
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 12:36:24


1 . 新娘真慷慨,新郎好人才;好语讲归载,为着您相爱。

2 . 相互礼让,自觉排队。

3 . Eastern and Western table manners are really different!

4 . 节约是美,浪费是丑。

5 . 今日娶媳妇,入门荫丈夫;新年起大厝,珠宝归身躯。

6 . Chinese dinner has some special features

7 . 节俭饮食,减少浪费。

8 . 婚礼虽只是一时的,但是相爱确实一辈子。愿彼此相爱长存,幸福美满一生。

9 . On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks forsomething, you can hand it directly to him

10 . 亲爱的,恭喜你找到共度一生的灵魂伴侣,婚姻是人生大事,我也相信你做出的会是最明智的决定,快生娃,我就是干妈!


1 . 新娘美貌似天仙,天地注定好姻缘;在家父母好教练,应敬老教少年。

2 . 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。祝开心

3 . 杜绝浪费,从我做起。

4 . What else to watch: Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enoughto eat Or the host will ask if you&#;d like to have a second helping It&#;s polite to mop up excesssauce or gravy with bread

5 . 一张贺卡,有如此多的牵挂,只因它承载了浓浓的祝福,愿好友快快乐乐,平平安安!

6 . If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don&#;t turn your glass upside down, and don&#;tmake a big deal of saying you don&#;t drink Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glassand say "Not today, thanks"

7 . Upon leaving,give thanks to the host and invite him/her to your house in the future

8 . 愿你俩用爱去牵着对方,彼此互相体谅和关怀,共同分享今后的苦与乐。敬祝百年好合永结同心!

9 . If you&#;re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and forthe hostess to begin eating before you dig in At a long banquet table, it&#;s OK to start whenseveral people are seated and served

10 . 新娘新郎入洞房,今日鱼水得相逢;明年天上送贵子,富贵长寿福满堂。


1 . 所有的笙歌为你吹响,所有的鲜花为你绽放,所有的祝福和欢笑为你而到,今晚所有的灯火因你而灿烂,今夜的月光送来我的祝愿:喜结连理,鸳鸯戏水,白头偕老!

2 . 人讲做人三摆喜,第一着是结婚时;新郎新娘相合意,鸳鸯水鸭成一池。

3 . These are all I know about table manners that you should pay attention toHope they are helpful to you

4 . 由相知而相爱由相爱而更加相知。人们常说的仙眷侣就是你们了!祝相爱年年岁岁相知岁岁年年!

5 . 祝新婚快乐,白头偕老,早生贵子,幸福美满。愿你们的爱情生活,如同无花果树的果子渐渐成熟;又如葡萄树开花放香,作基督馨香的见证,与诸天穹苍一同地每日每夜述说着神的作为与荣耀!

6 . 红烛摇来幸福,囍字洋溢快乐,玫瑰绽放甜蜜,烟花灿烂心情。在这大喜的日子里,诚祝小两口心心相印情不渝,年年相伴爱永继。新婚快乐!

7 . People often cut bread directly on a table cloth rather than on a plate Tear your bread intobite-sized pieces before eating Taking a bite from the whole piece is very impolite。

8 . 感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!

9 . 真诚的爱情的结合是切结合中最纯洁的,祝福你们愿爱洋溢在你甜蜜的`生活中,让以后的每个日子,都象今日这般辉煌喜悦!

10 . 节俭消费文明用餐。


1 . Whenever you catch the eye of someone who&#;s eating, even a stranger, it&#;s goodmanners to say "provecho", which means enjoy

2 . 我的好姐姐,你的大喜之日到了,祝愿你们相亲相爱到永远,新婚快乐。

3 . 一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一心相盼;一份友情,一生挂念。

4 . 婚姻是什么?没有自由的婚姻是牢笼,同床异梦的婚姻是坟墓,依附金钱名利的婚姻是地狱,两个灵魂和谐一致的婚姻才是天堂!

5 . 热恋的海枯石烂,把甜蜜来演绎;新婚的终成眷属,把梦想来描绘;已婚的生活美满,把幸福来誊写;单身的莫在意,抓紧时间潇洒够。祝兄弟新婚无限乐!

6 . 新婚快乐,早生贵子!祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!夫妻恩恩爱爱到永远!

7 . obtain small amount of food each time and do not make loud noise while eatingTake time to talk with neighboring people to create a relaxing atmosphere

8 . 新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,心的起点。

9 . 祝成双鸾凤海阔天空双比翼,贺一对鸳鸯花好月圆两知心。

10 . 积水成河,聚米成箩。


1 . 新娘生靓看现现,夫妻一对好姻缘;食茶恭贺四句联,丁财福寿万万年。

2 . 今日好日子,两姓结连理;冬尾腹肚大,新娘真恭喜。

3 . Soup and bread to eat hot soup will not be blowing his mouth The first scoop of the key role of the "thermometer", the general should not be too full scoop Spoon to scoop from the inside out, the remaining soup can be set soup gently tilt outward Bread to eat, we do not take up the entire bread mouth bit to eat In line with the etiquette is to eat a small piece of bread torn by hand and then slowly mouth

4 . 不要说一万年太长,也不要说八千里太远;不要说九重天太高,也不要说五大洋太宽。祝福夫妻同心海阔天空,情侣恩爱地久天长!新婚快乐,喜结良缘。

5 . 一声鞭炮震天响,迎来新郎和新娘。新郎荣光与满面,新娘眉目传情忙。古今美缘流古芳,更有梁祝有绝唱,你情我意修同枕,携手并肩度苍茫。

6 . Chinese people hope guests to eat up food

7 . 愿你俩用爱去缠着对方,彼此互相体谅和关怀,共同分享今后的苦与乐。敬祝百年好合永结同心。愿意你们能永远拥抱着爱情的甜蜜。

8 . 在你们大婚之际,我祝愿:你们的爱情像辣椒酱,火红热烈无比香;你们的婚姻像排骨汤,浓郁滋润暖心肠。结婚大喜,早生贵子!

9 . I will tell you all the things I know about table manners

10 . 合理点餐,讲究营养。




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