
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-17 17:50:04


1 . And from Love&#;s shining circle正如爱情闪耀的光圈内,

2 . We just met not to start (我们只是相遇未曾开始

3 . , in the graduation, the girlfriends who will give a gift to give a good sister it?

4 . Liescentless and dead无声无息躺着的地方。

5 . 当夏日已经离我们而去

6 . 今天,长颈鹿老师又要教小朋友们什么呢?

7 . Children swim in the cool lake,

8 . 纵使季节搁浅,记忆沉淀,那薄薄的底片随着岁月褪色,也还能冲洗出那片温馨。

9 . , envy you - have a young heart, agile heart I hope your rhythm and the times, in the life of the road quickly run!

10 . He as smile is the world as most gentle strength (他的笑是这世界上最温柔的力量。)


1 . 最长久的拥有是珍惜,最温暖的感觉是幸福。

2 . 不知道是越来越独立,还是越来越心虚,走了这么久,发现唯一靠得住的还是自己。

3 . I have for you cry, from now on you do not deserve my smile我曾为你哭过,从此你不配拥有我的微笑。

4 . Thy leaves o&#;er the bed你的叶子躺在花床,

5 . We draw further apart, but the same 我们背道而驰,最后却殊途同归。

6 . , is honored to have four classmates to read with you, so I met you the chic "genius", I appreciate your temperament, admire your man, surely you will become my best friend in the future

7 . 一份懂得,更让心灵有了慰藉的港口。

8 . 信念是夸父逐日时不停的脚步,信念是雨中航行时对岸不灭的灯塔,信念是狂风肆虐苍鹰不停歇的身姿。拥有信念,一根小小的火柴,可以点亮一片心空;拥有信念,一片小小的绿叶,可以装点整个春天;拥有信念,一叶小小的扁舟,可以惊动一片海洋。

9 . , you are the bud of the season, you are the wings of the eagle, tomorrow is our world, all because of our glory

10 . Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young


1 . 幸福的世界里……jest want to tell you……只想让你听到我的声音

2 . This bleak world alone? 在这荒凉的世界孑然一身?

3 . Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 将他遗忘好比去了解一个素未谋面的人那样

4 . Wind goes through leaves without flower,

5 . Without you I can also live well every day 没你我也可以过好每一天。

6 . Rainbow links the west and the east heaven

7 . 《The Last Rose of Summer 》

8 . Absolutely what I can do is to hope

9 . 我虽然不知道自己究竟要多坚强,但是我知道,我只有强大,才能像一棵大树那样,给你遮风避雨,给你温暖,给你保护。

10 . , six of the spring of hope, we sowed four times; four golden autumn, we harvested four times; we have been tempered by the four summer heat and four winter test, please do not forget that there are Zi Zi Taste, sound and color of the time


1 . 沉默的送别,止不住的不舍,无声胜有声的祝福,生怕一开口就会泪流成河。轻轻道声珍重,祝你梦想实现,早日成功,来日再聚。

2 . 大家一瞧,它拼出来的句子是孩子是我们好。

3 . 目标如沙漠中的绿洲,滋润着跋涉者干涸的意志;目标如黑暗中的灯火,燃亮了夜行者心中的希冀。目标是高耸入云的山,是竞帆思归的岸。

4 . , graduated, how to keep those warm days, but how eager to be able to throw into the torrent of life as soon as possible That the students in the past life, is a bunch of sweet candied fruit; that charming sweet and sour, will never finish

5 . 有许多事,在你还不懂得珍惜之前已成旧事;有许多人,在你还来不及用心之前已成旧人。不管你是否察觉,生命都一直在前进。人生不售来回票,失去的便永远不再有。

6 . , it was said: "Everyone can become their lucky architect" Let us in the road to life, with their own hands to build the fortune of the building

7 . Huge white butterfly appears in Fairland,

8 . 你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced

9 . 朋友们,在你最悲观最失望的时候,那正是你必须鼓起坚强的信心的时候。你要深信:天下没有白费的努力。成功不必在我,而功力必不唐捐。

10 . 独自回眸,岁月逝去,校园尽头。怅分隔,问苍茫大地,怎能不哭。携来几人曾游,忆往昔快乐岁月稠。曾记否,在校园穿梭,笑声常留。毕业了,朋友愿你一生幸福,一路顺风。


1 . Summer for thee,grant I may be

2 . 小狐狸拿着糖,高兴的笑起来,笑的比这糖还要甜呢!

