
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 19:53:44


1 . (独立完成练习。

2 . 许多有钱人家的孩子就读这所私立学校。

3 . 小题:开放性试题,只要观点正确,有理有据,文通句顺,书写认真即可。

4 . 年实用口语练习:当猪飞起来的时候

5 . (I&#;msorrytohearthat

6 . MayIaskyouaquestion?

7 . What&#;sthat?

8 . What&#;sgoingon?(到底怎么回事?

9 . 周瑜长叹一声,说:“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真不如他。”

10 . Thestrengtheningofnationaldefenseandthearmedforcesisastrongback-upforournationalsecurityanditbolstersupthenation’smodernizationdrive


1 . These activities provide students with two major advantages First of all, they play a positive role in improving students studies Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge In addition, the activities also serve students living in the ivory tower have little chance to get in touch with society Now the activities open the door for participants to leave their classrooms and get to know society

2 . They&#;reaboutthesame(它们几乎相同。

3 . (分别用这四个词说一句话,自己再练习一下。

4 . _________(beitcoldinyourcityyesterday?

5 . Issueshavebeendiscussedrangingfromtheeconomyandtrade,terrorism,antiterrorismandIraqaswellasNorthKoreannuclearissues

6 . Isanythingwrong?

7 . 这是什么礼物?

8 . (Whatdayisittoday?F:WehavePEandEnglish

9 . Mine,tooIknowhowyoufeel(我也是,我了解你的感受。

10 . 雨从早到晚哗哗哗哗地下个不停。______________。


1 . Whenhe______theclassroom,he______awatchontheground

2 . I&#;mshy*shy表示由于性格或不习惯社交场合,因而不愿与他人接触,在别人面前非常害羞。

3 . 张家界是那个省份的风景区。

4 . 我为自己感到惭愧。

5 . sing-sang,put-put,make-made,read-read,write-wrote,draw-drew,drink-drank,fly-flew,ride-rode,speak-spoke,sweep-swept,

6 . ①用来形容花草树木的______________________

7 . ItrainedeverydaywhileIwasinHawaii(我在夏威夷那几天,每天下雨。

8 . Oh,poorthing!(哦!太惨了!

9 . Itmustbehardonyou


1 . Howshameful!

2 . Ourgoalistoimporttheadvancedtechnologyandequipmentneededformodernizationdriveandmaterialsthatareshortof/(inshortsupplyindomesticatemarket/domestically

3 . ventureinChina

4 . ②用来比喻事业的________________________

5 . I&#;mashamedofmyself(我为自己感到惭愧。

6 . Whereareyougoing?

7 . Ah,poorBob!(啊,可怜的鲍勃!

8 . Ihavenoidea(我也不知道。

9 . play______________study______________

10 . Ithinkyou&#;renervous(我觉得你太紧张。




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