
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-17 13:08:49


1 . 好朋友不喜欢的人或事,要尽量不在她面前提起。

2 . 我们是一个团结的民族!我们有一个强大的国家!

3 . 勤洗手,戴口罩,防护隔离不能少。不串门,不聚集,攻克疫情早捷报。

4 . 你跟我说我们以后分开会怎样,我说我会嫁个富二代,然后过着没有感情色彩的生活,再也不相信什么爱情。

5 . 勤洗手来勤洗澡,病毒吓得无处逃。

6 . 今天到处串门,明天肺炎上门。

7 . 不要因为别人夸你一句,就得意好几天。洗澡的正确顺序,洗脸洗身洗头。

8 . 非必要不出城,非必要不入城。

9 . 三十一照顾好自己,管好自己的嘴巴,什么该吃,什么不该吃,一定要记住!还有就是不要再为了些没必要的人和事烦恼折磨自己了!过去的好与坏就此打住,彻底摆脱遗忘!屏蔽掉所有影响自己的负能量!有时候自私才能自保。只有好好照顾好自己,才能真正好好的生活下去!致这几年总是大小毛病不断的自己。

10 . 什么时候你才能发现离开你,我不是真正的快乐,我的`一切都因你的离开,随你飘走,可能只有等你发现,我的生活才会重新有阳光把。


1 . 辛苦你们啦!湖北人民感谢!会越来越好的!

2 . I hope to return to normal as soon as possible After this time, I know that peace and plainness are very happy Cherish the people who are still around you, cherish your family

3 . 我愿意,就这样一辈子都守在你的身边,因为我是如此的爱你。

4 . 我的天我好想哭啊,致敬所有在疫情期间付出努力的人!

5 . 六一场秋雨,一场寒。秋凉了,好朋友,亲人们注意添加衣服,照顾好自己的身体,对自己健康负责,世界上所有的东西都不是你的唯有身体才是自己的,爱自己,爱生活。(阳光)

6 . May the virus be overcome as soon as possible, China refuels! We will win!

7 . This Spring Festival, do not blind string, friendship is not a meal Dont run around this Spring Festival You cant catch pneumonia

8 . Wash hands frequently to get more ventilation, and strive to be a pioneer in epidemic prevention

9 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

10 . 学生尽量别化妆,要化妆的话就要卸妆卸干净。


1 . Pay tribute to the medical staff working in the front line, pay tribute to the staff from all walks of life who have paid for this disaster May the epidemic situation disappear as soon as possible China will be better in Come on, Wuhan

2 . 三天冷加衣怕黑开灯孤独听歌心塞了去跑步矫情了就去吃我们得学会照顾好自己。不以时间长短论感情深浅。如果一个表情一句话就能看出你情绪不对的人,应该是可以交心的。晚安。

3 . 哥就是奥特曼,值得沵拥有

4 . Pay homage to the soldiers fighting in the front line! Youve been working hard! We will be obedient, try not to go out, wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give you trouble Wish you all safe, we wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic subsides! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

5 . 向英雄们致敬!每個中國人用無盡感激之情護送你们平安歸家!

6 . 委屈求全为了谁,何必不快乐,并不是没有了谁就活不下去,生活依旧这样过,不快乐也装快乐,总有人会心疼你。

8 . 不聚集,不串门,病毒疫情不上门。

9 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible

10 . It is hoped that front-line workers and Wuhan people in Wuhan can overcome the virus as soon as possible and restore normal life order Wuhan, hold on! Go China!


1 . We hope that the virus can be eliminated as soon as possible and people can live a normal life

2 . 这个春节莫瞎串,居家隔离最安全。

3 . 新年的钟声已经敲响,万紫千红的春天已经不远了,我相信:在全国人民的共同努力下,我们一定能打赢这场”战疫”。

4 . 总有一天你的名字会出现在我家的户口本上

5 . Hope the world will never be plagued! Also wish my teachers, friends and colleagues to overcome the new coronavirus, as soon as possible safe return, Wuhan refueling!

6 . 时穷节乃现,关键时刻,正是这些“战疫勇士”担当了重任,托起了全国人民战胜病毒的信心与希望。

7 . 三十不管你在不在线,秋凉了注意添加衣服,照顾好自己的身体,对自己健康负责,世界上所有的东西都不是你的唯有身体才是自己的,爱自己,爱生活!把最好的问候送给微信里的你[愉快],虽然不常联系,但并不代表忘记,感谢有你。

8 . 病毒无情人有情,众志成城驱毒魔。

9 . 为众人抱薪者,不可使他冻毙于风雪!为生命开路者,不可使他困顿于荆棘!

10 . 一场疫情,提醒你我:人生最让人无奈的是,突如其来的变故。我们最应该做到的是,珍惜生命,珍惜人生!伴的时候,能不吵,就不吵,陪的时候,让一步,是一步!




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