
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-14 12:33:47


1 . when i started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around” — willie nelson

2 . 困难是好景的机遇,是重任的垫脚石。也许有一天你会感谢一些暂时性的错败,当一扇门关闭时,一定会有另一扇门打开。

3 . 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。(美国总统 威尔逊 w

4 . “若你从今起每天自觉地对生活的种种感恩,两个月后,你将会是一个不同的人。你会启动了一个古老的精神定律:你感谢得愈多,你将得到更加多。”

5 . 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。 (美国总统 富兰克林 B

6 . aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in (william shensto, british poet

7 . 时间是一支永远在飞翔的鸟。 ——罗伯逊

8 . dear Miss Yao, as the gratuation is driving near,I feel more grateful for youIn the past three year,you teach me a lotYour encouragement really help me make progress敬爱的姚老师,随

9 .

10 . ——napoleon


1 . waste not,want not 不浪费,不愁缺。

2 . a friend indeed is known by sharing hardships 患难是朋友的试金石。

3 . laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law (oliver goldsmith, british writer

4 . 健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家 爱默生 R W

5 . walls have ears 隔墙有耳。

6 . Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise (Benjamin Franklin , American president

7 . 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。(英国法学家 波洛克 f

8 . it is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill (alfreds tennyson, bitish writer

9 . better an open enemy than a false friend 虚伪的朋友比公开的朋友更可怕。

10 . 如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。(古希腊剧作家 索福克勒斯


1 . 在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。

2 . "感恩始于感谢之心,谢意正好完成了感恩。感恩也许只是一堆言语文字,感谢却要以行动去表逹。”

3 . Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude gratitude is the completion of thankfulness thankfulness may consist merely of words gratitude is shown in acts — henri frederic amiel感恩始于感谢之心,谢意正好完成了感恩。感恩也许只是一堆言语文字,感谢却要以行动去表逹。”

4 . One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged

5 . Classic A book which people praise and don’t read “经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的`书。

6 . "当我开始计算我所拥有的福乐,我的整个生命立即给扭转过来。”

7 . Coping with problems in our real life is the end, and reading is only one of the means to reach the end处理现实生活是目的,读书只是达到这个目的手段之一。

8 . nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it

9 . Books are to mankind what memory is to the individuanl 书之于人类,犹如记忆于之个人。

10 . It‘s your day, Teacher Have a great day! 老师,这是属於您的`日子,祝您愉快


1 . 没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远适用的宪法,甚至一条永远适用的法律。(美国总统 杰斐逊 t

2 . where there&#;s smoke,there&#;s fire 无风不起浪。

3 . 不要把生命浪费于怀疑与恐惧中。 ——爱默生

4 . 健康是人生第一财富。—— Emerson 爱默生

5 . This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness We all want to thank you 这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。

6 . 倘若世上没有坏人,也就不会有好的律师。(英国小说家 狄更斯 c

7 . the law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law (frederick pollck ,british jurist

8 . law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society (woodrow wilson, american president

9 . A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops

10 . 您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。


1 . The man who can make hard things easy is the educator

2 . failure is the mother of success 失败是成功之母。

3 . "假设你给别人一份礼物,如果他们忘了感谢你,你还会给予他们其他礼物吗?人生亦是同一道理。为了得到更多的福乐,你必须对自己所拥有的感恩。”

4 . i have every confidence in my success我有信心,我一定会成功的。

5 . “i thank god for my handicaps, for, through them, i have found myself, my work, and my god” — helen keller

6 . all are not friends that speak us fair 说我们好话的未必全是朋友。

7 . 我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您感激您。

8 . The sheep have to kneel grace milk, a is nurturing the meaning of羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。

9 . We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift Happy Teacher’s Day! 我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快!

10 . We are more thankful than we can express


1 . all good things must e to an end 天下没有不散的宴席(好景不长。

2 . Hearty wishes on Teacher‘s Day 在教师节的这一天,衷心的祝福您

3 . good order is the foundation of all things (eburke, btritish statesman

4 . If you could have more smile in the classthat would be better All in all,thanks for all the help you give me in the past three yearsBest wishes! joozonecom如果您在上课的时候有更多的微笑,那样就越发完美了。总之,谢谢您这三年来给我的帮助,真心感谢。

5 . while there is life there is hope 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

6 . You are like a third parent We all love you and respect you

7 . This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness We all want to thank you

8 . one of the most striking and salutary thing in ameican life is the widespread study of law (alexis de tocqueville ,french judge

9 . as you sow,so shall you reap 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

10 . I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing my child 谢谢您对我孩子的教诲。




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