
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 15:30:54


1 . Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions

2 . 幽默胜过直白,话少胜过多言;坦率胜过伪装,自然胜过狡辩;心静何来多梦,苦索不如随缘。

3 . Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but ouressence lies in our minds and souls Candles are unique in theircolors, shapes and designs Our life histories and experiences arethe backdrops of who we are, but our minds are like candle wicks,and make our passions flame Unlike the candles in my drawer, whoget used or not used depending on my whims, we control our ownthoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine

4 . Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone&#;s hand It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone&#;s love when youneed love

5 . Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives

6 . "Life is a great treasure, and I know to select the most precious jewels from the treasure inside "

7 . 伟大的精力只是为了伟大的目的而产生的。——斯大林

8 . :it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

9 . Winners do what losers don&#;t want to do

10 . 小时侯,幸福是很简单的事;长大了,简单是很幸福的事!


1 . 朋友,让我们守住生命中最美好的时光,别让它成为褪色的记忆。

2 . Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I&#;ve send you朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3 . :不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened

4 . Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve

5 . "Giving happiness benefits not physically, nor wealth, but integrity and caution - Democritus to Split "

6 . Boys, be ambitious

7 . Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

8 . Great effort is for the purpose of generating the greatest - Stalin

9 . :无知的人本想做点好事,结果却害人不轻;小喜鹊拔出妈妈的羽毛,还以为报答了养育之恩

10 . 目标取决于您的愿望。


1 . 有财富的人追求优裕的生活,有智慧的人追求优质的生活。

2 . If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish somethingbecause you never finish anything you start, then go and finishsomething and change your self- perception

3 . 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳

4 . Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word

5 . 如果你自认为你不能完成某件事情常常是因为半途而废,那么就去做完它,将这种自我认知彻底改变。

6 . Energy and persistence conquer all things

7 . 翻译:未来尽在掌控

8 . 我每个人都是农夫。我种下好种子,就会有丰收。倘若种子长得不良且长满杂草,我就会徒劳无获。如果我什么也不种,就根本不会有什么收获。

9 . There is a limit to one&#;s youth, but no limit to his wisdom Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short span of youth

10 . 读不尽者书,造诣不尽者人品。


1 . 十五 I miss you so much already and I haven&#;t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

2 . 十七 With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

3 . "Life is like a bus, and some people are very calm, you can enjoy the scenery outside the window; Some people are very embarrassed, the total is being pushed and crowded "

4 . "Life between heaven and earth, if Baiju gap, suddenly it - Zhuang "

5 . "Living the truth of strong drink this cup, without repeatedly refining Oh, would not this way delicious! - Guo Xiaochuan "

6 . 做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。

7 . 做你说过的,说你能做的

8 . 人依靠物质就能生存,但只有拥有理想时,才叫生活。

9 . The past is gone and static Nothing we can do will change itThe future is before us and dynamic Everything we do will effectit

10 . 作家当然必须挣钱才能生活,写作,但是他决不应该为了挣钱而生活,写作。——马克思


1 . 停止奋斗,就等于放弃生活。

2 . Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longingWishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

3 . 翻译:思想与行动

4 . When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by It is the truth that we&#;ve all grown upAnd we become different

5 . 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。

6 . 爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。

7 . 人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不只在于生存。——亚里士多德

8 . 让我向你祝福,那甜美的歌声,那愉快的笑声,永远永远属于你。

9 . 你在公交车上看到骑自行车的人在寒风中拼命蹬车不由庆幸,骑自行车的人看到在公交车上挤成沙丁罐头的你不由窃喜,原来短处都是从别人身上发现的。

10 . A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams (J Barrymore


1 . "A spiritual life is very full of people, it must be a very ideal man must be a very honorable man, must be a master of substance and not only do people slaves substances - Tao Zhu "

2 . 人生只有经历酸甜苦辣,才懂得人间的味道,因此也必须学会珍惜人生和珍惜感情。——方海权

3 . :because of loving you so much that i stood aside although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t today i have made up my mind to say “i love you”正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天 终于鼓起勇气,向你表达 的爱。

4 . :shadow, with her veil drawn, follows light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在“光”后边。

5 . I will cherish all tne memories of us together!

6 . We are all in the position of the farmer If we plant a goodseed, we reap a good harvest If our seed is poor and full ofweeds, we reap a useless crop If we plant nothing at all, weharvest nothing at all

7 . :the more you care, the more you have to lose在意的越多,失去的就越多。

8 . 在回忆里继续梦幻,不如在地狱里等待天堂。

9 . Love never dies 爱情永不死。

10 . "手莫伸,伸手必被捉。党与人民在监督,万目睽睽难逃脱。汝言惧捉手不伸,他道不伸能自觉,其实想伸不敢伸,人民咫尺手自缩。——陈毅"




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