
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-18 03:08:44


1 . 只见她身穿一件粉红色露脐短装T恤,下身一条牛仔裙,脚上一双韩式的板鞋,上面全是韩文字符,式样新潮,看就是直接从韩国买来的,而不是西单的那种进口货或者仿制品。

2 . A gentle breeze was blowing, and the golden lake rippled gently The light petals of the cherry rose silently, falling silently on the water The whole garden was bathed in unspeakable warmth Moving on, it&#;s another area of water This time, however, the water was calmer and the center of the lake was floating I couldn&#;t help looking down, but I was surprised to find many small fish lying on the wall of the pool

3 . 你干活还穿着漂亮衣服,真是愚蠢。

4 . 我,天生一副假小子模样。尽管妈妈给我买了好几条裙子,可我都不喜欢穿。我总爱穿一条西装紧身短裤,一件大翻领上滚着白道道的运动服,再戴上一条红领巾,嘿,走起路来精神抖擞,可神气呢!

5 . In the spring, the cherry blossoms in the north harbor are smiling How happy the cherry blossoms are! In the sun, the cherry blossoms shine like beautiful stars A gust of wind blowing, the cherry blossom fall, beautiful, really a beautiful cherry blossom rain ah!

6 . 我走近一看,原来是我常见的这位年轻的女清洁工。她的工作帽是这样洁白,又大又白的口罩把大半个脸都遮住了,只露着一双大眼睛,她双手戴着大帆布手套,握着一把长长的扫帚。

7 . 万般故事,不过情伤;易水人去,明月如霜。

8 . 有多久没见你,以为你在哪里,原来就住在我心底,陪伴着我的呼吸。

9 . let life be beautiful like summer flower,and death like autumn tears 让生命如夏花般绚烂,让死亡如秋叶般静美

10 . The varieties of sakura are different, its leaves are different, some are green and smooth, some are red and rough, others are green inside, but the edges are red The sakura bark is dark brown, which is exactly the way it is decorated with pink cherry blossoms, but it doesn&#;t seem to be able to hide its own qualities or qualities The petals of the cherry blossom have three or five flowers each, which are in the form of umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which are carried out at the level of sepals, giving off a faint scent of flowers


1 . 他穿着他兄弟的夜礼服去参加盛大的集会,但是穿着向别人借来的装门面的漂亮衣服看上去很不舒服,还不如他平时穿的牛仔裤和梯恤衫好。

2 . Each person is a parabola, talent determines its openings, and the highest point is the day after tomorrow&#;s efforts

3 . The way we travel in the best of spirits to visit, when sunset, was unable to part from

4 . 我是很热衷于扮演清纯小女生这个角色的。穿着一条条流光溢彩的裙子,背着书包,挺着米的身板,裙角飞扬,满脸幸福地跑去上学。

5 . 毕业了,结束了!可是到底是结束,还是另一个新的`开始?

6 . 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。

7 . 淡粉色宫装,裙角绣着展翅欲飞的淡蓝色蝴蝶,外披一层白色轻纱。微风轻拂,竟有一种随风而去的感觉。

8 . Every time the cherry blossoms fall under the cherry trees, people will look eagerly to the branches of the cherry trees Realized this mood, when the cherry blossom trees full of buds bloom on the ear, or white or pink petals to the streets with a layer of XinZhuang, walking in the street will show the steps of relaxed and happy

9 . The mountain cherry and the cherry trees are not as white as peach blossoms, nor as green as pear flowers, they are lilies grey It is full of red and red, almost the spring of the Beijing city of haitang In addition, there is also a pale yellow turmeric, a low-hanging branch of the branches, the "spring equinox", the first flowering of the other side, petals to more than pieces of chrysanthemum The beauty of beauty

10 . Cherry blossoms, will be allergic to the spring season, open-minded heaven, smoothing out the blundering heart, be familiar with simple words said to people will understand, silly childish tomorrow, dancing like you hair, allow me to cherish not small rely on silent in uproar, want to meet spring flowers and plants leave will have new harvest, waiting for the spring the filar silk like subtle miracles will happen, I heard that day there is cloud in nestle, and found that the accumulation of change, faintly see the tail of a lion, believe think again beautiful also learn the scene ahead in the dawn of the garden Yang, I feel special, I understand you have a window, you will see the melting love, no plan no adventure, happy every day, a warm glow


1 . Look, so many dye color cotton candy to float in the air, that is tall, the cherry blossom on the cherry trees, let people see the couldn&#;t help thinking the school gate at the bound on the stick to sell cotton candy, really want to eat a few mouth snack; Come a little closer, the cherry blossoms are in clusters, clusters, more like a branch of melting ice cream; A little closer to see it, flying in the air, still white with pink, just like the snow in the winter makeup general beauty

2 . There will be no one, even if the life will not throw me away!

