
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 06:10:35


1 . I think students should be allowed to go out with their friends 我认为应该允许学生们跟朋友一起外出。 I agree / I disagree我同意。 / 我不同意。

2 . Onlifuputthesuntheredidtheveentsfthetherplanetsinthesaesense

3 . Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

4 . I’d love to sail across the Pacific我想横渡太平洋。

5 . 日久不一定生情,但必定见人心。有时候也怕,时间会说出真话。

6 . 额外补充的是,在高等数学中的平行线的定义是相交于无限远的两条直线为平行线,因为理论上是没有绝对的平行的!

7 . Wei Ming feels differently 卫明有不同的感受。

8 . He might be running to catch a bus他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。

9 . 他长得什么样?他(是高而强壮。What’shelike?He’stallandstrong

10 . It’s amazing how much this helped 我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。


1 . Even if I&#;m wrong, I hope you can make me happy instead of blaming me, I just don&#;t give up Even if the whole world betrayed me, I only need one person to stand with me

2 . Hewashesthedishes

3 . Heismediumbuild

4 . Hegtinterestedintwtheriesexplaininghwchlerailledpeple

5 . Sometimes, I just want to cry, because my heart is suffocating Sometimes, just want to go crazy, because the mood is low Every good thing has a lost day A deep memory, also a day of forgetting A good man has a long way to go A dream of beauty, a waking day It is time to give up and never let go It is hard to write well, but hard to understand

6 . National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million: million to be happy, healthy million, million should be safe, happy to million, million MO forget me!

7 . The heart of utility is the important reason for the weariness of the heart, and the life is not calm at all

8 . Jimcleanedtheroomanddothehousework

9 . in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking Sincerely wish you a happy National Day

10 . I know this might seem strict 我知道这似乎太严格。


1 . An eye finds more truth than two ears 百闻不如一见。

2 . It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot 那会使你紧张的 玉梅似乎变化很大

3 . ③象限的规定:右上为第一象限左上为第二象限左下为第三象限右下为第四象限。

4 . 你怎么样?我也做作业。Whataboutyou?Idomyhomework,too

5 . What we really want is not material, but spiritual abundance If you want to be happy, you want your soul to be enriched, and good night to you!

6 . I wish Fossett will be busy in the letter, the National Day when you send and distant I wish you a happy National Day, wishing, and prosperity!

7 . I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends 以前我常常花很多时间和我的朋友们玩游戏

8 . I hardly ever have time for concerts 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会

9 . I&#;m just a sunflower, waiting for belongs to my only sunshine 我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光

10 . Happiness, there are no shortcuts, no perfect, only business, only on the heart The classic good night heart


1 . Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don&#;t leave any regrets Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。

2 . A man has two eyes, all parallel, so that he should be equal; A man&#;s ears are divided on both sides, so he must not listen to the word A man has only one heart, yet he has two hearts, so he does not only think for himself, but also for others

3 . 他相信第二种说法,但是需要证明他是正确的。

4 . , long night, give you a beautiful face, wish you are not alone in the summer night; Neon glitter, give you warm harbor, may you have my company in life; I wish you a sincere and sincere message May your life be more colorful Good night!

5 . beabsrbedin专心

6 . It’s too hard to understand the voice 听懂那些声音太难了。

7 . I love when someone&#;s laugh is funnier than the joke我喜欢那种笑得比笑话本身还有趣。

8 . What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears? 什么是勇气?是哭着要你爱我,还是哭着让你离开。

9 . Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition无论怎样,你都不能错过这次展出。

10 . 但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。


1 . Life is full of tribulations, you must look to the wider; Worry and worry forget, the open-minded attitude always has; Don&#;t put the blame on your mouth Put down the day and complain, clear the mood: "good night"!

2 . You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there 你如果去那里,需要带些暖和的衣服。

3 . Hesaid:"Nothingserious"Andhetoldmetotakearestanddrinkmorewater

4 . Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes ------ 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

5 . , hobnobbing, whether you are still in the struggle, the cool autumn wind, are you still in work overtime, I care about, is the most precious, tonight I still think you go to sleep, friends, good night!

