
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 20:18:55


1 . 沙发 sofa

2 . Mona Lisa’s m_____________ smile attracts so many people in the world

3 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

4 . 其他;另外 else

5 . 英语书 English book

6 . matricide n弑母

7 . 谁 who

8 . 咸的 salty

9 . I have a good friend, who is very thin, yet he wants to be a great _____________(运动员)

10 . 跳绳 skip the rope


1 . Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world

2 . 看 see

3 . sociologist 社会学家

4 . 滑冰 skate

5 . 歌手 singer

6 . 伊莉萨白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。

7 . Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land 鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动。

8 . punishment 惩罚

9 . morality 道德

10 . trap 陷阱


1 . Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality

2 . 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。

3 . disgust 反感

4 . 老师 teacher

5 . disorientation 迷失方向感

6 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母W开头)

7 . exhibition 展览

8 . incision n切割,切开,切口

9 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

10 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。


1 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

2 . 乘坐 take

3 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

4 . symptom 症状

5 . The tsunami ( 海啸 _________(毁坏)many trees and buildings

6 . Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red

7 . sothat 如此以致

8 . 短头发 short hair

9 . discrimination 歧视;区别

10 . all right 好,行;令人满意的,不错的;良好的,安然无恙的


1 . The car accident was not the driver’s f_________ as there was a man suddenly running across the road

2 . prudence 慎重

3 . 计算机储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能。

4 . discomfort 不舒服

5 . 骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。

6 . practice 做法

7 . The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm

8 . 电子卡片 e-card

9 . The boy felt _____________(窘迫 in front of such a big crowd

10 . decision n决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定


1 . 长袜 stocking

2 . 火车 train

3 . public opinion 舆论

4 . 穿 wear

5 . 疼的 sore

6 . 三十 thirty

7 . The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy

8 . 我右眼有点不舒服,所以我要去医院检查一下。( have sth done

9 . Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals

10 . 工程师 engineer


1 . 更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率——即再次拘押的比例——为百分之六十强。

2 . 姐;妹 sister

3 . status 地位

4 . When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time

5 . Along with these physical changes, there come many psy chological changes

6 . creativity 创造性

7 . outlook 观点;景色

8 . 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。

9 . 触摸 touch

10 . 船 ship


1 . An anonymous businesswoman ___________(捐献 one million dollars to the charity

2 . consumption 消费

3 . profession/occupation 职业

4 . Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter

5 . IV 句子翻译(每空分,共分)

6 . 说 say

7 . When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous

8 . Smoking has been found to have a bad effect on the health of the smoker and the people nearby

9 . what about 怎么样

10 . 围巾 scarf




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