
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 23:42:17


1 . 祝您父亲节快乐!万事如意!

2 . 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦

3 . When I have been able to fly freely, teacher, you know, you are the wind flapping under both wings

4 . Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more if you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough — oprah winfrey如你对自己所拥有的感恩,你将会得到更多。但如果你专注于自己所没有的东西,那你永远都不会满足。

5 . I am glad that you are my dad

6 . On Teacher&#;s Day, I wish the hard gardener good health and happy family, good luck and happy smile!

7 . Gardener, noble title, I wish you peach and plum all over the world, spring sunshine everywhere

8 . “i thank god for my handicaps, for, through them, i have found myself, my work, and my god” — helen keller

9 . It‘s your day, Teacher Have a great day! 老师,这是属於您的`日子,祝您愉快

10 . 感谢您无私的教诲,师恩不忘!


1 . The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes

2 . 您辛苦了,敬爱的老师,祝您幸福快乐。

3 . I am grateful to you for your painstaking teaching and will remember it in my heart

4 . Peach and plum are all over the world, and kindness is like deep sea I wish the teacher good health!

5 . 对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。

6 . He who throws peaches pays for plums Teacher, I will not forget your teaching

7 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you!

8 . 此生您的恩情难以忘记,唯有祝您身体健康,一生顺利。

9 . helped me out With your help I am now good at English I still remember your smile on the day when I won first prize in the English speech competition It was you who gave me the confidence 我想对我们的英语老师说谢谢。对您的善良和耐心我是无法报答的。我曾经英语不好,你发现了我的问题并帮助我走出困境。在您的帮助下,我现在英语很好,我仍然记得当我在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名时您的微笑。是您给了我自信。

10 . That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved在某些人的坚硬外壳下,也有渴望欣赏和理解的一面。


1 . 在我的成长历程中,您浓浓的师爱一向伴随左右。谢谢您,教师!

2 . 老师,没有你哪来我们的成长,愿你教师节快乐。

3 . 愿您美梦成真!

4 . Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

5 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everything you&#;ve done for me!

6 . 亲爱的老师,愿我的祝福是驱走劳累的清风,让你留的轻松。

7 . when i started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around” — willie nelson

8 . 我爱您胜过一切。

9 . Without your selfless dedication, we would not have succeeded today Thank you, teacher

10 . You have worked hard, dear teacher, I wish you happiness


1 . As parents we recognize the value of you in our child‘s development Thank you for what you have done 作为父母,我们深知您在我们孩子成长道路中的重要。谢谢您所做的一切。

2 . 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。

3 . You are a candle, burning yourself to illuminate others


5 . 从很大程度上来说,每个人呼吸到的空气都是一样的,并且每个人都离不开空气。有些人靠空气来维持生命,但他们只会坐在那里自怨自艾。另外一些人吸进空气,利用空气提供的能量为自己开创壮丽的人生。

6 . You teach students in accordance with their aptitude and enlighten their hearts We hold the excellent achievements, to congratulate you on your victory!

7 . 您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默地垂着叶的绿荫!

8 . Last term,I have some problems in my learning English,you give me advise and help me solve the problem patientlyThat really moved me I think you‘re almost perfect except to be a little serious上学期,我在英语学习上存在不少问题,是您给了我建议并且耐心地帮助我解决了学习上的问题。这事真的是感动了我。我赞您是近乎完美一点都不过分。

9 . 每一片花瓣,都带有我真挚的祝福,款款关怀,绵绵祝福,声声问候,拜托清风传送,愿鲜花与绿叶结伴,点缀你绚丽的人生,愿你父亲节快乐!

10 . 祝您有个最棒的父亲节。


1 . 敬爱的老师,感谢您曾经的悉心教诲,感谢您曾经的指点迷津。

2 . Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed It takes more than just duanwenwcom breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however You must make use of that opportunity That’s not up to the opportunity That’s up to you It doesn’t matter what "floor" the opportunity is on What matters is what you do with it

3 . The Teacher&#;s Day is coming I sincerely wish to express my infinite respect May you have a happy holiday and always be healthy!

4 . My child speaks highly of you Thank you very much 我的孩子很崇敬您。谢谢。

5 . 教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。

6 . 我为您做了一件礼物,希望您会喜欢。

7 . 您因材施教,善启心灵。我们捧着优异的成绩,来祝贺您的胜利!

8 . 这是为了感谢您为我所做的一切。

9 . difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping stones to greater experience perhaps someday you will be thankful for some temporary failure in a particular direction when one door closes, another always opens

10 . With warm wishes for Father&#;s Day!


1 . 在您的生日里,我要把一份崇高的敬意送给您。

2 . "感恩始于感谢之心,谢意正好完成了感恩。感恩也许只是一堆言语文字,感谢却要以行动去表逹。”

3 . "如果一个家伙不为所拥有的感恩,他不可能会为自己将来所拥有的感恩。”

4 . 岁月沧桑了您的容颜,时间改变了您的身姿,白发占领了您的鬓角,皱纹爬上了您的额头。亲爱的父亲,今天是父亲节,愿您保重身体,健康快乐!

5 . We like you to be our teacher We respect and appreciate you

6 . I hope everything goes well

7 . 我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您感激您。

8 . Dear teacher, I don&#;t think of you only today, but I miss you very much today

9 . “if a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get” — frank a clark

10 . 一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。


1 . 爸爸,在这特殊的日子里,所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,挤在您的酒杯里,红红深深的,直到心底。父亲节快乐!

2 . 这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。

3 . 名可名,非常名,老爸最出名:爱心赫赫有名,耐心远近闻名,细心天下知名。父亲节到了,祝我的?名人?老爸节日快乐,身体健康,快乐平安!

4 . Teachers and kindness are as important as mountains Students dare not forget it Only after experiencing storms, can they know your value

5 . “you won’t be happy with more until you’re happy with what you’ve got” — viki king

6 . 时值父亲节,致以最真挚的祝福!

7 . 您肩上挑的是儿女,您心里装的是父母,您眼里含着希望,您脸上挂着担忧。父亲是家里的山,父亲是生活的船,全家老少都平安,渡到人生的彼岸。父亲节将祝福送给天下所有的父亲。

8 . 我愿您幸福愉快到永远,愿您阔达的`胸怀孕育更多的世纪之花!


10 . 您的教诲永生难忘,教师节,祝愿你快乐健康,幸福满堂。




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