
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 04:27:34


1 . The gems drop away宝石掉落。

2 . Anemore——

3 . 有时是和铁哥们儿半真半假的戏谑,真不行,到岁,我们就相互将就一下,你娶了我我嫁给你吧。

4 . I wait for you to come back 我等你回来

5 . A miracle to say good-bye to this site

6 . 属于你的银莲花

7 . , in the graduation, the girlfriends who will give a gift to give a good sister it?

8 . This is the last rose of summer 这是夏日最后的玫瑰,

9 . 你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced

10 . 大学生活固然五彩缤纷,但它只是你远航中的一个港湾;而你人生的内容是——港湾之外的征服。


1 . Please give me the most clearest signal

2 . Thy music still,when Whippoorwill

3 . 有个女孩给我写信说,她岁时和一个同班的男生开始一段初恋,高中毕业后,女孩去外地打工,男生读大学,二人约定,大学毕业就结婚。初时二人经常通电话,感情一直很好,两年后,男生告诉女孩说,他耐不住寂寞,找了别人。于是两人分手了。分手时,男生说,我们现在都还不稳定,等三年后如果彼此都没遇见合适的,就重新在一起。

4 . Occasionally I run across the strange echo,

5 . 不知道是越来越独立,还是越来越心虚,走了这么久,发现唯一靠得住的还是自己。

6 . I am waiting for a hug, hug all my uneasiness 我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安

7 . 我们相遇是一次缘分,二度春秋,三年相伴,四季如花,毕业了祝你五福临门,六六大顺,即使不能天天相见,但也别总七上八下,九九归一一生好友,十全十美的毕业祝福!

8 . 《the smell of summer》

9 . 这些年,几个人,风一起过雨一起走,有过泪,有过痛,却一直坚守着。而如今,几个人,就要撒落天涯,却依旧紧紧相依相靠。毕业了,保重,我的朋友!

10 . , six of the spring of hope, we sowed four times; four golden autumn, we harvested four times; we have been tempered by the four summer heat and four winter test, please do not forget that there are Zi Zi Taste, sound and color of the time


1 . 鸿雁飞过,拾起一片掉落,写下誓言,等你,回来兑现。

2 . from the moment that i wake up 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起。

3 . 幸福的世界里……jest want to tell you……只想让你听到我的声音

4 . loneliness of night

5 . , you are the bud of the season, you are the wings of the eagle, tomorrow is our world, all because of our glory

6 . 我的鲜花排列成航

7 . life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get!生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。

8 . 不管对方拒绝与否,还是坚持送她回家,第二天再和她通电话。

9 . 信念是夸父逐日时不停的脚步,信念是雨中航行时对岸不灭的灯塔,信念是狂风肆虐苍鹰不停歇的身姿。拥有信念,一根小小的火柴,可以点亮一片心空;拥有信念,一片小小的绿叶,可以装点整个春天;拥有信念,一叶小小的扁舟,可以惊动一片海洋。

10 . , gather also hastily, scattered also promote, blossom flowers always infinite, only the heart of friendship


1 . it takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone对一个人有感觉需要一分钟,喜欢一个人需要一小时,爱上一个人需要一天;但是,忘记一个人却要用上一辈子。

2 . the sandflass remembers the time we lost沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光。

3 . 你要学会捂上自己的耳朵,不去听那些熙熙攘攘的声音;这个世界上没有不苦逼的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有你自己。

4 . 看了这个故事,我不由的想起一首歌,孟庭苇的《真的还是假的》,歌词大意是这样的:我听说开始总是真的,后来会慢慢变成假的,充满温柔的眼神啊。是用来开心不是用来伤心的;我硬说轻吻总是真的,但耳边细语常是假的,装饰爱情的诺言啊,是随口哼哼打发寂寞的歌。

5 . , poly is not the beginning, casual is not the end, the number of students set condensate countless moments, will always be engraved in my memory

6 . And row my blossoms o&#;er!

7 . Liescentless and dead无声无息躺着的地方。

8 . 不勉强送她回去,仅目送她上计程车,改天再约她。

9 . If I change shape, and you forget the time 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

10 . Thy leaves o&#;er the bed你的叶子躺在花床,


1 . 独自回眸,岁月逝去,校园尽头。怅分隔,问苍茫大地,怎能不哭。携来几人曾游,忆往昔快乐岁月稠。曾记否,在校园穿梭,笑声常留。毕业了,朋友愿你一生幸福,一路顺风。

2 . , birds twittering in the branches, more like our whispering year, and that a string of princess laughter

3 . Absolutely what I can do is to hope

4 . Since the lovely are sleeping 既然可爱的同伴都已沉睡,

5 . The place where you once were is now just a big,gaping hole。 你曾在我心上,现在空了一个大洞。

6 . I&#;ll not leave thee, thou lone one! 我不会离开你,那孤独的你!

