
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 06:37:41


1 . 取之有度,量力而食。

2 . 勤俭节约是一种美德。

3 . 遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

4 . 例如:Taking exercise is closely related to health

5 . 我又问他:“老伯,那你到城里来做什么呢?”

6 . 毫无疑问,他来晚了。

7 . 让微笑来点缀生活。

8 . To be frank/ To tell the truth, … (老实说, ……

9 . Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it&#;s being passed to someone who asked for it isthe equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude

10 . 怀着美好的祝愿采摘一朵美丽云彩用喜悦写上:祝你生活甜蜜精彩!走遍天涯海角觅寻一片欣然绿叶用真情写上:祝你幸福快乐好自在!遨游银河亲手摘来一颗星星用思念写上:祝你吉祥如意我的至爱!


1 . 一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。

2 . In contrast to the etiquette in Russia, it&#;s considered good manners tofinish everything on your plate

3 . 创文明城市做文明有礼的餐饮人。

4 . I will tell you all the things I know about table manners

5 . 讲究卫生,请勿交谈。

6 . 没有你的天,不蓝!没有你的花,不艳!没有你的`饭,不香!没有你的眠,不甜!亲爱的,你为什么还不回来?

7 . 然后,他微笑着问我家住哪里。当我告诉他住在海西时,他竟兴奋地说:“你们那里,我可去过很多次。在你们村子东南不远就是大海,村前有一条小路,路旁有一座龙王庙……”

8 . Chinese people hope guests to eat up food

9 . Whenever you catch the eye of someone who&#;s eating, even a stranger, it&#;s goodmanners to say "provecho", which means enjoy

10 . 例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him


1 . 人生之路,风云变幻,沉浮不定,有坎坷的山路,也有隐晦的沼泽。但是只要我们的心灵面朝太阳,那么在人生通往成功与幸福的道路上,我们已经远离了黑暗和沉沦!

2 . 例如:As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power

3 . 节俭饮食,减少浪费。

4 . 你现在好吗?今天快乐吗?我从远方送你的祝福你收到了吗?为你点亮三百六十五只蜡烛,只为永远的祝福你。

5 . spent as much time as he could doing sth(花尽可能的时间做某事

6 . There is also difference about the position of tableware

7 . No matter + wh-从句,…

8 . 男孩兴冲冲地将这一切告诉智者,智者徐徐说道:“人的生命价值就像这块石头一样,在不同环境下就会有不同的意义,你明白吗?”

9 . 例如:I prefer to stay at home rather than see the awful film with him

10 . All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarettepacks, sunglasses, BlackBerrys


1 . 第二天,男孩蹲在市场角落,意外地有好多人要向他买这块石头,而且价钱越出越高。回到院内,男孩兴奋地向智者报告:“想不到一块石头值那么多钱呢!”

2 . 例如: To be frank/ To tell the truth, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice

3 . 开展“文明餐桌行动”,提升城市文明水平。

4 . 我惊讶地问:“你还会做推拿?”

5 . 老婆老婆我想你,发个短信骚扰你,好想好想亲亲你,把你抱在我怀里,不知此时在哪里,只好放在我心里!

6 . 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。

7 . 他花了尽可能多时间记新单词。

8 . 相互礼让,自觉排队。

9 . 主语 + do good/ harm to sth (对……有益/有害

10 . 他一听到这个出乎意料的消息,就如此惊讶以至于


1 . 仑苍镇“文明餐桌行动”宣传口号

2 . It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake

3 . nothing can prevent us from doing… (没有事情能够阻挡我们做……

4 . 例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy

5 . 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

6 . 形容词+ as +主语+ be,主语+ 谓语(虽然……

7 . Soup and bread to eat hot soup will not be blowing his mouth The first scoop of the key role of the "thermometer", the general should not be too full scoop Spoon to scoop from the inside out, the remaining soup can be set soup gently tilt outward Bread to eat, we do not take up the entire bread mouth bit to eat In line with the etiquette is to eat a small piece of bread torn by hand and then slowly mouth

8 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

9 . 合理点餐,厉行节俭。

10 . 智者笑笑,“明天你拿到黄金市场去,记住,不论人家出多少钱都不能买!”




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