
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-29 18:23:49


1 . 这句话是指「别让我打开话匣子」,意思是你对于某一件事或是

2 . 没有比接受教育更重要的事。

3 . 在我生活中我从来没见过比刘亦菲更美的女孩。

4 . 例如:Only then could the work of reconstruction begin

5 . I see what your mean 我了解你的意思。

6 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

7 . IwilllentyouthemoneyYouowemeone

8 . 老实说,不论你喜不喜欢,你别无选择。

9 . She is the most active girl in our class You&#;re the one who writes the most correctly

10 . come hell or high water


1 . I feel the same way 我有同感

2 . 自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

3 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

4 . 他刚来,就下雨了。

5 . "…preference for+名词A+to+名词B" 如: I have a preference for Chinese to foreign novels

6 . specific to ……

7 . I would (had as lief join the Eighth Route Army as anything

8 . 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的`生活品质绝对令人不满意。

9 . 这个短语的使用时机是当你要去执行一项任务或是做一件事之际,只许成功不许失败的决心。 就犹如中文的「就算天崩地裂」,比喻不论发生什么状况都要去完成使命。可以用在句首当作一句话的开头,或是放在句尾补述。

10 . The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。


1 . I would (just as soon stay at home as go for a walk

2 . Standsomeoneup(爽约,放某人鸽子

3 . 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus

4 . YoursushilooksgoodCanIhaveabite?

5 . … enable + sb+ to + do… (……使……能够……

6 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

7 . 注意:此句型可以改为prefer to do…rather than do…句型。

8 . 例如:It pays to help others

9 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

10 . 例如:It is time for lunch


1 . A:Let’shavedinnertogethernextweek

2 . Ohshoot!Iforgottofinishmyhomework

3 . 关于询问用餐(食物:What’sfordinner?晚餐吃什么?Whatwouldyoulike?你想吃什么?I’dlikesomesoupandbread,please(I’dlike=Iwouldlike我想要汤和面包。Helpyourself随便吃吧。Wouldyoulikeaknifeandfork?你想要刀叉吗?No,thanks不了,谢谢。Icanusechopsticks我会用筷子。

4 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted

5 . 例如:I have never seen a more beautiful girl than Liu Yifei in my life

6 . Overwork does harm to health

7 . 例如:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us

8 . B:ThinknothingofitForgiveandforget

9 . The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed

10 . Sooner than do such work, I would starve


1 . I can&#;t help myself 我情不自禁 我无法控制自己。

2 . [注] 如果两个主语相比,谓语动词应与前一个保持一致关系。如: He no less than you is (不是are diligent

3 . 描述书包:What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么?AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事和。。。。Whatcolourisit?什么颜色的?It’sblueandwhite是蓝白色的。

4 . 用条件句表示范围: "If there is one thing I do not like, it is a crying child…"

5 . "If there is a scoundrel upon earth, that scoundrel&#;s name is HEEP"

6 . 该吃午饭了。

7 . TheteacherraisedhiseyebrowswhenheheardthatTomdroppedoutoftheschool

8 . 例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise!

9 . Youoweme(abigone

10 . 例如:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours




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