
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-22 01:18:47


1 . Nothing is impossible!

2 . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑B

3 . Everybody makes mistakes, but, only fools would have not changed

4 . No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress,you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying。

5 . Don&#;t be discouraged; it&#;s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock

6 . The secret of success is constancy to purpose成功的秘诀在于对目标的忠实。

7 . If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry

8 . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

9 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,

10 . Adversity does teach who your real friends are


1 . A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step

2 . For short, do not remember every detail, every mood

3 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

4 . You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。

5 . 凡事必先难后易。

6 . Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship

7 . You have no wrong, I am not wrong just a gust of wind, blew the comm

8 . 这个世界,没有偶然。

9 . Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能!

10 . If there is no failure, only temporarily stop success!


1 . 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

2 . Don’t let the fear for losing keep you from trying。

3 . 你自己选择的路,跪着也要漂亮潇洒地走完。

4 . Life is a telescope to see far Life is a microscope, see through

5 . 别因为害怕失败而停止尝试。

6 . There is no garden without its weeds没有不长杂草的花园。

7 . Empty sacks will never stand up

8 . 许多人不是不愿接受新观念,而是不愿抛弃旧观念。

9 . Laugh often, long and loud Laugh until you gasp for breath

10 . Happiness is a way station between too much and too little


1 . Man&#;s genius is only a spark, if you want to make it into the flames, which is only learning

2 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

3 . I can make it through the rainI can stand up once again on my own

4 . 脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯,而不知道反省自已。

5 . better late than never只要开始,虽晚不迟。

6 . They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can。

7 . 经历逆境会让你知道谁是真正的朋友。

8 . Everything happens for a reason

9 . 在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是让自己足够的优秀。

10 . 故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。


1 . 勤奋是幸运之母;如果懒汉睡觉的时候你深耕土地,你就会有谷物出售和储存。(本杰明弗兰克林

2 . 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

3 . Reality robbed you will, gave you hope in the future

4 . 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯(Love is a light that never dims)

5 . 爱的时候,让他自由;不爱的时候,让爱自由。

6 . 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

7 . All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用。

8 . 我注定成功。

9 . 因为短暂,不记得每一个细节,每一个情绪。

10 . Passion, this is the drum with the wind sail Sometimes the wind blow the sail off; But there is no wind, sailing boat can&#;t sail


1 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are

2 . When it has is lost,brave to give up。

3 . The sweat into a pearl, the dream into reality

4 . 积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。

5 . 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。

6 . 人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。(泰戈尔 印度

7 . 盛年不重来,日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。

8 . Victory won&#;t come to me unless I go to it--

9 . go for it! = just do it!加油!向前冲!做了再说!

10 . 伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤!




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