6 . Good looks fade, but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever 纵然芳容易逝,心善却能令美丽永驻。

7 . ClassOneplayedwellTheydeservedtowin

8 . Pain makes you stronger Tears makes you braver Heartbreak makes you wiser So, thank the past for a better future伤痛使你更坚强,眼泪使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智。所以,感谢过去带给我们一个更好的未来。

9 . One finger can’t left a small stone独木难支。

10 . Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart —— 时间可以愈合一颗破碎的心,也会伤害一颗等待的心。


1 . It will make you stressed out

2 . :①系数是整数时取各项最大公约数。②相同字母取最低次幂③系数最大公约数与相同字母取最低次幂的积就是这个多项式各项的公因式。

3 . HeworksveryhardHeworksinNoMiddleSchool

4 . He also put up some sign asking for old bikes 他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的广告。

5 . He could be running for exercise他可能是跑步锻炼身体。

6 . Neitheritscause,nritscurewasunderstd

7 . Weshouldplantmoreflowersandtrees

8 . Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one&#;s level of aspiration and expectation 成就主要是逐步提升抱负及期望的结果。 —杰克·尼克劳斯

9 . 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!


1 . Weshouldnotthrowlitterontotheground

2 . I have learned a lot that way 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。

3 . So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you 因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。

4 . ThemoststrikingdifferenceisthatA…,whileB…

5 . Idecidedtoseethedoctor

6 . 星期一你们午饭吃什么?WhatdoyouhaveforlunchonMondays?

7 . 平面直角坐标系的要素:①在同一平面②两条数轴③互相垂直④原点重合

8 . She had trouble making complete sentences 她很难造出完整的句子。

9 . It&#;sourdutytoprotectourenvironment

10 . 初中数学知识点:因式分解的一般步骤


1 . When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited I wish a happy National Day!

2 . LastSunday,ClassOnehadafootballmatchwithClassTwo

3 . Peoplevisittheirrelativesandfriends

4 . and that she wants is not a word and a word I love you, said many, is cheap, weak, she need you occasionally more careful, let her know, in fact you have been worried about this, she did not forget

5 . No matter what happens, don&#;t give up There will be some unexpected scenery Maybe it&#;s not the way you wanted to go, but the other road has a different scenery, so don&#;t linger on the original road Here you will have a better view

6 . When we are speaking about love,it&#;s never too late 当我们说爱你的时候,永远都不会晚。《给朱丽叶的信》

7 . AsChinaisabigcountry,peopleindifferentplacescelebratethisholidayindifferentways

8 . I just spoke to the moon over the phone, and asked it to sprinkle the light to sleep with you Send an email to the stars to adorn the night sky with your sweet dreams They say yes, good night, sweet dreams!

9 . Weenjoyedourselves

10 . The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectations 年轻人的可敬之处在于勇气和远大前程。(王小波


1 . 喜欢你的人,要你的现在。爱你的人,要你的未来。真正的爱情,不是一见钟情,而是日久生情;真正的缘份,不是上天的安排,而是你的主动;真正的关心,不是你认为好的就要求她改变,而是她的改变你是第一个发现的;真正的矛盾,不是她不理解你,而是你不会宽容她。

2 . (be)strictwithsb对某人要求严格

3 . 捡起某个东西,结果它比你想象的要轻很多。它是一塑料袋的卫生纸,是一行李箱的袜子,或是一整理盒的连指手套。感觉妙极了!——《生命中最美好的事都是免费的》

4 . What do you think “anxious” means?你认为“anxious”是什么意思?

5 . Jimwenttoshopanddidsomeshopping

6 . The root of a man&#;s happiness is his willingness to be himself Don&#;t make a meaningless assumption that you have made another choice You hold it in your hand, and you may be bored or used to it So be happy, be grateful, be quiet and enjoy what you have

7 . Afewdayslater,IfeltbetterFromthenonIbelievethatkeepinghealthyisthemostimportantthingintheworld

8 . ①确定公因式。②确定商式③公因式与商式写成积的形式。

9 . What do you dislike about this CD你不喜欢这张 CD 的什么?

10 . 世上所有的事情都可以模糊,只有感情必须要清清楚楚,否则就是犯贱。




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