
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 03:45:36


1 . Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight

2 . A friend is a second self

3 . 爱情如毒,蛊惑人心,即使痛苦,却每个人都向往,只要你一旦上瘾,就无法再戒掉,甚至致命也会带着一丝微笑。爱情如糖,甜甜蜜蜜,两人共享,熬的时间不能太短又不能太过,短了火候不到,太长就会是过了头的苦。爱情如茧,一根植在宿命里的丝,剪不断,抽不完,岁月残败了年华,思念替代了誓言。

4 . 【解释】:春雨贵如油。形容春雨可贵。

5 . 生活可无友,邻居不能无。

6 . Your greatness is measured by your horizons

7 . 【出处】:宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷一:“春雨一滴滑如油。”:“春雨贵如油,下得满街流,滑倒解学士,笑坏一群牛。”

8 . We are good friend forever

9 . 滑倒解学士,笑坏一群牛。

10 . 预期美好前景的的过程比起已经得到丰硕成果的时光还要来得快乐。 —奥立佛&#;高德史密斯


1 . 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

2 . Even if you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts

3 . 益友难得。

4 . 英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读写作能力;普通话标准。

5 . If you study Chinese its very easy, but if you dont its very hard对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难。

6 . 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。

7 . 患难见真友。

8 . 宋代:贺铸

9 . 听元宵,往岁喧哗,歌也千家,舞也千家。听元宵,今岁嗟呀,愁也千家,怨也千家。那里有闹红尘香车宝马?祗不过送黄昏古木寒鸦。诗也消乏,酒也消乏,冷落了春风,憔悴了梅花。

10 . It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you -P Brooks


1 . How many books can I check out at one time? 我一次能借出多少书?

2 . 顺利完成专业课程学习,熟练掌握专业理论知识和实验技能,具有很强的动手能力,善于学习新知识和适应新环境。

3 . Everything is good when new, but friend when old

4 . Energetic, fashion-minded person

5 . When you long for something sincerely, the whole world will help you

6 . 爸爸,总有一天,我会成为你的骄傲!

7 . 没有痛苦和牺牲,就没有收获。

8 . 一直固执的以为面对什么事情我都能够坦然的微笑,可是,终于在你转身决定离去的一刹那,我泪如泉涌,不可抑制。这是,过往的幸福嘲笑着心中的疼痛,原来,世界上最痛的痛是离开。

9 . 有很强的领悟力和理解力,思维开阔敏捷,能够很快适应不同环境。

10 . 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。


1 . A friend is never known till a man has need

2 . having a wide range of hobbies, including oral english, music, movies and literature

3 . 形象良好,性格温和稳重,亲和力强,善于与人相处。

4 . strong perception with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet

5 . A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us

6 . Without a friend the world is a wilderness

7 . 你的成就是由你的眼界来衡量的。 —米开朗基罗

8 . 选书如择友。

9 . 朋友之间不分彼此。

10 . 我俩友谊永不变。


1 . 虽然我和你各奔东西,但是我和你的友情不会就此消失。

2 . 新正元旦之后,人们忙着拜节贺年,虽然新衣美食,娱乐游赏的活动却比较少;元宵节则将这种沉闷的气氛打破,把新正的欢庆活动推向了高潮。绚丽多彩的元宵灯火将大地点缀得五彩缤纷,甚至一直绵延不绝地与昊昊天穹连成一片,远处的(灯光)恍若点点繁星坠地,靠楼的(灯光)似明月高悬。为这节日增光添彩的,当然还少不了美丽姑娘的欢声笑语。宋代以后,元宵节的热闹繁华更是盛况空前,人们不但在节日之夜观灯赏月,而且尽情歌舞游戏。更为浪漫的是,青年男女往往在这个欢乐祥和的日子里较为自由地相互表达爱慕之意。

3 . Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain。

4 . conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection

5 . A person with ability plus flexibility should apply

6 . Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

7 . A friend in need is a friend indeed

8 . 世上所有的事情都可以模糊,只有感情必须要清清楚楚,否则就是犯贱。

9 . 如果有人问我为什么爱他,我觉得我只能如此回答“ 因为是他,因为是我。”

10 . 愿意在压力下工作, 并具领导素质。


1 . 笑一笑,让每个人都知道今天的你比昨天坚强得多。

2 . Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one&#;s level of aspiration and expectation 成就主要是逐步提升抱负及期望的结果。 —杰克·尼克劳斯

3 . You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them。

4 . Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills

5 . Every coin has two sides任何事物都是有二面性的。

6 . Smile, let everyone know that today you&#;re much stronger than you were yesterday :

7 . Able to work under high pressure and time limitation能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。

8 . I&#;ve had a great life because I&#;ve got you ae a real friend

9 . 生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。

10 . 当你真心渴望某样东西时,整个宇宙都会来帮忙。




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