
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-08-31 08:02:07


1 . 提前祝岁数大心态小的朋友儿童节快乐!

2 . 要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。拉封丹

3 . Childrens day is coming, to bring together, consumedly square square music up

4 . 今天是六一儿童节了,祝你童心永在,童趣多多,童颜不老,虽然我们不是童年,童月,童日生!但我们一定要童年,童月,童日,童快乐!

5 . 它是什么颜色?---是黑白相间。

6 . Howareyou?I’mfine/I’mOk,thanks!

7 . 祝愿你快乐像儿童一样多,幸福像眨眼来的`那么快。

8 . Expenditure of red wine, for this is not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy children&#;s day!

9 . 我爸爸不看电视。Myfatherdoesn’twatchTV

10 . 儿童节日今日到,短信特意来通告;谨记以下这几条,而且一定要做到;放情的哭闹,任性的撒尿,大声的乱叫;做完过后请到疯人院去报道!


1 . You would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence, happy harvest

2 . 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。王羲之《兰亭集序》

3 . May you add children&#;s fun to life and happiness everyday

4 . June childrens day, wish your face hung childlike smile, life is as easy as childhood, everything as simple as childhood, met countless childlike innocence Wish you children, every day a good mood every day

5 . 臣闻求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源;思国之安者,必积其德义。魏征《谏太宗十思疏》

6 . 愿你六一心情妙,开开心心每一秒!

7 . Let&#;s play the blessing of the conch, always like a child without worries!

8 . Happy children&#;s day

9 . 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。龚自珍

10 . 他的钥匙(复数在哪里?---在椅子上。


1 . 送你一条性感开裆裤,可以穿着到处散步;送你一张时尚尿不湿,没事可以擦擦鼻涕;送你一条快乐小短信,可以伴你六一好心情。儿童节快乐!

2 . 将有作,则思知止以安人;念高危,则思谦冲而自牧;惧满溢,则思江海下百川。魏征《谏太宗十思疏》

3 . 儿童节,多微笑,提防情绪感冒。听小鸟叫,看阳光照,背起快乐书包,重温童年味道,心情活蹦乱跳,烦恼全部忘掉。祝你六一更逍遥!

4 . Children&#;s day At last year&#;s today, I send you a wish, this gave you a pair of couplets Top allied: the less over the children&#;s day Allied: send blessing longer hin Guangpi: happy holidays

5 . Let the childlike innocence waking, let happiness together; False let tong zhen regression and collapse Let tong qu playback and annoyance June childrens day, and is willing to dance the peacock, to be the same beautiful, good luck to household, happy life!

6 . 祝你一路顺风,虽然你不出远门;祝你事业顺利,虽然你还没工作;祝你婚姻幸福,虽然你还没结婚。总之祝你儿童节快乐,虽然你已经长大了

7 . 放下你的成熟,收起你的稳重,脱掉你的圆滑,穿上你童真,释放你的压力,冲出你的焦虑,绽放你的活力!儿童节,给自己心情放个假吧!

8 . Children, children&#;s day, smile, put the hollow, childlike innocence, not bound, childlike innocence in, to be happy, annoyance, sadness, the tong qu, tied around, your happiness, tied around I wish a happy children&#;s day!

9 . 祝六一儿童节快乐无忧乐逍遥幸福甜蜜无限延。

10 . Today is June childrens day, wish you a lot of tong qu, childlike innocence forever in the dance the peacock not old, childhood, although we are not childrens month, TongRi! But we have to childhood, childrens month, TongRi, happy boy!


1 . Children&#;s Day is coming soon, no matter how old, happiness is most important

2 . 儿童节,你最乖,年纪虽小手机会开;你最牛,穿个开裆满街奔走;你最酷,含个奶瓶秒杀无数;你最强,贴个不湿依旧尿床;你最棒,看着短信笑出声响!

3 . 六一儿童节愿你回到童年的岁月,追忆难忘的童年欢乐。

4 . 六一,朋友,祝你永远有颗快乐的童心。

5 . May you have the happy like children, permanent happiness

6 . Childrens day arrived, wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet the smile, child-like skin, the carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future!

7 . Some people say that youth is a warm and romantic waltz, some people say that youth is so daring sonata, some people say that childhood is the feast of naivety lake, I said that everybody has a merry child, wish you a happy children&#;s day!

8 . 在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天,也让我们每一个成年人回到童年,用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐!

9 . Unit你有篮球吗?是的。/不是。

10 . the biggest desire is to you: the first childrens day, another youth day, then guoqinjie, another mothers day, another fathers day, another chung yeung festival




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