt, surfing off the Hawaiian coast, dining at a Parisian café, drinking espresso in Rome, trekking through the rainforest, and so much more Sadly, many of us never made these journeys and the opportunity passed us by

9 . 二raise life sail toward the path to success wish happy life with you every day with great sincere friendship to bless you million of present blessings from the this end, to LianZhui filled with pleasant sensation forever, forever

10 . It is said that a man called "the weekend" is near you, you should be careful! Will she stop you from getting on the bus and being woken up by the alarm? Find her Have a nice weekend!


1 . , the rest of the rest, don&#;t try to be brave and tired body, the revolutionary capital protection good, can more create good, work together to work, holidays easy to spend, a happy weekend!

2 . When I work, I want to invite you to dinner I am afraid that you have no time On the weekend, I would like to invite you to dinner I am afraid to disturb you

3 . 周末犹如不加糖的咖啡,苦中带香;周末犹如不加冰的啤酒,涩中透凉。周末到啦,收拾心情,放松自己,祝幸福!

4 . 秋天来了,天气转凉,勤劳的你还是在忙碌的工作,周末到了别忘了到郊外散散心,呼吸一下清新的空气,小心着凉,注意健康!

5 . 小孩儿以为好朋友就是无话不说,但成年人知道好朋友其实是该说说,不该说的一个字都别说。

6 . Diligent work, diligent and diligent How many people are you going to see? Running around and running around in pain A reunion, plain and light is true! Did your friends spend the weekend with their family?

7 . 我最爱吃橘子了,橘子的形状是圆的,有点象一个小皮球,橘子皮的颜色是橙黄色的,闻起来有一股淡淡的清香,摸起来好象有一点小疙瘩。剥开外皮,只见一瓣瓣月牙般的橘子瓣紧偎在一起。雪白的银丝紧紧的缠在橙黄色的橘子瓣上。取一瓣放入嘴中嚼嚼,甜甜地,酸酸地,口中顿时清爽无比。如果你不信,可以亲自尝一尝。

8 . 二十although the weekend is only two days, but it bears all my concerns about you, " the sparrow is small," not only that, it also bears the usual busy and neglected to convey greetings, I wish you a happy weekend!

9 . 年轻的时候,我们肆意的挥霍着我们的青春活力……我多想在我膝关节疼痛之前能跑场马拉松,多骑骑自行车多走走看看,在腿脚强健的时候多骑骑动感单车。我后悔没有参加垒球社团或排球联盟。总是等到体力透支病痛来袭,我们才意识到年轻时锻炼的可贵。

10 . , a week is always for you to dream about, always think you can&#;t help, that flood disaster emotion, depend on the autumn wind, borrow the electric wave, convey to you: the weekend finally arrived, happy happy!




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