
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 22:45:41


1 . as has been noted 如前所述

2 . "Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public It will be a blessing boundless - Fang Sea Power "

3 . 生命是单行道,但是一个循环的过程。

4 . 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

5 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

6 . On the way of love, I always stop-go, father said I not the legs and feet

7 . "Flint by beating the more powerful, more brilliant light emitted - Rousseau "

8 . Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy

9 . all the same 仍然,照样的

10 . "Life is only inevitable, there is no chance "


1 . all but 几乎;除了都

2 . "Life is like a pendulum, shaking between pain and boredom, its power is desire Selected from: Motto (wwwgeyanwcom "

3 . The second enemy we face is indecision Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise It will steal your chances for a better future Take a sword to this enemy

4 . 喜欢海,不管湛蓝或是光灿,不管平静或是波涛汹涌,那起伏荡漾的,那丝丝的`波动;喜欢听海的声音,不管是浪击礁石,或是浪涛翻滚,那轻柔的,那澎湃的;喜欢看海,不管心情是舒畅的或是沉闷的,不管天气是晴朗的或是阴沉的,那舒心的,那松弛的……

5 . 人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。

6 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。

7 . 以智慧时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。

8 . 烈火试真金,逆境试强者,珍惜眼前时,再创更高峰!

9 . People who can seek happiness everywhere are the richest

10 . 有些冷,有些凉,心中有些无奈,我一个人走在黑夜中,有些颤抖,身体瑟缩着,新也在抖动着,我看不清前方的路,何去何从,感觉迷茫,胸口有些闷,我环视了一下周围,无人的街头显得冷清,感到整个世界都要将我放弃。脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下……


1 . 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。——孔丘

2 . If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。

3 . 如果没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!

4 . My life is a straight line, turning just for you

5 . daring,I want you。你竟不知

6 . 谁拒爱于门外,也必将被爱拒诸门外。

7 . Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down——向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

8 . "路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的,人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌"

9 . Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you

10 . poor but honest 虽贫穷,要诚实


1 . 青年需要有欢乐,欢乐需要有爱情。

2 . Only endure loneliness, to be able see the prosperity of tomorrow

3 . 人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。

4 . 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。

5 . The fourth enemy within is worry We’ve all got to worry some Just don’t let conquer you Instead, let it alarm you

6 . 我宁愿在最美的的年华,死在幸福的时光里。

7 . Self-confidence is the mother of success, the inferiority is the father of failure

8 . "Hand Mo extension, will hand caught Party and the people in supervision, Wan head Kuikui difficult to escape Ruyan fear of catching hand is not stretched, stretched his way not consciously, in fact, want to stretch afraid to stretch people&#;s right close hand from shrinking - Chen Yi "

9 . 人生如坐公交车,有的人很从容,可以欣赏窗外的景色;有的人很窘迫,总处于推搡和拥挤之中。

10 . "Living the truth of strong drink this cup, without repeatedly refining Oh, would not this way delicious! - Guo Xiaochuan "


1 . 我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。

2 . 以前长的不漂亮,不是自己的过错。以后不漂亮,就是自己的错!

3 . I want to forget everything 。 关于你,到此为止。

4 . 懂得越多的人就会越谦虚。 —亨利·菲尔丁,英国小说家

5 . Business is disturbing, but idleness is the greater

6 . Character is the first and last word in the success —Orison Marden, American writer

7 . Life is just a moment in eternity

8 . Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

9 . 蔚蓝的天空虽然是美丽,经常风云莫测的人切是起落无从。但他往往会成为风云人物,因为他经得起大风大浪的考验。——方海权

10 . "社会犹如一条船,每人都要有掌舵的准备。——易卜生"


1 . Do not be world filled with pride, in my eyes you are nothing,

2 . Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well

3 . Supermans happiness needs salted eggs, my happiness needs you

4 . If you fail, don&#;t forget to learn your lesson

5 . 高中摘抄

6 . Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness

7 . Worse of all, they doubt themselves

8 . 吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

9 . From life to death, life is a short journey

10 . alien to与相反


1 . But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won’t need to live in fear of it

2 . Gentleman is open longer sad - Confucius

3 . Lonely and brave Pathfinder game - Feng Yu learn

4 . "Hope is Reattachment to exist, there exists, there is hope, there is hope, is bright - Lu Xun "

5 . If you do not respect each other, love is difficult for a long time to hold

6 . "The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival - Aristotle "

7 . 要善待你自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。

8 . Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark —Tagore, Indian poet

9 . 擅长做某件事,任何事。

10 . "Only experienced ups and downs in life, and understand the world of taste, and therefore must learn to cherish life and to cherish feelings - Fang Sea Power "


1 . 如果你认为学校里的老师过于严厉,那么等你有了老板再回头想一想。

2 . 人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。

3 . accordingly 于是

4 . "Human life is limited, however, to serve the people is unlimited, I want a limited life, serving the people go into the infinite - Lei Feng "

5 . 每天告诉自己一次,我真的很不错。

6 . 多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己。

7 . Its just that when you come back to a person, its no big deal

8 . Life is a tragedy filled with happiness

9 . Life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower

10 . 我的心中有一只大鱼,它叫嚣着梦想和远方。


1 . Management is to inspire people&#;s potential to win a goal

2 . 孤独和勇敢是探路者的游戏。——冯宇学

3 . 对我们最爱的人,我们能说的话最少。

4 . The third enemy inside is doubt Sure, there’s room for healthy skepticism You can’t believe everything

5 . Just like the sunflower proud alive (像向日葵一样骄傲地活着。)

6 . 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

7 . Climbing the mountains to mutual aid, the crossing across the river to work

8 . Make up our biggest obstacle to learning is known, not unknown things

9 . 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。

10 . 尝试是乌云蔽日时能直上云霄的那种勇敢的鸟;尝试是大浪迭起时海上勇往直前的一叶扁舟。对于勇敢者,尝试是一条崭新的生活之路;对于懦弱者,尝试是一座铁筑的高墙。




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