
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 15:32:10


1 . My cell phone is dead I can&#;t wait for my sister&#;s text message Is my sister as sorry as I am? But I wish my sister could feel me, too Good night to you, good luck! See you tomorrow

2 . Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest 别气馁,因为万事总是开头最难。

3 . Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you‘ll succeed ______ ______ ______

4 . Love is one thing, love is another matter情是另外一件事,爱情是太奢华的事。

5 . If you hate me, I don’t really care I don’t live to please you! 如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你。

6 . 提问:Whohasthreepens?

7 . Love is the only gold

8 . Whatdoestheboyinbluehave?

9 . It s an amazing feeling to realize how one person who was once just a stranger suddenly meant the world to you很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了你的整个世界。

10 . 祝节日幸福如意。


1 . What we really want is not material, but spiritual abundance If you want to be happy, you want your soul to be enriched, and good night to you!

2 . The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! ~Coco Chanel 最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。

3 . The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano ______much ______he has kept ______ for three years

4 . The woman in friendship to refuse love, friendship for men with love女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。

5 . His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden! 他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;可是仅仅在这座花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花!

6 . An eye finds more truth than two ears 百闻不如一见。

7 . 去年因为那场大雨,这里发了洪水。

8 . bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish

9 . May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。

10 . Love is not a matter of counting the days It s making the days count爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。


1 . 很显然,学生多了更多的回答角度,也体现了考试的灵活性。再如:

2 . We always have a good time chatting on the Internet

3 . , be angry easily long wrinkle, happy will become young, stay up late certainly can hurt body, proper sleep all light! Remind the naughty and lovely you: don&#;t burn the moon late at night! Something bad happens! Wish: sleep sweet! Good dream circle! The classic good night heart

4 . Its joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。

5 . She decides to take more exercise to keep slim

6 . 愿您在新的一年充满快乐。

7 . Wheredoesheusuallygowithhisfriendsat:onSunday?

8 . Who, being loved, is poor?From majestic mountains and valleys of GRE en to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。

9 . Don t wait for me, you know my sad Don t wait for me to disappear, you will know that I exist不要等我流泪,你才明白我的悲伤。不要等我消失,你才知道我的存在。

10 . 我希望这些明星会邀请我吃午饭。


1 . new year time is here i hope you have a wonderful new year may every day hold happy hours for you

2 . , life is not easy, all by acting Play your role as your own, and play your own memory The classic good night heart

3 . , life can be complicated, or it can be simple, just to see how we have a state of mind, simple and true, plain and indifferent To face complexity, to be happy Believe in your own strength, but don&#;t turn back the tears Believe in the sincerity between people, but do not accuse the hypocrisy; Believe that your efforts will succeed, but don&#;t avoid failure Believe in the fairness of destiny, but don&#;t forget to learn to leave a window for yourself when a door closes

4 . Protecting environment is ______ ______ ______ developing economy

5 . Love is the moment of injury, do not want to let him see his weak side, in front of him to quietly wiped tears, turned his head is still a strong look happy喜欢是在受伤的时候,不想让他看到自己脆弱的一面,在他面前把眼泪悄悄抹掉,转过头依然是一副快乐坚强的模样。

6 . Happy Valenti ne’s Day, Dear亲爱的,情人节快乐。

7 . Keep love in your heart A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring

8 . 我们总是在网上聊得很高兴。

9 . I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love我愿抱着你到天荒地老,让你感觉我满满的爱。

10 . Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean divide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it (Byron长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。


1 . i only want you for new year!

2 . _______________________________________________________________________

3 . Trust is a knife When you give it to someone else, he has two options, to poke you or to protect you To see why a person should expose; Why do you want to turn your face when you hate someone? To live is to be unaccustomed to people, as others despise us If nothing happens, it is the best revenge Why to prove to the unworthy, life is better, is for oneself

4 . Sometimes, I just want to cry, because my heart is suffocating Sometimes, just want to go crazy, because the mood is low Every good thing has a lost day A deep memory, also a day of forgetting A good man has a long way to go A dream of beauty, a waking day It is time to give up and never let go It is hard to write well, but hard to understand

5 . Focus on your long-term goal Good things will soon happen 专注于你的长期目标,美妙的事情很快会来到。

6 . 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

7 . May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。情人节快乐!

8 . A true friend is the one who is proud of you when you succeed and doesn’t leave you when you fail真正的朋友,在你成功时,会引以为豪;在你失败时,会不离不弃。

9 . best wishes for a wonderful new year

10 . The quiet night, the splendid sky! You go to the balcony to look at the sky, there are two meteors in front of you, one is called night, one is called Ann It fell into your hands Did you catch it? Sweet dream!


1 . 世上所有的事情都可以模糊,只有感情必须要清清楚楚,否则就是犯贱。

2 . The blessing is a bouquet of pure and pure flowers, floating a faint fragrance of flowers, to sweep away all your sad troubles, bring you a happy and refreshing day wish you are happy people

3 . My love for you is like diarrhea, I just cant hold it我对你的爱就像是泻肚子一样让我把持不住

4 . Next life I if in a woman, must marry a man like me下辈子我如果投胎做个一个女人,一定嫁给一个我这样的男人。

5 . 你的心上人献给你一个温柔的新年之吻。

6 . Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction生活告诉我们,爱情并不在于互相凝望对方,而在于双方朝着同一个方向眺望。

7 . 财源广进: may a river of gold flow into your pocket

8 . Love is like two people holding the rubber band, injured is always reluctant to let go of that one爱情就像两个拉着橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿意放手的那一个。

9 . I&#;m just a sunflower, waiting for belongs to my only sunshine 我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光

10 . You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms I can’t let you go Happy Valentine’s Day你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。


1 . Just because it is too young, all the sadness and happiness seem so deep, and the slightest touch will make the world go away

2 . wish all the best wishes for you

3 . There is a chance of blessing, which I did not cherish in front of me, so I regret it If you give me another chance, I will say to you: good night! I hope it is ten thousand years to give this blessing and time

4 . hope you enjoy the happiness of new year and all the trimmings

5 . 祝老师新年充满平安和爱。

6 . may the new year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you best wishes

7 . 鹏程万里: have a bright future

8 . I just spoke to the moon over the phone, and asked it to sprinkle the light to sleep with you Send an email to the stars to adorn the night sky with your sweet dreams They say yes, good night, sweet dreams!

9 . Love is take one s ease, and take one s ease of love is the most real爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。

10 . May you two share every day of life together till forever 愿你们一起分享生命中的每一天,直到永远。




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