
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-05 16:51:06


1 . Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois, have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the United States

2 . 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动。它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊。

3 . EDO:Extended Data Output,扩充数据输出。当CPU的处理速度不断提高时,也相应地要求不断提高DRAM传送数据速度,一般来说,FPM(Fast Page Model)DRAM传送数据速度在-ns,而EDO DRAM比FPM快倍,达ns目前最快的是SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM,同步动态存储器),其存取速度高达ns

4 . I find young people exciting They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things

5 . 树林 woods

6 . i dont like it 我不喜欢。

7 . They are working hard preparing themselves for the coming final examination

8 . No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States

9 . i won 我赢了。

10 . 大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白。


1 . 路;道 way

2 . It is most mad and moonly

3 . I regret to say that your suggestions is far from satisfying

4 . 那就是我所知道的全部情况,我再也告诉不了你什么了。(not any more

5 . She is gaining weight because she likes eating dtoo much

6 . I look back on my time in the UK with ____________(满意), and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again

7 . 链域 link field

8 . congratulations! 恭喜恭喜。

9 . When she was lying in hospital, she regretted not following her mother’s advice

10 . 也 either


1 . 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。

2 . About students from our school athe lecture given by the famous professor

3 . tolerance 宽容

4 . hardship 艰难险阻

5 . Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating

6 . 外部排序 external sort

7 . 大学 university

8 . binary digit 二进制位,二进制数字

9 . 谨慎的航海员在出航前,会研究航向,记录的灯塔的位置,以便对各种可能出现的情况做到有备无患。

10 . ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive


1 . 悉尼 Sydney

2 . 科学博物馆 science museum

3 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer

4 . The first thing you do when meeting someone is to greet the person and make a self i_____________

5 . im leaving 我要走了。

6 . 种子 seed

7 . 英语 English

8 . The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined

9 . ill miss you 我会想念你的。

10 . Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others


1 . debugging 调试

2 . floppy disk 软磁盘

3 . 购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动。

4 . ·Jumper:跳线(短路端子

5 . 转置矩阵 transposed matrix

6 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map

7 . access arm 磁头臂,存取臂

8 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

9 . 写信 write a letter

10 . celebrity 名人


1 . CD:Compact Disc,压缩光盘,又称激光唱盘。

2 . CMOS:是Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的缩写,含义为互补金属氧化物半导体(指互补金属氧化物半导体存储器)。CMOS是目前绝大多数电脑中都使用的一种用电池供电的存储器(RAM)。它是确定系统的硬件配置,优化微机整体性能,进行系统维护的重要工具。它保存一些有关系统硬件设置等方面的信息,在关机以后,这些信息也继续存在(这一点与RAM完全不同)。开机时,电脑需要用这些信息来启动系统。如果不慎或发生意外而弄乱 了CMOS中保留的信息,电脑系统将不能正常启动。

3 . 顺序文件 sequential file

4 . satisfaction 满足

5 . 作家 writer

6 . It was foolish of you to believe what the stranger had said

7 . decision 制定

8 . 三 three

9 . Interface,SCSI接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备

10 . ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit


1 . i am wasting my time 我在浪费时间。

2 . 文件 file

3 . sympathy 同情

4 . 第三 third

5 . costume 服装

6 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century

7 . 故事书 story-book

8 . approach 鼓掌

9 . I have a good friend, who is very thin, yet he wants to be a great _____________(运动员)

10 . 通常;一般 usually




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