
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-14 02:01:34


1 . Do you want to go to a movie?

2 . ShaolinTemple__lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroadAwhere Bwhich Cwho

3 . ( This is the only thing _________ I have lostAwhich Bthat Cwhere

4 . 十几年来,延安机场上送行的情景时时出现在眼前。

5 . )Have you found the book ________I paid dollars?

6 . D感觉良好完全彻底修饰限制搭配适当

7 . ()勤劳勇敢的中华民族几千年来创造了光辉灿烂的文化。

8 . 他说:嗯,这片子毫不出色。故事情节一般,演技也不过如此。除了里面的一位新的女明星之外,其它方面都让我觉得腻烦。这位新星不会演戏,但她是个美女。

9 . He is not old enough to go to school=________________________________________________________

10 . ()西起九江(不含),东至江阴,均是人民解放军的渡江区域。


1 . A where Tim was, was B where is Tim,was C where Tim is,was D.where Tim is,is

2 . Donny: That&#;s right You can also say "you rule" or "you rock!"

3 . 好家伙!这是什么?你买了辆新车?

4 . No littering on the campus 在校园内不准乱丢废物。

5 . 如果身边一个外国人都接触不到,那就和你的亲人朋友或者以后工作中要好的同事练习说英语,说多了,就不会嘴笨了。平常不接触外国人的时候就和同事朋友说英语,目的不是他们能不能听懂,而是自己要练习说的熟练,可能几天里都会说同样的一句话,而对方只是简单的应答我一句,那无所谓,我能说得自然流利了就是目的。就象说“Good morning How are you doing See you tomorrow Can I help you? I&#;m leaving now! I need your help"这样自然,那么当遇到外国人的时候,说这些,就不会紧张了。

6 . A if Bas C unless D when

7 . AI can keep Bcan I borrow CI can borrow D can I keep

8 . 牛排内部主要为浅灰综褐色,夹杂着少量粉红色,质感偏厚重,有咀嚼感。

9 . 牛排内部为血红色且内部各处保持一定温度,同时有生熟部分。

10 . The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about itHere comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best


1 . 中考定语从句真题演练

2 . When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I was fishing for a compliment。

3 . ()在汉江北岸,我遇到一个青年战士。

4 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

5 . 正反两面在高温铁板上各加热~秒,目的是锁住牛排内湿润度,使外部肉质和内部生肉口产生口感差,外层便于挂汁,内层生肉保持原始肉味,再者视觉效果不会像吃生肉那么难接受

6 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

7 . 那位参议员声称这次调查是他政敌的蓄意盘查,目的是搜罗挖掘他是否有不端行为,以损毁他的政治生涯。

8 . ()这种魅力,就是使我终生能够在实验室里埋头工作的主要因素了。

9 . Awill go, is fine; Bgoes, is fine Cwill go, is going to be fine Dgoes; will be fine

10 . ( The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students A why B whom C what D which


1 . ( __I came into the office, the teacher were having a meetingAWhile B When C Once D Since

2 . ()我国桥梁事业的飞速发展,表明了我国社会主义制度的无比优越。

3 . —Why did you come to school late this morning?--___I watched the Football World Cup until : last night AIf BBecause CSince DThough

4 . Aarrives; will arrive Bwill arrive; arrives Carrives; arrives Dwill arrive; will arrive

5 . Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同。

6 . I have been to the Great Wall once ( He tells me… He tells me ( that he has been to the Great Wall once

7 . 英国人很喜欢用Sorry,所以有时他们会用Sorry代替Excuse me,例如:I&#;m sorry, but do you think you could move your car?

8 . A where you buy it B where do you buy it C where you bought it D where did you buy it is

9 . Have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?

10 . I ________the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow Awill return Breturned Chave returned Dreturn


1 . Light travels much faster than sound She said … ---She said that light travels much faster than sound

2 . I&#;m sorry about my homework, Ms Li, the dog ate it 李老师,对不起我没交作业,它被狗吃掉了。

3 . A comes, meet B will come, will meet C comes, will meet D will come, meet

4 . I&#;m sorry I didn&#;t mean to wake you up 对不起,我不是故意吵醒你的。

5 . ( He wanted to know____the English party

6 . I&#;m really so very sorry indeed

7 . ---What are you looking for? --- I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday A who B which C whose

8 . 树上没有鸟。There___________birdsinthetree

9 . Protecting environment is ______ ______ ______ developing economy

10 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one


1 . ( The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ___ treated his son A what B which C who D whose

2 . ()我们中华民族有悠久的历史和优秀的文化传统。

3 . 先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,

4 . ()这是虽在北方风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树。

5 . It&#;s …

6 . I saw it with my own eyes 我亲眼所见。

7 . A What Lily was B What was Lily C Where Lily was D Where was Lily

8 . ()祥子喝了瓢凉水就走了出去。

9 . 他和太太要去参加定在十一点举行的婚礼。他们开车去那儿要一个钟点。而现在已经十点一刻了。他催促太太赶快开步走,因为他们已经晚了。

10 . ( Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English A she B whom C which D who


1 . Would you give Johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week

2 . ()我最急于告诉你们的,是我思想感情的一段重要经历

3 . ( --Have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

4 . He has … for breakfasrt

5 . I like action movies and comedies

6 . 一项新的研究发现,全世界患糖尿病的人数自年以来增加了超过一倍,现已达到接近亿人,远远超出之前的预期。发表在《柳叶刀》杂志上的这份研究的作者称,世界各地几乎任何地方的糖尿病患病率都在增加,这将给医疗保健预算带来严重的后果。James Read报道。

7 . ( This is the best TV play __we have seen this year A when B what C who D that

8 . Arethereanymapsonthewall?___

9 . I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boringThe music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot

10 . First come first served 先到先得。


1 . 刚才我和朋友们练习打棒球很开心。

2 . A.how did he mend B.what did he mend C.how he mended D.what he mended

3 . A whom B which C who D whose

4 . I didn’t go to bed __my mother came back late last nightAso; Buntil Cthough

5 . FF: 明白了。不过那天也有一些人在比赛前一副不可一世的样子,可真跳起来,也不怎么样,真不知道他们有什么好牛的!对了,形容这些人,也用awesome或是ballin么?

6 . I do apologize for this interruption, Mr Jones 很抱歉打断你了,琼斯先生。

7 . 例句-:I thought the Red Sox had a real chance to win the World Series this year after so long without a championship But they turned out to be no great shakes, just like last year

8 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

9 . 第一:语序:在宾语从句中,一律用___________。

10 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one




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