精致文案短句 英语(英文高级文案短句干净)

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精致文案短句 英语(英文高级文案短句干净)

精致文案短句 英语【一】

1 . 勤奋者时时获得机会,懒惰者处处失去良机。

2 . In a leisurely afternoon, will enjoy the afternoon tea time, the ears recalls the melody

3 . 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天

4 . Your choice of road, kneeling also want beautiful smartly

5 . 那些年错过的爱情,好想拥抱你拥抱错过的勇气。

6 . If I know what love is, it is because of you

7 . Tell yourself once a day, I am really good

8 . 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

9 . Many people are not reluctant to accept new ideas, but are reluctant to abandon old ideas

10 . As he that often yangaoshoudi

精致文案短句 英语【二】

1 . 毕业了,话题不再是八卦,学习,换成了工作,前途与结婚。

2 . Some things, only when the memories Some people, can only do a passenger

3 . You are not looking for a perfect person, but a person who is the most suitable for you

4 . 不要听别人怎么说你,走自己的路。

5 . Life is a telescope to see far Life is a microscope, see through

6 . 桃花不但美丽,而且还放出一股沁人心脾的香味。

7 . 将来的你,一定会感激现在拼命努力的自己。

8 . Those who missed the love, I want to hug you miss the courage to embrace

9 . Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork, optional on the good

10 . 每天和爱人在一起说说话,看看电视,陪陪孩子和家人在一起有甜蜜的笑容这就是幸福。

精致文案短句 英语【三】

1 . You have time to dream, why don&#;t have time to pursue

2 . 素色如锦。待到时光静好,与你相忘于天涯。

3 . 千里之行,始于足下。

4 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you

5 . 只有忍得住寂寞,才能够见明日的繁华。

6 . 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕林肯美国

7 . 祝你在每个成长的日子里都开开心心。生日快乐。

8 . 火柴如果躲避燃烧的痛苦,它的一生都将黯淡无光。

9 . Life is a bridge across the river of tears

10 . 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。

精致文案短句 英语【四】

1 . This is spoiled child, do not know the people will be hurt, naive cruel

2 . 第一个两位数生日第一次在家庆祝,亲爱的大儿子生日快乐!虽然有时候“烦”你“怒”你,不变的是爱你!时光静好,陪你长大

3 . 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。(苏格拉底 古希腊

4 . 以前长的不漂亮,不是自己的过错。以后不漂亮,就是自己的错!

5 . 狠怀念我们那时的时光,可惜这一切都成为过去。

6 . 写给小宝宝的祝福语:我祝福小宝宝健康成长。快乐幸福。将来一定事业有成。

7 . A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile ! 随身带着这两样东西的女生看起来都会很棒:自信和微笑

8 . The biggest failure of life, is to give up

9 . 烈火试真金,逆境试强者,珍惜眼前时,再创更高峰!

10 . My heart there is a big fish, it is called the dream and the distance




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