
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-09 15:57:24


1 . Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land 鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。

2 . 伊莉萨白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。

3 . 唐·王维

4 . 学校 school

5 . 大约从公元前七千年开始,在四千年当中,北半球的温度比现在高。

6 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母T开头)

7 . 《京师得家书》

8 . 胶底帆布/网球/运动鞋 sneakers

9 . 鱿鱼 squid

10 . Have some French fries 请吃一引起薯条。


1 . Lucretia Mott’s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。

2 . assault 攻击

3 . He is not a good doctor because he is short of e

4 . 看电视 watch TV

5 . Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye

6 . 坐下 sit down

7 . T恤衫 T-shirt

8 . 太多了 too many

9 . 成直线的 string

10 . 与这些生理变化同时发生的,还有很多心理上的变化。(along with


1 . 和……一起 with

2 . athlete 运动员

3 . 出租汽车 taxi

4 . Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible

5 . indication 迹象

6 . 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。

7 . 主题公园 theme park

8 . revenue 总收入

9 . 矮的 short

10 . inequality 不平等


1 . remedy/therapy 疗法

2 . 这个;那个 the

3 . 乡村;村庄 village

4 . 绕口令 tongue twister

5 . Do you/ they have a/an…?

6 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

7 . 《竹枝》

8 . weakness 缺点

9 . 行行无别语,只道早还乡。

10 . (狗)摇尾巴 wag its tail


1 . insecticide n杀虫剂

2 . 在竹子的近七百个品种中,有的全长成还不到一英尺,有的却能在二十四小时内长出三英尺。

3 . integrity 诚实

4 . 汤 soup

5 . 丑的 ugly

6 . minority 少数人

7 . 看望 visit

8 . journalist/correspondent 记者

9 . I’m a little under the weather 我有点不舒服。

10 . norm 准则


1 . I look back on my time in the UK with ____________(满意), and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again

2 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

3 . import 进口

4 . Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues

5 . 为什么 what for

6 . The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition

7 . Snow aids farmers by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing

8 . verdict 判决

9 . 尺码 size

10 . 勺子 spoon


1 . There is something wrong with my right eye, so I’ll go to the hospital to have it examined

2 . 在伊利诺伊州Angonne市的一个废弃煤矿的三年研究取得了成果,科学家们相信这些成果可以帮助改造把美国产煤区弄得伤痕累累的数千个旧煤场。

3 . 步行 walk

4 . duplication 重复(建设)

5 . popularization 普及

6 . 尽管他家人不让他这么做,但他坚持要去非洲研究野生动物。(insist on

7 . involvement 参与

8 . I am really fond of reading books, and that’s why my favourite sybject is literature

9 . 通常;一般 usually

10 . abuse 滥用




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