3 . It makes me troublesome with missing you

4 . ,每个人都是super man!

5 . Legs up and down look like flying fishes

6 . I thought you had feelings for me 我以为你会对我有感觉

7 . without you I think there is nothing left with me

8 . Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖

10 . ---but I have lost it


1 . 至于女孩听不听,后者如何,我就不得而知了。

2 . 有个女孩给我写信说,她岁时和一个同班的男生开始一段初恋,高中毕业后,女孩去外地打工,男生读大学,二人约定,大学毕业就结婚。初时二人经常通电话,感情一直很好,两年后,男生告诉女孩说,他耐不住寂寞,找了别人。于是两人分手了。分手时,男生说,我们现在都还不稳定,等三年后如果彼此都没遇见合适的,就重新在一起。

3 . 我的鲜花排列成航

4 . I wish you loved me 但愿你爱过我

5 . 约定这种随口而出的东西,既不能作为呈堂供词,也不具备法律效力,更不能上门追债讨账。大多数成年人都明白这个道理,听听笑笑便罢了,不可当真。然,能够真的记得约定的人,往往是放不下的那个人。

6 . 长颈鹿老师见了,微笑着点点头说:小狐狸很聪明,这块糖送给你吧!

7 . Where thy mates of the garden那儿也是你花园的同伴

8 . 美好的人,并不是那么难遇到。难遇到的,是美好而且深爱我们的人。因为深爱,我们才得以享有体会进而理解他们的美好,他们的不为外人所知的美好。

9 . When summer days are flown!

10 . , remember the military training field, a top Red Hat, parade field loud slogans, yes, since then, we unique step into this desirable world


1 . 我对女孩说,所谓承诺,过期作废。若他记得,自然会来找你,如果不记得,你忘了便罢。当然,如果不到黄河不死心,不被伤害不掉泪,你真的想要去确定一个答复,那你就去吧,我对此有两种预估:一种是,他直接拒绝你,让你彻底死心;另外一种,即便他现在正好处于空窗期,接纳了你,与你重修旧好,也是暂时的,因为你的道行远不如他,一个几年前就搞不定的人,现在依然搞不定他,早晚,你必将再一次承受他离开你的事实。我实在不看好这段过时的旧情。

2 . I love your smile seriously

3 . 《My Lost Summer》

4 . to reflect back her blushes, 来映衬它的红润,

5 . There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。

6 . the mat was wet with my tears and I suffered from the

7 . 人活在这个世界上,可以不刚强,但一定不能懦弱。不刚强,人生也不过是平淡。若是懦弱,则属于一个人的气概尽失,气概失则气象尽,气象尽,即便百转千回,沉舟侧畔,过尽千帆,也只好一个人喑哑黯淡。

8 . Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found

9 . 张开我们千锤百炼的翅膀,翱翔蓝天追逐我们的梦想;张开我们可以依靠的臂膀,迎接每一个美好的希望。毕业了,未来的路,愿你携带坚强一路向上,向着成功前往。

10 . the leaves are falling when autumn comes


1 . the wind flows beside my feet

2 . 我们可以丢失许许多多,只要不丢失友爱的`心,如果没有你温暖的友情,我不会如此深爱这个世界。

3 . 我想所谓孤独,就是你面对的那个人,他的情绪和你自己的情绪,不在同一个频率。

4 . The memory of the past 过去的回忆。

5 . 《要是我能做你的夏天》

6 . I never forget your goodness

7 . I am on your side, never leave[我在你身旁,未曾离开]

8 . 如烟的容颜渐渐模糊了视线,以往曾经是那般的甜蜜,而如今却犹如低哑的老旧唱片,演绎不尽的都是悲伤,吟不出那唯美的韵律,奏不出那如烟的思念,传递不了那如梦的祈盼。

9 . 我们相遇是一次缘分,二度春秋,三年相伴,四季如花,毕业了祝你五福临门,六六大顺,即使不能天天相见,但也别总七上八下,九九归一一生好友,十全十美的毕业祝福!

10 . Rest in the Hope 还有希望。




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