
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 20:30:41


1 . 电子卡片 e-card

2 . 超级市场 supermarket

3 . 绕口令 tongue twister

4 . motion 《恶性字符 本帖子与本站无关 请各位用户及时提醒管理员删除》

5 . 欢迎 welcome

6 . 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

7 . 滑冰 skate

8 . discomfort 不舒服

9 . Looking back my school days, I feel they were among the happiest in my life

10 . Whatdoyoudointheevening?你晚上做什么?


1 . profession/occupation 职业

2 . 这就是你向老师解释的你听讲座迟到的理由吗?(定语从句)

3 . 从……获得乐趣 enjoy

4 . 年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?

5 . 老师 teacher

6 . 围巾 scarf

7 . 听起来 sound

8 . 冬季 winter

9 . Our school science laboratory is equipped with the latest laboratory e

10 . 出租汽车司机 taxi-driver


1 . The boy felt _____________(窘迫 in front of such a big crowd

2 . norm 准则

3 . 学校 school

4 . 倒垃圾 empty the trash

5 . vexation 烦恼

6 . soul 灵魂

7 . 第十二 twelfth

8 . 写报告 write a report

9 . charecteristic 特征

10 . 西红柿 tomato


1 . 服务员 waiter

2 . perspective 看法

3 . 多伦多 Toronto

4 . I can’t remember the people and things that they argued about at that monent

5 . The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments

6 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

7 . Thestrivercontrivestoderivethatprivacycantbedeprived

8 . 雨伞 umbrella

9 . obsacle 障碍物

10 . The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter




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