
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-19 02:10:20


1 . Let’s go and have a look / Let’s run

2 . 妈妈我感谢你赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您!

3 . n 小部分,少量,一点儿;分数,小数

4 . 有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。

5 . 今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。

6 . On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us

7 . 玩具熊,玩具熊,说晚安。I said good night and left forthwith

8 . 天哪,不!

9 . 在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你!情人节快乐!every day i miss you it is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so in such a contrary mood, i miss you deeply! a happy valentine’s day to you!

10 . There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do


1 . 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

2 . adj 主要的;全力的,尽力的

3 . In this case the fractional part is discarded

4 . It’s time to ( + 动词 ) go to school

5 . 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。

6 . Look at these (物品如:my clock…

7 . 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。it’s you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind

8 . There may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me

9 . 夫人回身来向他们道了晚安。 Now I shall go to sleep Good night --George Byron, American writer

10 . "Good night, old chap I&#;ll be over again one of these days"


1 . To reduce in rank;demote

2 . 捋开额前的细发,便可以惊见星星点点银丝,孩子,是我的青春转嫁到了你的身上么?

3 . 他们主力队员受伤可能是这场比赛决定胜负的因素。First,drive in the outlying men and then attack the whole enemy force

4 . 您的付出您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,妈妈。

5 . 心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!listening to my heart beating seeing how much i love you ,i dare to admit how much i love you when thinking of you, i hope you can receive the passionat words i left for you!

6 . 苏联进攻的主力,最先是集中在卡累利阿地峡芬兰的边境防御工事。main是什么意思:

7 . Is this the library ? Yes , it is

8 . Union is strength

9 . 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。you know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you

10 . 使降职,使…降级 fraction是什么意思:


1 . 好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵!oh, how much i miss you! if the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that i miss you and care you for my life’s time if graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you i love you and would be together with you forever

2 . 尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。

3 . Where is my skirt ? It’s on …

4 . adj 夜晚的,夜间的

5 . The footBall team&#;s elite

6 . 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。i prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness

7 . Here’s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years

8 . v 缩减,减小;简化;将…还原;节食;降职

9 . To the world’s number one mom!

10 . The noes have it


1 . How many students are there in your class ? Thirty-five(数字

2 . 用蛮力, 全靠气力; 以最大的力气 The force is spectacular!

3 . pron 它的

4 . 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。for our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom i miss so much 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

5 . We would love to fix breakfast for you mom, but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out

6 . 妈妈,我想对您说,话到嘴边又咽了;妈妈,我想对您笑,眼里却点点泪花。

7 . So many colours !

8 . Roses are red, violets are blue This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you

9 . 当场付款的物品质量不错。Be not simply good; be good for something

10 . We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do


1 . 晚安,你好吗?Kiss the children good night

2 . reduction of fraction

3 . 合力 strength是什么意思:

4 . I like this one

5 . n 总管道,总线;干线,电力网,电源;体力

6 . “那么,晚安,”她生硬地说道。My lady turned round to wish them good-night

7 . What’s on it ?

8 . School is over 放学了。 / Class is over 下课了 。

9 . adv 好

10 . 很想…Good gracious, no!


1 . Your school is beautiful ( cool …

2 . 辛劳一辈子的您虽已银发如雪,可您在我心目中仍是那么的青春靓丽!妈,祝您永远年轻快乐!!!

3 . 没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的……coffee is lonely without cups i am lonely without you

4 . What are they ? These are your baby pants They’re so small

5 . You do fractions, then you do decimals

6 . 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?

7 . This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us Thank you

8 . I’ve tried many times to tell you, but I’ll say it again: I love you mother

9 . 在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。

10 . Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother’s Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death




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