be good 的短语及用法总结(begood所有短语及用法巧记)

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be good 的短语及用法总结(begood所有短语及用法巧记)

be good 的短语及用法总结【一】

1 . Sheistoogoodforyou!

2 . 无论怎么样你也无法使她相信你是真心实意的Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge

3 . Goodgirl/Goodboy

4 . 翻译推荐:

5 . Itsallgood

6 . 好狗狗。(有些把狗狗当宝贝的老外也会对狗狗说Goodgirl或Goodboy)

7 . 不过无论这个故事是好是坏,讲故事的人扮演的是传授者译者以及传达者。The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

8 . 这一下限通常也起到了量刑标准的作用。In PASCAL or PL / ,the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension

9 . Itsnotgoodenough

10 . 托马斯·爱迪生认为无论事情看起来有多难,他都能找到问题的答案。The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal, both among men and women

be good 的短语及用法总结【二】

1 . 到小D查看再三的英文翻译>>

2 . 实现国家统一是民族的愿望That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment

3 . 他们考虑再三之后,决定分开。over是什么意思:

4 . rate lower; lower in value or esteem

5 . (后接形容词或副词)多少,多么,多大

6 . 有关;相较Associated personnel

7 . 她长得很好看。

8 . (表示惊奇高兴等)

9 . 到目前为止,一切顺利。

10 . 到她的博客冲浪饮食睡眠来看看她现在身在何处。Its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows

be good 的短语及用法总结【三】

1 . 他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽,缀着三色帽徽。Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm

2 . (有关法律的,(有关合法性的Relative to; related to

3 . 但无论人们怎样试图去概括,都存在更多微妙的差别和习俗。But whatever its quality, the story-teller is the passer-on, the interpreter, the transmitter

4 . floor level; lower limit

5 . Theyhadagoodwordforyou

6 . What are the odds?

7 . 无论城市或会议室里的人多么愚昧无知,海浪依然歌唱,唱着赞美诗。matter是什么意思:

8 . Hesverygoodwithpeople

9 . 被告对被控罪名再三否认。Time after time we have warned him

10 . 她的身材总是保持得很好。

be good 的短语及用法总结【四】

1 . v 放置;投资;任命;名列前茅

2 . 叮嘱再三More than once; not just once

3 . 好孩子。

4 . 物物齐备,井井有条。The soupspoon is placed on the right - hand side of the place setting

5 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

6 . adj 下游的;下方的;在底部的;下级的,下等的

7 . 取得成功的本领不过是无论干什么都把它干好,而没有想到要出名。Thomas Edison thought that no matter how difficult something seemed, he could find the answer

8 . adj 什么样的;多么的

9 . 与牙龈牙床有关的Of or relating to the pituitary gland

10 . 你应该好好利用时间。

be good 的短语及用法总结【五】

1 . 他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。He has beautifully voiced this longing in one of his poems

2 . 方式,方法

3 . 你知道她的下落吗?If the citizen&#;s whereabouts have been unknown for four years

4 . v 涉及,参与,关系到;使关心,使担忧

5 . 他是个好脾气的人。

6 . 谋划要再三,行动要果断。To repeat an order again and again

7 . 关於那孩子的下落的消息It is with increasing speed that bodies fall

8 . 有关圣事的法规Of or relating to the gums

9 . 如四川以黑白版画见长I &#;d suggest the chef &#;s delight: sour soup Sichuan style

10 . 他们把枕头系在头上以防下落的岩石。Everything was done to discover some trace of him, but in vain




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