7 . the leaves are falling when autumn comes

8 . 女人都希望她的终身伴侣是一个避风港,凡事都可以自已一肩挑起,绝不优柔寡断。因此,充满的男性在女人眼里,颇具有魅力,而遇事退缩三心二意的男人,只会令女人轻视而已。

9 . to reflect back her blushes, 来映衬它的红润,

10 . if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。


1 . O! who wouldinhabit 啊!谁愿独自停驻,

2 . When true hearts lie withered,当忠诚的心灵逐渐泯灭,

3 . 是什么使青松矗立于断壁裂缝边,依然枝繁叶茂;是什么使则出生的小牛犊摔倒后,一次又一次地爬起来;是什么使史铁生放弃了轻生的念头,在轮椅上描绘出灿烂的人生?是你——坚强。

4 . I love your smell so seriously

5 . 同窗是缘分的引子,彼此做对方的影子。课堂上有抢过本子,食堂里有夺过筷子。偶尔玩笑说你呆子,情深似成长的种子。毕业了,真心祝福朋友幸福一辈子,过顺利好日子。

6 . 游子的千层底里缝进的是亲情,黄鹤楼上遥望不归的是友情,千里孤坟埋不住的是爱情。敢问世间情为何物?情是人生的灵魂,是人生妙章中最重要的一笔。没有亲情,犹如酷寒的冬季没有结束的日期;没有友情,犹如漂泊不定的小舟没有避风的港湾;没有爱情,犹如黑夜里的寒月没有温暖和光明。

7 . Where thy mates of the garden那儿也是你花园的同伴

8 . Summer is a dreamy season,

9 . Without you I can also live well every day 没你我也可以过好每一天。

10 . and time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much而时光难熬,它能改变许多事。


1 . And from Love&#;s shining circle正如爱情闪耀的光圈内,

2 . 然而,不管出于何种因由,我们都要明白一个道理,我们所说的话语,不论真假,一向只代表当时那个时刻,过期作废。

3 . Heart is the knife stabbed himself to others心软就是把刀递给了别人捅自己

4 . High ideal is changed to temporary chance,

5 . Rainbow links the west and the east heaven

6 . 你如同一叶初展的征帆,在将要迈向更加辽阔的大海远行之际,也请你带上我们的期待和祝福——你的未来不是梦。

7 . 我虽然不知道自己究竟要多坚强,但是我知道,我只有强大,才能像一棵大树那样,给你遮风避雨,给你温暖,给你保护。

8 . 听!前方是机遇在招手,请大步向前;看,前路是辉煌一片,莫惧前路艰难;毕业在即,请准备好积极地心态,去挑战未来,迎接明天!祝你一切顺利,拥抱成功!

9 . 属于你的花儿,永远为你盛放!

10 . 于是,“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”成了亲情永恒的写照;“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”成为友情不变的承诺;“在天愿为比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”成了爱情永恒的誓言。人生最重要的应该是情,情如酒一样醇,如茶一样浓,如潭一样深。


1 . a sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他。

2 . 我会跳离那墓场,为你绽放

3 . 《Summer for Thee,Grant I May Be》

4 . 青春像杯甘而不烈的美酒,让我们尽情的陶醉忘乎所以,当毕业来临就像酒醒时分,令我们仍然恋恋不舍,祝你青春永驻,毕业快乐,幸福安康!

5 . 我对女孩说,所谓承诺,过期作废。若他记得,自然会来找你,如果不记得,你忘了便罢。当然,如果不到黄河不死心,不被伤害不掉泪,你真的想要去确定一个答复,那你就去吧,我对此有两种预估:一种是,他直接拒绝你,让你彻底死心;另外一种,即便他现在正好处于空窗期,接纳了你,与你重修旧好,也是暂时的,因为你的道行远不如他,一个几年前就搞不定的人,现在依然搞不定他,早晚,你必将再一次承受他离开你的事实。我实在不看好这段过时的旧情。

6 . , I rush in the whitecaps of the sea walk, often for the people on the beach to attract shells to attract: that focus on serious demeanor, that leisurely confidence in the action, as if the whole sea belongs to him, and all the best to his choice Friends, I could not help but think of your academic focus, serious, self-confidence

7 . how should i greet, with tears, with silence 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

8 . With equal passion I have sought knowledge I have wished to understand the hearts of men I have wished to know why the stars shine And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux A little of this, but not much, I have achieved

9 . The sloping needs pillar to mainstay

10 . 当夜莺和黄鹂,都把歌曲唱尽!


1 . 依依惜别,浓浓情意。同窗共读,美丽的校园撒下欢乐无数;嬉戏玩耍,青春的岁月翩跹绚丽舞步。这一段时光,铭记永远;这一份情意,今生不变。愿你前程似锦,人生辉煌!

2 . dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell在回想里连续梦境不如在天堂里等候天国。

3 . 一句祝福,一生幸福;一句问候,一世祈愿;一声珍重,一生牵挂。一声叮咛,一生念想。毕业之时,送上祝福,愿你一路,好运无数,不会孤独。

4 . 毕业之际把手牵,相对无语泪涟涟,眼神深深互凝望,胜似再多的语言,友情拴住你和我,天南地北线不断,临别送上千万福,重中之重身体健!

5 . Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖

6 . 有许多事,在你还不懂得珍惜之前已成旧事;有许多人,在你还来不及用心之前已成旧人。不管你是否察觉,生命都一直在前进。人生不售来回票,失去的便永远不再有。

7 . When summer days are flown!

8 . Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens But always pity brought me back to earth Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer This has been my life I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me

9 . 毕业了,发现时间的仓促,毕业了,发现青春的短暂,毕业了,发现你才是我的挚友!,毕业了,发条短信祝你开心每一天,快乐请与我分享,悲伤我愿与你一同承担!

10 . There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。




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