
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-12 17:08:10


1 . 你浸淫于程序的迷城,坚持心中的梦想。关心你的朋友,只能在城外锣鼓喧天摇旗呐喊,其实你只需要静谧的私人空间。世人需要娱乐,你开发出游戏。世人需要朋友,你做出交友网站。世人需要聊天,你编写出两只企鹅。你就是网络上最可爱的人,向你致敬!程序员节快乐!

2 . 你头脑的聪明,破译快乐的密码轻轻松松;你手指的灵动,编辑幸福的程序从从容容;你心思的细腻,输入如意的语言冷冷静静,网络你最精通,你伟大的工程,有着其他工作不一样的光荣,程序员节,祝愿程序员朋友,节日快乐,心想事成!

3 . 邦修电脑,捷约不少。

4 . ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card

5 . ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test

6 . 分块查找 block search

7 . 快捷上门,精彩到家。

8 . Database programming and network knowledge

9 . 用灵感触摸字符,用智慧点亮生活;用电脑敲击人生,用鼠标标出幸福;用程序抒写奇迹,用逻辑编撰未来;用冷静判别是非,用客观展现因果;用命令开启精彩,用效率实现价值。程序员节,愿你不断超越自我,不断缔造辉煌!

10 . On the one hand, computer makes human beings’ life become easier People can do many things that they can’t do before They can read newspa-pe-r without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer But without computer, they can’t do all these easily In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work People can have classes and work on it


1 . e迷阳光e阳科技益阳科技易扬科技阳光科技昭阳电脑公司朝扬电脑公

2 . Furthermore, because most answers seem to be only a few clicks away, students are likely to refrain from thinking imaginatively and working out solutions on their own Computers follow instructions and help students get ready answers So powerful is the Internet that except for a few things which are not meant to be known, for all the rest there are search engines like Google The result could be too much information and too little imagination Nevertheless, whileinformation has limit, imagination can go beyond the borders of computer screens In view of this, students had better understand that a computer is capable of doing a job of perhaps persons, but even computers can hardly match the imagination of a human mind

3 . 具/C系统设计经验。

4 . 拓扑排序 topological sort

5 . 你用智慧敲打创意的键盘,你用激情编辑巧妙的方案,你用坚持创造神奇的页面,你用勇气开发网络的资源,你就是多才可爱的程序员。哈哈,程序员节到了,祝程序员朋友天天快乐!幸福生活!

6 . 司启阳电脑(科技帆科技名扬科技铭阳科技弘扬科技宏阳科技宏阳科技

7 . 兄弟 brother

8 . What is A Computer?

9 . 花钱买服务,邦捷精专速。

10 . 无序数 unordered tree


1 . 文博电脑华鑫电脑人和电脑鹏程电脑

2 . 铭阳科技弘扬科技宏阳科技

3 . array 数组,阵列

4 . 我们从没有忘记真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。

5 . 以列为主的顺序分配 column major order

6 . 线索二叉树 threaded binary tree

7 . 顺祥科技公司永阳科技公司普阳科技公司金太阳电子公司

8 . 你不会飞檐走壁,却能畅行于网络。你不会草船借箭,却能杀敌于无形。你没有忘情水,却可以刷新烦恼。你写不出欢乐颂,却可以升级快乐。你不是万能的,网络离了你却是万万不行的。我们的程序员,祝您程序员节快乐!

9 . 结点 node

10 . 深度 depth


1 . 广义表 generalized list

2 . 文件 file

3 . 平衡归并排序 balance merging sort

4 . The first IBM PC was like the first car ever made,and all computers produced since its introduction look and behave similarly(but without the crank to start them up

5 . 如果说爱情你生活的主旋律,那么我宁愿我不要爱情了

6 . 具坚实的电脑知识和经验。

7 . ·Case:机箱

8 . 请用真情研制一个爱心程序,让世界温暖长存;请用智慧设计一个和平程序,让人间充满安宁;请用勤劳开发一个医学程序,让人们无病缠身;程序员日,愿所有程序员们工作顺心,快乐开心!

9 . ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory

10 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort




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