
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 21:00:48


1 . What’syourtelephonenumber?It’s…

2 . Where is the …? It&#;s in/ on/under the …

3 . Yes, they are No, they aren&#;t

4 . Therearesomeorangesintheglass(变否定句

5 . What&#;s your/ his /her phone number?

6 . 你的字典在抽屉里吗?是的。

7 . Areherbaseballsunderthebed?No,they’renot

8 . That’s a great idea!好主意!

9 . But what for ? Our neighbour has a new baby !

10 . Where are my socks ? They’re on the bed


1 . What’syourlastname?MylastnameisSmith

2 . Unit我的背包在哪里?---在桌子底下。

3 . Isthatyourcousin?NO,itisn’t

4 . Doesshe/hehaveatennisracket?Yes,she/hedoesNo,she/hedoesn’t

5 . 。①do②see③what④you

6 . 他在电视上观看他们。HewatchesthemonTV

7 . ATherearesomeBYes,thereisCYes,thereisoneDNo,thereare

8 . Whatcolourisyourball?你的球是什么颜色?

9 . I like action movies and comedies

10 . 我不知道。Idon’tknow


1 . 谢谢你的全家福。Thanks/Thankyouforthephotoofyourfamily

2 . What kind of movies do you like?

3 . Putyournotebookinyourbag把你的笔记本放进书包。

4 . 她的棒球(复数在床底下吗?不是。

5 . I agree。 我同意。

6 . Goodboy好男孩。

7 . 我的手表和笔记本在梳妆台上。Mywatchandnotebookareonthedresser

8 . Do you/ they like salad/ pears?

9 . 听起来不错。Thatsoundsgood

10 . ---你好吗?--我很好,谢谢!


1 . It’sorangeIlikeit橘黄色,我喜欢它。

2 . Doyoulikethisumbrella?你喜欢这把雨伞吗?

3 . Isthereababyintheroom?(变复数

4 . This red T-shirt is pretty ( nice / beautiful / !

5 . This small one ?

6 . Arethereanymapsonthewall?___

7 . Look at these (物品如:my clock…

8 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

9 . ---这个用英语怎么说?---是个橘子/是把尺子。

10 . You look sick How are you feeling? 你看起来不太舒服,你感觉怎么样?


1 . _________________________________________________________

2 . 他叫什么名字?---他名叫汤姆。

3 . 那些是我的朋友们。Thosearemyfriends

4 . Let’s get together again。改天再聚聚。

5 . Thisisourclassroom这是我的教室

6 . Please pass me my T-shirt

7 . are how Alice you__________________________

8 . 她/他是你阿姨/叔叔吗?是的。

9 . What does Jim have for breakfast?

10 . 上午好!下午好!晚上好!Goodmorning/afternoon/evening!


1 . 你的电话号码是多少?---是…

2 . Howareyou?I’mfine/I’mOk,thanks!

3 . Hurry up !

4 . May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名?

5 . Yes, it is No, it isn&#;t

6 . ①②③④

7 . Isyourdictionaryinthedrawer?Yes,itis

8 . Does she want to go to a movie?

9 . Yes, he/she is No, he/ she isn&#;t

10 . ThedoorisgreenThewindowsareyellow门是绿色的,窗户是黄色的。




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