
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-18 16:49:44


1 . when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day! 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!

2 . early years with the sea, to make a block; later me network, the extent to more than million; this year&#;s national gambling, in a more than five million! one! 早年跟着下海,赚个万把来块;后来捣鼓网络,弄个十几来万;今年国庆买彩,中个五百多万!普天同庆!

3 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

4 . 吉祥如意:Everything goes well

5 . 年年生日来而复去,留下永久的快乐回忆。愿今天的每时每刻都充满明媚,似阳光普照鲜花绽放!

6 . 一如既往的我,愿情人节快乐!

7 . By the morning, everything will be clean, and even the most troubling stains will be gone

8 . My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness

9 . 敬贺诞辰!愿这一切充满欢乐成功!

10 . A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you May you seek all the best that the world has to give May you never stop learning for as long as you live


1 . States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents

2 . Lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years

3 . mood every day happy, eternal happiness!

4 . 吉星高照!

5 . 风吹走你的忧愁,让雨洗掉你的烦恼;让阳光带给你暖和,让月亮带给你温馨;让友情带给你快乐,希望我的信息能在国庆给你带来好运!

6 . Happy birthday I hope today treats you well

7 . 十一长假到,心情算术题:工资做加法,忧伤减出去,乘以幸福和如意,除以烦恼和忧郁,得数我来告诉你,就是快乐在十一,祝你国庆节快乐。

8 . Have the best Father’s Day ever

9 . may you two share every day of life together till forever

10 . My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent


1 . lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!

2 . 再找个喜欢的人在一起,这样晚上八点到早晨六点就是开心的,这就是生活。

3 . May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday

4 . 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦

5 . 你敢不敢在那天早晨,给TA一个承诺:我会爱你一生一世。

6 . 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。

7 . 理一理思绪,换一副好心情;抖一抖重负,脚步变得轻轻;赏一赏秋景,做个快乐精灵;吹一吹清风,人儿变得精神;发一发问候,愿国庆假期玩得尽兴!

8 . our love grows stronger with every passing year happy valentine’s day, sweetie

9 . 我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

10 . 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑脸伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!


1 . 热烈祝贺你的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现愿你的生活永远美丽!

2 . li-yan wang jiangshan, huan chung-chun motherland years bless you, happy national day! 欣望江山千里秀,欢颂祖国万年春。祝福你,国庆节快乐!

3 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

4 . 人说遗传基因很重要,我要特别谢谢你爸把你生得如此好,人说后天培养是再生力量,我要特别谢谢你爸爸的好家教!父亲节,祝你的父亲节日快乐!

5 . My birthday wishes to you are the warmest May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way

6 . We&#;d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past

7 . filled the air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming national day holiday period 把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

8 . 国庆之夜风清月明,携汝之手,共沐月光,缠绵细语,慢慢道来。

9 . and prosperity with many returns of the day

10 . 世界就像一本书,不去旅行的人只读到了其中的一页。


1 . 诉说中国的历史,有四大发明的荣耀;讴歌中华的今天,有神七上天的辉煌。唯有国家的昌盛,才能给民族以提升;唯有祖国的富强,才能给人民以尊严!

2 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

3 . Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past

4 . I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way

5 . Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you

6 . 父爱如天,给我们遮挡风雨;父爱如地,给我们浇灌希望;父爱如山,给我们坚实依靠。今天是父亲节,祝福所有父亲永远健康幸福!

7 . May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!

8 . 给你我特别的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。希望这是你度过的最美好的生日!

9 . national day, we qi joy, a total of national jubilation, i wish our motherland is thriving! 庆国庆,大家齐欢乐,五十六个民族共欢腾,祝我们的祖国欣欣向荣!

10 . If life is pided into two episodes, the first is “hesitance-free”, while the second is“ regret-free”




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