
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-28 07:44:51


1 . "The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly"

2 . I’ve learned… That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am 我明白了…使我成长的捷径就是围绕在比我聪敏的人身旁。

3 . "Byron: I am never away from you Even now, I shall not leave you In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure拜伦:我从未离开过你。即使现在,我也不会离开你。在另一个世界,我依旧是爱的那个人。爱你,无穷无尽,天长地久。"

4 . Then after a while I won&#;t have to remind myself

5 . The problems of your past are your business The problems of your future…are my privilege 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情。你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。

6 . 啊!正向苏联作家高尔基说的“人的一生,是很短的,短暂的岁月要求我们好好领会生活得进程”难道我们还应该欺骗自己的时间吗?我们在浪费时间的同时,也失去了一笔巨大的财富。就像被誉为美国历史上第一位国际科学家和发明家富兰克林说“浪费时间是所有支出中最奢侈及最昂贵的”在面对时间的催促青春的步伐慢慢的离我们而去,那道我们还要虚度年华吗?

7 . "I’ve learned… That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you’re hooked for life 我明白了…当最近降生的曾孙用他的小拳头握住你的小拇指的时候,你发现你对生命如此的着迷。 "

8 . 理想的力量是无法估量的,它不仅仅是一个目标,也是一个希望,更是一种动力。生命的确是黑暗的,除非有了激励;一切激励都是盲目的,除非有了知识;一切知识都是徒然的,除非有了梦想。因为有了梦想,所以我们才能不断前进。

9 . Lie Or Die

10 . Thanks to those who left,


1 . Life is like a cup of teaIt won&#;t be bitter for a lifetime but for a short while anyway人生如茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。

2 . 春天来了,蒙蒙细雨像乳汁一样哺育着万物,松树也在春雨的哺育下开了花。一朵朵黄色的小花长在枝头,迎着温暖的春风,笑着,笑着……

3 . We&#;re mean&#;t to lose the people we love

4 . "Take some time, always see something With some things, always see some people ——花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。"

5 . 有的人循规蹈矩,一生碌碌无为,到老之时唉声叹气,责怪命运的不公平;而有的人,善于创新,关键时放手一搏,即使生命短暂,也活出了不一样的精彩,不一样的闪耀。命运,永远掌握在自己手中,但要看你是怎样对待它的。

6 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

7 . "Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable时尚不光是一种外表,还是一种内在,时下流行的不一定都适合你,而是要根据自身的特点来打扮自己,看你属于那一种类型,成熟的,淑女的,还是简单自然的,还是清纯的,还是运动的,其实那一种都可以是时尚的。"英语美句摘抄大全。

8 . 当峭厉的西风把天空刷得愈加高远的时候;当陌上呼头的孩子望断了最后一只南飞雁的时候;当辽阔的大野无边的青草被摇曳得株株枯黄的时候——当在这个时候,便是秋了,便是树木落叶的季节了。

9 . "I’ve learned… That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them 我明白了…一个人应该温柔地遵守诺言,因为明天他可能就食言了。 "

10 . Everydaywithoutyouislikeabookwithoutpages没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。


1 . A single hand that wipes tears during failures is much better than countless hands that come together to clap on success—— 失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成 功时无 数人伸 手 为你 鼓掌。

2 . Love is a vine that grows into our hearts爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

3 . from china to peru(从中国到秘鲁全世界。

4 . 栖息在灵魂上

5 . Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward You'll find what you need 保持眼界开阔和脚步向前,你就会找到你需要的一切。

6 . "Happiness, is to find a warm person, look for a warm corner, the rest of my life——幸福,就是寻一温暖的人,寻一温暖的角落,渡此余生。"

7 . 金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。

8 . "Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。"

9 . 一只野兽受了伤,它可以自己跑到一个山洞躲起来,然后自己舔舔伤口,自己坚持,可是一旦被嘘寒问暖,它就受不了。

10 . 人若在面临抉择而无法取舍的时候,应该选择自己尚未经验过的那一个。


1 . 爱情就像是一杯美味香浓的咖啡;婚姻则是剩余咖啡渣的咖啡杯。

2 . 离别也不失为一种享受,因为它能将曾经不经意所错失的温暖,一一重现。朋友的离开,可以更加珍惜剩余时间内,彼此的友谊,可以在哪一天,共同去回想那些美好的回忆。

3 . Idealism without starvation are realists; lacking idealism without starvation, the barbarians; starvation with idealism, idealists; starvation without idealism, those always in hunger。

4 . "If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks That's how dreams are achieved。——如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的方式。"

5 . Theheartthatoncetrulylovesneverforgets真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

6 . WeallliveinthepastWetakeaminutetoknowsomeone,onehourtolikesomeone,andoneday

7 . "My heart beats for you every day I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second It is wonderful to have you in my life每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。"

8 . When a cigar falls in love with a match,it&#;s destined to be hurt有些爱从一开始就注定会受伤。

9 . "Fashion, is a kind of aesthetic view Brother is a punk, you satisfied时尚,就是一种审美观。哥就朋克,你不服吗?"

10 . I’ve learned… That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand 我明白了…有时候每个人都需要一只可以握住的手和一颗信任的心。




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