
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-14 15:01:21


1 . Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time

2 . Long time no see, I still like you〔好久不见,我还是喜欢你〕

3 . Clearly I have chosen to really let go, but you are back

4 . 走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。

5 . Is the wrong with deep feeling。(百无一用是深情)

6 . Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear

7 . 如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的去流浪。

8 . 当时的我想不到今天,错过的人回不到从前。

9 . Is your pale I wait,irony my obsession

10 . Some people will have to learn how to appreciate you by losing you


1 . From meet to leave, I owe myself a lot, don&#;t owe you anything

2 . 谁都不是谁的,我们终究只会,属于我们自己。

3 . Ripetute in un tempo lungo, questo stato d&#;animo non è stata terminata

4 . Keep long hair love red eyes through love

5 . 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽地盘旋然后不见。

6 . Il divario nel tempo in aspra lotta

7 . 想念你的时候,喜欢看着地图,是这么近,又那么的远。

8 . 当心情跌落谷底的时候,唯一的念头就是放弃所有

9 . 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

10 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。


1 . I can&#;t write a wonderful story, but I deduce a life of ups and downs

2 . sweet talk,is rea dy for the left ear

3 . just don&#;t want to lose my smile left with pride

4 . One of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy

5 . You promised is too pale let I how to believe

6 . It&#;s unavoidable to come into confrontation with someone during the lifetime

7 . Do you want to by my side

8 . It&#;s amazing how the first heartbreak changes your outlook on every relationship after that

9 . Exactly still to shallow man even pat looked at all become ground sterility

10 . 人生最难的事情之一,就是把某人从你的心底删除。


1 . And then deep memory, also has forgotten the day

2 . There&#;s always that one song that brings back old memories。

3 . Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies

4 . 最后转眼流逝的 绝不仅仅是时光而已。

5 . Love, living things, is you let me know!

6 . 我爱过你,真的深深的爱过,但突然,所有感觉都没了。

7 . 深知你是梦,怎敢贸然去触碰

8 . 我知道我们都没有错,只是放手比较好过。

9 . I love you, you can&#;t see these years

10 . When I close my eyes, I don&#;t see myself, but you


1 . I got are lucky,I lost may be the life

2 . 怪我过分清醒,才活的如此伤情。

3 . 你给的诺言太苍白让我怎么相信。

4 . 孤独久了遇到幸福都会恐慌。

5 . Sometimes, only a tear, we completely clear sight

6 . Love is kindness Love is patient Love is never have rest

7 . 我是你的过客,你却是我的心。

8 . 费尽心思逗你笑,却输给了那个让你哭的人。

9 . Sparks fly whenever you smile。 [你的微笑如烟花飞舞般灿烂]

10 . 我给你。最后旳疼爱是手放开。


1 . The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company

2 . 我是凡人我没有那样坚持不变的能力。

3 . 每个人都有想逃避的时候。

4 . 一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

5 . You are I wait less than passers—by, 你是我等不到的路人。

6 . If deep will not be disappoint

7 . 你不爱我,我不爱你,如你所愿,皆大欢喜。

8 . Many things we know, but pretended not to know

9 . 我还爱着,只是少了非在一起的执着。

10 . 有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。


1 . You want me but you missed me(你想我但你错过了我)

2 . A lot of things, we can be touched, but can not shed tears

3 . The world never appreciate the tears这个世界从不欣赏眼泪

4 . Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination

5 . Laugh eyes and lie face (会笑的眼和说谎的脸)

6 . Of the world&#;s most precious and are not eligible and lost

7 . I want to be the only one, but you don&#;t give opportunity

8 . 现实与信念的冲撞让我们的青春遍体鳞伤。

9 . 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的。

10 . Give me to the old love。[给我到老的爱情]


1 . Sometimes loneliness kills you like hell

2 . 在时光的缝隙中苦苦的挣扎。

3 . A liar in a relationship is a survivor

4 . love comes to me, i have to release a warm embrace

5 . Don&#;t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory

6 . A person quiet a person cry movie clips, the whole world is sad

7 . I have a quartz heart, but they thought that it is glass

8 . As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好。

9 . I’m not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice

10 . 幸福中总会掺加那些悲哀的元素。




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