
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 02:03:17


1 . 如果没有太阳地球上将到到处是寒冷,到处是黑暗,没有风雪雨露,没有草树鸟兽,自然也不会有人。

2 . What&#;s going on?

3 . 注意:此句型一般可以改为如下复合句句型。

4 . It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake

5 . J: it sounds like you&#;ve got a perfect plan

6 . 在我生活中我从来没见过比刘亦菲更美的女孩。

7 . 例如:It pays to help others

8 . 给我们青春无限,你留下日益苍老;给我们智慧之灯,你独守奉献黑暗;让我们飞跃蓝天,你遥望深情期盼,敬爱的老师,辛苦了,教师节,送上我最真的祝愿,祝您健康平安,快乐团圆。

9 . Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one I can’t cook and I hate cleaning。

10 . 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。


1 . O: he had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest Fortunately, in the third audition, he has won

2 . Oh,MyGod!That&#;sterrible

3 . 马路上到处都是垃圾。

4 . R: why not try it on?

5 . 这显示了没有事情能够阻挡我们实现目标。

6 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。

7 . 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

8 . Frank:Fair enough。

9 . 例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise!

10 . 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。


1 . E: sounds funwhat else?

2 . 不需你拿来更多的食物了。

3 . 例如:I have never seen a more beautiful girl than Liu Yifei in my life

4 . 例如:The book is worth reading

5 . Susan:Thanks for helping out Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight?

6 . 在浩翰的大海中航行,迷失方向,水手将葬身海底;在茫茫的戈壁中跋涉,迷失方向,旅者将暴尸荒野;在无边的探索中寻找希望之光,迷失方向,你将会与成功擦肩而过,抱憾终生。

7 . 送一杯茶的问候,冲淡您的疲劳;送一束花的祝福,映照您的微笑;展开一个拥抱的感恩,重温师爱的美好。老师,我爱您,祝您教师节快乐,青春不老。

8 . 例如:Smoking has a great influence on our health

9 . 主语+ be based on…(以……为基础

10 . 他戴着新手表到处炫耀。


1 . 存一份怀念在心深处地久天长直到永远……祝福您;怀念您我敬爱的老师

2 . There is no denying that + S + V…(不可否认的……

3 . 例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word

4 . 敬爱的老师,希望您幸福天长地,健康一生世,烦恼忧愁总是,今天教师节,祝您快乐久,平安百万年,疾祸几率为,节日快乐哦!

5 . 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

6 . 我宁愿步行回家也不愿做拥挤的公交车。

7 . 到目前为止我们所知道的是,他用了年的时间来写这本书。

8 . 那个地方发生了饥荒,到处都是萧瑟的景象。

9 . would rather do…than do…(宁愿……而不……

10 . Upon/On doing…, … (一……就……


1 . Jane:What?

2 . 他们可以荡秋千滑滑梯到处跑,玩上好几个小时。

3 . K: make sure you buy what you need and your clothes can be worn for various occasions

4 . 最喜欢的还是棉布的百褶短裙,张扬的裙摆不需要低劣的花纹去装饰,粗布的纹路的和裙摆上的褶皱。你可以有蓬松的卷发和粉藕色的嘴唇,你可以有凌乱的流海和橙色的腮红;你可以穿着呢子布的平底鞋,也可以是浅浅的高跟鞋;你可以戴着泛着柔和珠光的项链,也可以穿着灰黑相间的条纹长袜;你可以在人来人往的街上,低垂眼睑,也可以倚着残缺的砖墙上思考;你可以坐在学校的楼梯上迎着阳光祈祷,也可以站在落雨的屋檐下哭泣。你都可以听见裙角她在吟唱:“女孩”她说:“女孩。”

5 . B: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building

6 . 例如:As soon as he heard of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he …

7 . 例如:All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims

8 . 今天,我穿了一件花花绿绿裙子,金光闪闪的绸缎腕成蝴蝶结,腰间的粉红腰带犹如一条红色的溪水,潺潺的向两边流淌,直到“相逢”,组成一条粉桃桃的腰带,真是般配了!

9 . 例如:We should do our best to achieve our goal in life

10 . popularity among the audience And that&#;s when I started to notice him


1 . 记得带上你的包。Remember to take your bag。

2 . 没有比接受教育更重要的事。

3 . 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。

4 . R: come on, you sound like my MomLook at that, it&#;s beautiful!

5 . 您用汗水为我们浇灌成长,您用粉笔为我们书写未来,您用教鞭为我们指点江山,您用双手托起了祖国的未来,我想对您说一句:老师,您辛苦了。

6 . 街上一座商场着火了,除了消防车所在的位置没有火苗外,其它地方到处都是浓烟滚滚的。

7 . R: Beauty costs, dear! What do you think of this dress? Do you think it suits me?

8 . 大概有五年没穿裙子了,最后一次穿的裙子是一条百褶连衣纱裙,粉红色的。当我衣柜里找不到裙子,首饰盒里找不到蝴蝶结的时候,中性风已经像一场浩劫扫荡了大街小巷。可是,裙角依然是女孩最美的语言,在最幸福的时候。

9 . On no account can we + do… (我们绝对不能……。

10 . E: what kind of services do they offer?


1 . Why?

2 . 岁月流逝,我们都已长大可您的两鬓却已斑白。我们只能对您说:投之于桃,报之于李,老师,谢谢您!

3 .  

4 . O: and the host announced that he won it all!

5 . 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。

6 . 例如:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much

7 . 做运动与健康息息相关。

8 . Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

9 . G: me too

10 . 例如:Taking exercise is closely related to health


1 . 一条色彩斑斓的长裙一直延伸到她的脚踝-随着轻快的步伐流转着,马路对面的这个女孩,戴着一顶样式别致的草帽,一副大红色边的黑色墨镜,白色的宽松上衣,配上一条贝壳项链,就像一团五颜六色的光环朝他撞来。

2 . 例如:For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination

3 . Nothing is more important than to receive education

4 . 六一儿童节时,到处是孩子的欢声,到处都是孩子的笑语。

5 . 也许,您不是最优秀的,但在我心中您是最棒的!节日快乐,老师!阳光普照,园丁心坎春意暖;雨露滋润,桃李蓓蕾红。祝您教师节快乐。

6 . Whatkind?

7 . Jane:Yes, I do a lot But I don’t like doing dishes What about you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards?

8 . 去年今日大学中,师生情谊比天高,今年学生天涯散,恩师重接新学生,吾等不敢忘师恩,今年教师节气至,发条短信送祝福,祝您事业节节高,天天无忧乐开怀!

9 . R: maybe you have a point

10 . 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。


1 . Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

2 . 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

3 . 例如:We should spare no effort/make every effort to beautify our environment

4 . 例如:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard

5 . 主语 + do good/ harm to sth (对……有益/有害

6 . 走在田野间的小道上,到处都是金黄的稻子。

7 . 那个孤儿将会怎样?

8 . 敬爱的老师——感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸,雨落在心中,几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您

9 . 让未来过去,让过去过去。

10 . 例如:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create (produce any pollution




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