3 . 一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红。

4 . 身穿一袭素锦宫衣,外披水蓝色轻纱,微风吹过,轻纱飞舞,整个人散发出淡淡灵气。三千青丝被挽成一个简单的碧落髻,将一支清雅的梅花簪子戴上,只身一人向御花园走去,看着前面缓缓而来的宸妃。

5 . 汽车风驰电掣地在高速公路上行驶。司机五十开外,身材高大,脸呈古铜色,穿一件蓝色的工作服,戴顶米色的鸭舌帽,几根稀疏的白发从帽沿飘逸而出。有这样一位司机开车,使人有一种安全感。

6 . What happened is not to forget, just can not think of it

7 . 他穿着一件褪了色的蓝色大褂,好像永远是穿着这么一件一样。永远是那么漂亮。

8 . wheneverylovecomestotheend,ifulookback,uwillfindflowersandsorrows,butit’salwaysbeautiful不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

9 . The use of deep friendship, more sad than love, more pain, more bitter

10 . 一个黄衣少女笑吟吟的站在门口,肤光胜雪,双目犹似一泓清水,在各人脸上转了。


1 . 身着淡粉色纱衣,袖口绣洁白的花边,颈前叠两层乳白色纱领,繁复而精致,因为太过消瘦而锁骨分明。

2 . The teacher took us to the cherry garden, looking at the pink one, like a large pink cloud, floating, floating, tired, just stop there Close look, pink petals and green leaves all the oval, the blossom in yellow white, is white, under the above is yellow, very small, like a touch will be broken, so we just can&#;t touch The flowers are blooming in all shapes and shapes; Some of them are half open, trying hard; Some of them, like the shy little girl, dare not to appear But flowers or flowers, they are crowded, dense layers And the charming fragrance, refreshing and refreshing

3 . The leaves of the cherry blossoms are water droplets, with tiny little pubescent hairs on the edges, and the leaves of the stem are glimmering, just when the green light is shining The red flower needs a foil, which is true Although it has always been a supporting role, it still brings a green meaning to people The thick trunk was brown and the surface was waxy and smooth

4 . Peach is not only beautiful, but also released a fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind

5 . March into the cherry blossom avenue, each a cherry tree, all covered with large and small "beautiful faery", some has just established, some have placed himself in the branches, some still bright, but already weak without the wind

6 . 我迫不及待地把线浸了唾沫,捻了捻。可是我一捻,把那儿个小毛头捻得又细又长,穿针的时候,穿来穿去就是穿不进去。我只好把毛头拽下来才穿进去。接着,我在线的末端打上结,由于线上有唾沫,打结的时候,老是粘住手指,好不容易把结打好了。

7 . 她穿着淡咖啡色的裙装,敞领中衬着乳白色印度绸纱巾,别着一枚硕大的红宝石胸针。

8 . Often unlatched the door of success, as long as you are brave to push, it will suddenly open

9 . 这件衣服显得你更加阳光。

10 . You said you didn&#;t want to have a day to let me know, you are so good to him


1 . 我抽抽线,想把它拉平,可没想到线被抽了出来,原来,我忘了在线的末尾打结了。唉,没办法,只好再从头开始。终于又缝好了,再打个结儿,把线揪掉仔细欣赏。好家伙,针脚足有厘米长,像一条条细细的小黑虫儿爬在白裙上,真难看!

2 . 元日 玉楼春(宋毛滂 一年滴尽莲花漏,碧井屠苏沉冻酒。晓寒料峭尚欺人,春态苗条先到柳。佳人重劝千长寿,柏叶椒花芬翠袖。醉乡深处少相知,只与东君偏故旧。YuanRi jade LouChun (song MaoPang A year as lotus leak, Bess drop well TuSu sink frozen wine Xiao cold night is deceiving others, spring modal slim before to liu With the wind heavy advised thousand longevity, cypress leaves pepper flower Finn cui sleeve ZuiXiang depths little acquaintance, and only with the east jun partial GuJiu

3 . 淡绿色的繁花宫装,外面披着一层金色薄纱,宽大的衣摆上锈着紫色的花纹,三千青丝撩了些许简单的挽了一下,其余垂在颈边,额前垂着一枚小小的红色宝石,点缀的恰到好处。头上插着镂空飞凤金步摇,随着莲步轻移,发出一阵叮咚的响声。衬得别有一番风情美丽可人之姿。

4 . When love becomes love, I want to how to recall those who have had the happiness

5 . 琳达:在星期四我们做时尚报道。我需要一些漂亮衣服。可能还包括帽子。

6 . 这一款最适合您了穿上不但显得气质高雅还显得特别英俊。

7 . 一颗说走就走的心,一个会拍照的情侣,一段甜蜜的旅程。

8 . 梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。

9 . 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

10 . summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers




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