英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听

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英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听

英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听【一】

1 . 放弃了就彻底的输了,执着最少还会有一丝希望。

2 . Who can come to the front of the time,help me find the next screen。

3 . 每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。

4 . I’m still waiting for you where we used to be。But you’ve forgotten you were once here。

5 . For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much

6 . FakefriendsneverbetrayinfrontofyouTheyalwaysdoitbehindyou

7 . 时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。

8 . 幸福不是一时的事,而是一世的事。

9 . 原来一切只是我以为。

10 . 幸福,是一句问候,一个微笑,或一个拥抱。

英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听【二】

1 . The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person,but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him。

2 . 你的心被伤得好疼,他却早已移情别恋。

3 . 幸福不是写在脸上,而是心灵深处的东西。

4 . And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong。

5 . He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger。

6 . 凡事必先难后易。

7 . 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called burden-bearing Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love经典语句

8 . 现在只剩下孤零零的我So now I’m all alone

9 . Emancipate yourself from the past。The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!

10 . I want someone who’s afraid of losing me。

英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听【三】

1 . 最彻底的报复,是原谅和遗忘。

2 . 有一个人让我觉得很安心,所以想要依靠他,而另一个人让我觉得很孤单,所以想要拥抱他。

3 . 爱情不在了就要学会宽容,毕竟也相遇一场。

4 . Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget。

5 . 如"随风潜入夜"的春雨,润物无声

6 . 要相信幸福原来那么简单,简单到像清水一样。

7 . 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

8 . Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one。

9 . Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others,cannot keep it from them selves。

10 . 如果你要考验我的耐心,请先把你的耐心准备好。

英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听【四】

1 . To believe that happiness is so simple, as simple as water

2 . Would a man running in the rain,also don’t want to put into the arm。

3 . I can make it through the rain。I can stand up once again on my own。

4 . Until the day fine, maybe I&#;ll love you again

5 . Everybody wants happiness。No one wants pain。But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?

6 . 幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人励志网fortable,so I want to rely on him;while another one makes me feel lonely,so I want to embrace him。

7 . A man can fail many times,but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else。

8 . Whether you are willing to the passage of time, will let you forget a person

9 . 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。

10 . 气势恢弘的歌

英文歌曲 励志 音乐 好听【五】

1 . 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。

2 . 有些事一转身就一辈子。

3 . I sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart

4 . If you want to test my patience, please prepare your patience

5 . By chance to give you a temper, is to know that I am in your heart

6 . 我卑微了自己,在心底想念你。

7 . Never regret something that once made you smile。

8 . 拥有阳光般温暖美好的歌曲

9 . 你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。

10 . 越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。




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